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Miley Dances Like Crazy

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Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2008
Miley Cyrus. Is there anything she can't do?


Cod 6 online profile (lizymans)
Jul 22, 2008
I never really liked Miley, but I did like her show.
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Hakuna Matata
Apr 17, 2004
Yeah pretty much, there's hardly any decent stars/actresses left nowadays.
It's such a shame

Nowadays? The whole point of being an entertainer is to entertain. Part of that, unfortunately, means being attractive and creating a starlet persona. The pressure to be attractive is felt universally, but its undeniably greater for women. Especially in teenagers, being attractive becomes part of your personality. This is evident even on KHI. With girls like Reflection, and even myself, so much attention has been place on our looks that it becomes part of our identity. It becomes an obsession. And prettier girls tend to be the most jealous/vicious towards other girls because they feel like it's a compromise on their own identity. The low self-esteem comes from the fear of losing that identity. It is not limited to American culture. It is not limited to this era.

And now add millions of people judging how you look. Add headlines and tv shows and articles that comment on and criticize your appearance. Add phrases like "what's so great about her she's not even attractive" (see Lady Gaga thread). What you end up with are celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears. I think it's devastating.

Some quotes from a blog post that I think are relevant (taken from here):

The Brand is, inevitably, unsustainable. And [Megan Fox] knows this too. The It Girl has a short shelf life, necessitating constant (and probably exhausting) reinvention. There is an endless supply of pretty young twenty year old girls with just enough looks and talent to skate into stardom for a little while. They make a splash, and then marry (and divorce) well or sink into obscurity or take jobs on the CW, or very occasionally, make a graceful transition into more mature roles.

I don’t envy these girls, these pretty young things whose identity is so tightly wound up with their hair color and accessories and choice of boyfriend. It must be horrible. And ultimately, I always find myself asking “What’s the point?” To my eyes, it doesn’t seem to be about anything other than the ceaseless pursuit of fame, a pursuit which must give somebody the occasional drunken high but which ultimately must end with the worst kind of hangover. Is it any wonder Lindsay Lohan self-immolated? It’s amazing to me that more of them don’t. It is a particularly ugly business for beautiful girls.


Aug 13, 2008
Atsugi Kanagawa
Nowadays? The whole point of being an entertainer is to entertain. Part of that, unfortunately, means being attractive and creating a starlet persona. The pressure to be attractive is felt universally, but its undeniably greater for women. Especially in teenagers, being attractive becomes part of your personality. This is evident even on KHI. With girls like Reflection, and even myself, so much attention has been place on our looks that it becomes part of our identity. It becomes an obsession. And prettier girls tend to be the most jealous/vicious towards other girls because they feel like it's a compromise on their own identity. The low self-esteem comes from the fear of losing that identity. It is not limited to American culture. It is not limited to this era.p

I never used a term to identify her stardom nor did i generalize her with the rest of the world for good reason. I've had the opportunity of living overseas for the majority of my life, and although self esteem may play a factor in the identity of a girls beauty it says differently with the way they may express their beauty. Beauty alone is enough for people to admire, but exploiting above and beyond is far from trying to be prettier. Leaked photos of yourself in underwear on the net is not an expression of beauty but more so a sexual nature, and then does it become less about being beautiful and more about being sexy (believe it or not there is a difference). Women used to exploit themselves as a means of living, or being used in trafficking which happens in most of the poorer countries overseas, if not they are secretly transported here in the states where they may attend a new life. This is not to say that many girls are this way, but for the majority of my time here in America, the women act completely independent which is okay, the sexual exploitation is very open which is arousing, but not a good thing. Gaining an identity for being beautiful may come to drastic measures, which i understand but if it becomes a type of contest, or a way to appease men, you only lessen the identity of your sex.

And now add millions of people judging how you look. Add headlines and tv shows and articles that comment on and criticize your appearance. Add phrases like "what's so great about her she's not even attractive" (see Lady Gaga thread). What you end up with are celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears. I think it's devastating.

It is devastating, but it's also the price of becoming a star, people will nag, nitpick, or do anything to bring you down, but it doesn't always have to be that way. If you admire the gift of your talent and your fans you should always do fine. The only reason the other women as stated have become a cesspool for paparazzi is because of their upcoming glam, or their eccentric identity or the fact that they've been so broken down that they'd go through some crash moments and put themselves in a position that brightens the spotlight above their heads. Miley Cyrus doesn't have to go through the crap people put her through because she's just going with what she has to give, but she also has to learn to keep a low profile on things that would put her in a spot light such as her photos on the internet of her posing in sexual positions. Not every female star becomes a person to nag on for good reason, and people will always judge regardless.

Also, i understand the tension between two girls who are pretty, the same thing happens to men except we allude ourselves of jealousy if we can exceed in committing smooth acts that may a woo a woman in our favor. Knowing how to converse and keep a steady pace with a woman is extremely important for us. By the way i only joke when i say stuff about having nice titties although they are nice, but mainly yes i'll tell a woman they are beautiful, and you, and reflection and so many other KHI women are really beautiful, and if you have to gain an identity for being beautiful on a KH site constantly then it could really be a problem. You shouldn't be worried about what we have to say Steph, since you brought your name in the mix. You have a boyfriend who seems like a good guy, and i think all that matters is what he thinks of you and how you feel about yourself.


Hakuna Matata
Apr 17, 2004
yes i'll tell a woman they are beautiful, and you, and reflection and so many other KHI women are really beautiful, and if you have to gain an identity for being beautiful on a KH site constantly then it could really be a problem. You shouldn't be worried about what we have to say Steph, since you brought your name in the mix. You have a boyfriend who seems like a good guy, and i think all that matters is what he thinks of you and how you feel about yourself.

I think your post was well thought out and I agree with a lot of what you said, but I'm just going to reply to this. I didn't necessarily mean we compete for attention on khi- I was saying that you can see through their personalities how integrated the "identity" is.

And yes, when I mentioned my name I was referring to myself mostly 2-3 years ago. I mean, sure, I still like attention (but who doesn't? :p) but I have become more self-aware and matured as a person and as a woman. :]~
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