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MX and YMX Connection Theory

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New member
Jan 12, 2012
Your Mom's House
The more I watch the subbed special trailer for DDD, the more confident I am about this theory. It may come off as a little confusing but I'll try to explain everything as best I can. Here goes...

I think that Old MX found some sort of way to cross dimensions/time travel to make contact with his past self sometime before stealing Terra's body in BBS. He then told his younger self his evil plans and gave him a series of "tasks" to carry out. One of these tasks, I'm guessing, was to observe/collect data on TAV, explaining their fight at the ruined LoD.

So what am I getting at here? I think that Old MX making contact with his past self was his "back up plan", in case things didn't turn out so smoothly with the whole body-snatching idea. If something were to happen that would go against Old MX's original plan (ex: losing his memories), it would fall upon the shoulders of YMX to take the wheel for a while.

The reason we didn't see him in the series in the KH1-KH2 span of time was because he was keeping an extremely low profile, and because he because he probably didn't want to make himself known due to the risk of messing up the current timeline with him being from the past / alternate dimension. During this time he most likely sat on the sidelines, observing everything from a distance and making frequent trips to and from his original time / dimension of origin. Old MX also must have given his younger self explicit instructions to step in and save his Old self if things started to fall apart. He most likely almost came close to doing this after noticing Terra-Xehanort's memories were erased, but decided against it when Terra-Xehanort (now AX), summoned his keyblade and went totally haywire, attacking Ienzo, Even, and Braig. After Ansem SoD and Xemnas were created, YMX was probably about to step in for a second time, but again decided against it when he realized that Old MX's plans still had a chance of succeeding if he could revive Old MX by destroying his heartless and nobody. In order to keep his low profile and make things easier for himself, he left this task in Sora and Riku's capable hands.

The reason that YMX is appearing so much now in the current DDD time period and not being as elusive as he was in BBS with the hood up is because Old Xehanort is back in commission and he is now working closely with him to execute his (their?) evil plans.

I thought that this theory would make the whole "time travel" theme we had been speculating about relevant. I would also theorize that time traveling or making an inter-dimensional leap requires an IMMENSE amount of energy, explaining YMX's fading appearance to TAV in BBS as well as in the most recent trailer for DDD when he appears transparent as he is speaking to Riku about darkness and walking down the stairs.

So there it is. Comment on it, bash it, or let me know your thoughts.


New member
Dec 25, 2011
So there it is. Comment on it, bash it, or let me know your thoughts.

If you insist, lol... Let's see, YMX definitely has Xehanort's body/soul that went MIA when Xehanort's heart fused with Terra's, but as to whatever he may possess it's up in the air.

Perhaps it's the same body, but since he has time altering abilities and Xehanort knew his body was too old, he reversed his age so that he could be on par with what he was in his youth?

And later ended up in the RoS for using up too much power?


Phantom Gigaplex
Feb 10, 2012
I think that if they wanted to introduce something as complex as time/dimension travel into the story then this theory is pretty logical. I'd agree it'd be cool, especially with all the new scenes that were released.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Stray Sheep
I think that if they wanted to introduce something as complex as time/dimension travel into the story then this theory is pretty logical. I'd agree it'd be cool, especially with all the new scenes that were released.

Yeah but thats kindof the thing though. Because time/dimension travel is so complex (plus you got the whole dream element thrown in there too) you can literally do anything with it. Im not gonna bash the theory cuz its entirly possible, but its also one of many other possible roads cuz of the time travel thing.

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
I think that Old MX found some sort of way to cross dimensions/time travel to make contact with his past self sometime before stealing Terra's body in BBS. He then told his younger self his evil plans and gave him a series of "tasks" to carry out. One of these tasks, I'm guessing, was to observe/collect data on TAV, explaining their fight at the ruined LoD.

You make it sound as if time-traveling is easily obtainable by anyone.


Phantom Gigaplex
Feb 10, 2012
Yeah but thats kindof the thing though. Because time/dimension travel is so complex (plus you got the whole dream element thrown in there too) you can literally do anything with it. Im not gonna bash the theory cuz its entirly possible, but its also one of many other possible roads cuz of the time travel thing.

Yea you're right about there being other possibilities but If we're gonna theorize about the whole time/ inter-dimensional travel, then we could also postulate that the dreams are part of the different aspects of dimensions in the story. In real life some people theorize that lucid dreams may be related to traveling or experiencing different dimensions. Just saying, but what I want to know, and been curious about it: Xehanort's Guardian. We see Ansem SoD and the Terra/Xehanort with the demonic looking guardian with no real explanation of it's true story purpose or how or why he acquired/uses it(obv he uses it for some beneficial malicious intent). While in BBS MX doesn't have that guardian, but Vanitas if you will( not saying that Vanitas is his guardian). Then we see what may be the actual young Xehanort in the DDD vids with Vanitas next to him(not saying it's his guardian then either) but it's strange that theme or motif keeps with Xehanort. One of another reasons was that the new vid shows a still scene of just the demonic guardian solo, maybe implying relevance with Xehanort and his story.

And then we see the hooded figure with red glowing eyes who I speculate to be either Vanitas or maybe like sora's anti form? Also too, there are 12(no Roxas) hooded figures that surround Sora in the scene, maybe Organization XIII's members are going to have a encore(story wise) in the RoS.

What looks like YMX holds his hand out to Sora just like how Riku did, just like how Vanitas did to Ventus. I think that the hand out gesture relates specifically to Ventus. Ansem SoD puppets Riku in KH1 to get to Sora, so he can get to Ven.

Crack Pot


New member
Jan 12, 2012
Your Mom's House
You make it sound as if time-traveling is easily obtainable by anyone.

I'm not saying it was. What I am saying is that if YMX is truly MX's younger self, could you think of a more logical explanation for two of the same people existing simultaneously at the same point in time? It simply defies logic. Unless the RoS has some kind of special property with younger versions of everyone running around, I can't think of any other explanation other than time or inter dimensional travel.

I'm also aware of Xehanort's other "forms" running around in the RoS (Ansem SoD and Xemnas) but neither of them are "pure" Xehanort and exist with influences of other people (Terra and Eraqus).
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