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Fanfiction ► mommy!

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New member
Apr 23, 2005
i just come with this weird idea and wrote it down to be funny or cute.

chapter 1:mommy

This is not a good day for larxene.Why you may ask?she was order to find this
child with strange powers in the sheert of Twilight town.but it was fine that she is with lunxa,the powerful healer of the 13 Order and the second female
and nicest nobody in the group.

"so larxene,do think the child is here"?asked lunxa.

"well how the hell should know,the superior just order us to find this with this
picture of this girl".holding in her hand show a three year-old with little blond hair,short white dress with butterflies on them.

"you know it's sad that her own parents left her here because they fear of
powers".replied saddened lunxa.

"well too bad for them cus' that girl is really powerful with memories".she faked
tear and then halted to see a shadow run though the ally.

"what was that"?lunxa asked as she summon her arrow.

"don't know but it might her let's go".

they walk quietly to the ally with their weapons ready as they enter the ally,
the two women hear a small sqeak from the box then revealed the little girl
with a brown teddy bear and a red ribbon around it's neck step out from the


"well looks like we found her".larxene spoked up then walk over to the chibi but as she get close the little girl jump in larxene arms and screamed.

"Mommy!"cried joy from the chibi.
well i deceied to rewrite it to make better.
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All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
It's actually a good concept. Just work on your writing. I give it a 7/9 It would be at least 8 but it's kinda hard to read. But I'd read the next chapter. I wanna see how Axel reacts to that. You know Axel and Larxene were... you know!!;) :D
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New member
Apr 23, 2005
but i think i put larxene with someone eles if that's okay with you.
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New member
Apr 23, 2005
thanks for posting guys!here it is!

chapter 2:taking away

in the middle of night,larxene is sleeping in her bed also with namine but the three year-old can't sleep because she keep thinking about the door she saw walking with her mommy in the seveth floor.


namine look around the halls of the seveth floor with delights and larxene just stare at her then namine spotted a big metal door on the left side of the hall and she run over there to
see what's inside but larxene stop her.

larxene:don't go in there namine!

namine:but why mommy?i like to see what's inside.

larxene:sorry dear but he won't be happy to meet you enter his room.


larxene:vexen,a low level scincetist and you might stay away from him dear.


larxene:he's hates everyone and i don't like him at all.

she grab namine's hand and walk away.

(flashback end)

namine:but i want to see it inside.

she quietly slip out from larxene's bed then open the door and walkout.she walk down to
seveth floor and found the metal door but to find it open.

namine:now's my chance to see it.

she walk inside quietly down through the long stairs then make it down and hear two voices from that door which is open and namine tip toe to the door and she saw a lab with
stuffs like a scincetist would have.then she hear the voices again and hide behind the table
and take a peek.

she saw two men wearing the same black clothes like her mommy had.the man with the red spikey hair and the other with dirty blond hair and there were talking .

vexen:so the little girl is here?

axel:yup and the kid is sure fool by larxene.

vexen:well it doesn't matter now scince "he" want her to be safe from marluxia.

namine was curious of what they are talking and then axel look up with a smile on his face
then walk over to find namine hidding then she look up at axel and he say his favorite word.


she fell down on back then get up and ran to the door but vexen was standing there with
the door close and namine was very scare and started to cry as axel walk up behind her and pick her by the arms.

axel:come on kid don't cry.

namine:i want my mommy!!

vexen:come on we got her and let's get of here before they found out her missing!

axel:kay man.

as they teleport with namine to somewhere she cried out.


meanwhile back at the house where larxene found her,a boy at the age of 7 with blond hair,blue eyes,wearing red pants,orange shirt,black shoes and an silver necklace with little stars around it walk inside the house with a pizza box and sodas then he set it down on
the floor and call out.

boy:sis,i got pizza and sodas for dinner!come out now.

but boy didn't hear his sister come and go to her room to find her not there.


he got really scare and run around the house to search for her but didn't her then he scearm out for her name.


she ain't here son.

the boy saw the man dress in rip off clothes and very dirty.

boy:what happen to her roy!

roy:she was taking away by some woman dress in black and the little kid call her mommy.

boy:why you didn't stop her!

roy:kid,the woman is from the 13 order and they are really strong.

boy:i don't care!i want my sister back and i'm going to their base at those hills.

roy:well be careful ken!

ken:i will!

how you guys think?if you don't like then don't bother posting,kay.


New member
Apr 23, 2005
sorry ya for take so long here's the story!

chapter 3:she's gone!

It was 6:30 in the morning inside the castle where the others sleeply in peace when there
was a huge shreik of scream came from inside larxene's room.

larxene:AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!where is she!!

larxene scearh all over her room to find namine but no trace of her.then her door flew open to show marluxia,zexion and leauxes came running in to find out what's going on.

marluxia:larxene what the hell going on!

larxene:i can't her!she's gone!

zexion:who's gone?

zexion and leauxes didn't know about namine came yesterday so marluxia had to explained
everything about the child and the plan for her.

larxene:but where is she?

zexion:she could be anywhere in the castle.

leauxes:hey larxene is there anything the kid like to go somewhere to see?

larxene think for a moment then remember namine want go inside vexen's lab.

larxene:eek:h my god!she must to went inside vexen's lab!

marluxia:shit!leauxes go there to find her!

he teleport to the lab for 2 minutes then reappeared with no namine.

leauxes:sorry but she not there even vexen is gone!


zexion:come to think about it axel didn't come here with us.he should hear the scream too.

larxene stood there for a moment with a shocked look on her face.

larxene:did they take her away but where!?!

the others figure it out.

men:to headquarters.


axel and vexen along with namine make it to headquarters to find a man wearing a red coat
and bangles around his face if was burn bad and belts too and then he walk over to them.

axel:we got the girl DiZ.

the man called nodded and axel handed over namine to DiZ then namine take a peek to see
DiZ holding her not axel and he look down at her then smiled.


namine:where's my mommy?

DiZ:she not here but i will take care of you.

well again if you don't like it then don't bother post it.


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Wierded out, but its good. Don't you know that DiZ is good, and Axel is bad?


New member
Apr 23, 2005
kay guys thanks for posting and here it is!

chapter 4:new home

namine was surpise when DiZ take her inside his mansion has everything any rich men would have.maids,bulters,lots of rooms,bathrooms,cooks and other stuffs.a maid with blue
hair and green eyes was called by DiZ.

tina:yes lord.

DiZ:will you take namine to the bathroom to wash up and dress up for dinner.


he handed over namine to tina and he walk away to somewhere as tina carried namine to
the bathroom and as they went inside.the bathroom was so beautiful(you guys image what
it looks like,kay) and tina take off namine's dress off and place her in the warm hot water
and wash her up with soap and wash her up again then put shampoo on her hair.tina rub
it good and hard and wash up again.tina walk over the closet,pull out a towel and namine
to dry off.

namine felt good after taking a long good shower then they walk out the bathroom.namine
spoke up to tina.

namine:where are we going?

tina:to your room to get dress for dinner.

namine:i have a room?

tina:yes lord DiZ make a room for you to live here with him.


tina:he will tell you in dinner.

namine:...i want my mommy.

tina didn't answer because she already knew the turth from DiZ.


tina:so you want namine to be your child and protect her from marluixa.

DiZ:yes because of her powers as a witch and her brother too.

tina:she has a brother?

DiZ:he is a wizard like her and powerful too.

tina:so you getting them both.


(flashback end)

tina really felt sorry for her and her brother being different and their parents left them alone
the house and been found by larxene.then her mind been snapped back when she heard
music blow up in the hall as namine started to cry and hug tina tight and tina sigh.

tina:demyx,he doing it again.

don't like it,don't post it.
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