I know technically nobody named them all Pokemon yet, but if we did, what would we name everyone? (different versions of the same animal like all the Kyroos would have to be different Pokemon of course and I would base them off their original color if there are multiple versions)
Meow Wow - Bidoof (It hardly looks like Eevee. I mean, you couldargue it's not a beaver, but still.. xD)
Necho Cat - Glameow
Kooma Panda - Spinda
Komory Bat - Woobat (looks more like Woobat than Zubat)
Yoggy Ram - Stantler
Pricklemane - Growlithe
Chef Kyroo - Toxicroak
Pegaslick - Rapidash
Cera Terror - Bastiodon
Aura Lion - Entei
Cyber Yog - Sawsbuck (autumn)
Drak Quack - Druddigon (Definitly not Flygon. Druddigon looks at least as weird as this thing though) xD
Drill Sye - Rhydon
Ducky Goose - Psyduck / Ducklett
Eaglider - Braviary
Electricorn - Zebstrika
Escarglow - Macargo
Fin Fatale - Carvanha
Fishbone - Basculin
Flowbermeow - (I don't know about this, but again, definitly not an Eeveelution)
Ghostabocky - Gengar
Halbird - Pidgeot
Hebby Rep - Servile
Iceguin Ace - Delibird
Jestabocky - Banette
Juggle Pup - Buizel
Keeba Tiger - Raikou
KO Kabuto - Pinsir
Lord Kyroo - Politoed
Majik Lapin - Azumarill
Me Me Bunny - Buneary
Peepsta Hoo - Noctowl (Hoothoot's evolution looks more like an actual owl)
Ryu Dragon - Flygon (Dragonite's too fat

Sir Kyroo - Seismitoad
Skelterwild - Kyurem
Staggerceps - Heracross
Tama Sheep - Mareep
Tatsu Blaze - (nothing looks like this in the pokeverse, beside the horsea line)
Tatsu Steed - Seadra
Thunderaffe - Girafarig
Toximander - Quagsire
Tyrano Rex - Reshiram
Wheeflower - Bellossom
Woeflower - Roselia
Zolephant - Donphan
Frootz Cat - Skitty
Kab Kannon -
Meowjesty - (again, i don't think any of the meows look anything like Eevees.)
R&R Seal - Oshawott
Sudo Neku - Seviper
Ursa Circus - Ursaring
Feel free to fill in the blanks or change one of them as long as there is a better reason xP