Better than KH2? o.o Sure the Commands are but.. it depends.. if the boss's aren;t too easy then i'd say yes.. but if their Easier than BBS then Hell no! ><
Rrrrrent it, if you're on the fence, and then decide?OK after seeing the last few seconds of that trailer (where it showed the Org. XIII member (my vote goes to Xion)) made me really think about getting this game. I was thinking about not getting this game but now i'm on the fence
This game is one of the best KH games yet. So yeah, buy it.
(Better than KH2. Not imo.)
If he's comparing how good Re:Coded is to past games in the series, then, it absolutely does have something to do with KH2...I don't care if you don't like KH2, but stop mentioning it when this has absolutely nothing to do with KH2!
It's the E3 trailer, and they obviously hadn't matched the audio to the video yet....anyway, as far as the trailer goes... I don't understand it. Why is it that only Jiminy's first monologue is heard but no other voices? Not even the rest of the Jiminy lines where Jiminy is talking to Mickey is heard. I thought voice recording was done way earlier this year...
You know, I'm really getting sick of you mentioning KH2 when there is no need >_>
I don't care if you don't like KH2, but stop mentioning it when this has absolutely nothing to do with KH2!
I compared it to ALL KH2 games saying it was one of the best, but I singled out KH2 because besides days probably it is easily the worst, but most popular.
If he's comparing how good Re:Coded is to past games in the series, then, it absolutely does have something to do with KH2...
or perhaps they think it actually sucks and want to let others know that this game isn't as bad?You know, I have no clue what you just said there. "ALL the KH2 games"? I wasn't aware there was more than one KH2 :/
And... you singled out KH2 because Days was the worst and Days was more popular... what?
It honestly doesn't >_>
He could've just said "Oh, it's one of the greatest KH games" and just leave it at that. There was NO reason for him to mention KH2 AT ALL.
I swear, I feel like people just randomly say "OMG KH2 sucks" just so they can be a troll.
i don't know if any one noticed this but in the trailer at around 17 18 seconds you can see other words besides thank namine and the secret message
or perhaps they think it actually sucks and want to let others know that this game isn't as bad?
I know you like KH2 and have some weird loyalty to it, but, you don't need to get upset just because other people don't.
It certainly comes off that way.I don't give a crap if other people hate the game.
The difference is that it DID have to do with the subject because he was comparing it to past games in the series.Everyone's opinions is different. But when you shout out an opinion that has nothing to do with the subject, it is just plain annoying.
Actually, it's nothing like that at all.It's like going to a topic about "Epic Mickey" and then talk about how crappy High school Musical is. Yes, they're both Disney, but really there's no point beyond that to even mention High School Musical in the first place.
I don't see why he wouldn't.dissapointed that we could only hear jiminey's voice. i wanted to see if HJO was voicing young Sora still
dissapointed that we could only hear jiminey's voice. i wanted to see if HJO was voicing young Sora still
The difference is that it DID have to do with the subject because he was comparing it to past games in the series.
i wanted to see if HJO was voicing young Sora still