Please don't double post! Well come to think of it luffy can preform Gomu gomu whip and axe. Also he can make himself into a balloon. But he is also weak against sharp objects.
luffy's weakness is drowning in water. . . not that naruto will ever figure that out really
All Naruto have to do is turn a divided shadow of his into a shuriken and then throw it at luffy or throw knives at him. But luffy can dodge or just stretch part of his body to dodge like in the arlong battle. But if luffy faced off against TenTen the weaponist ninja then luffy would kinda' die.
remember that time lufft got stab'd by sharkmen's teeth and in sted of dieing luffy took his teeth and pop'd that dude in the mouth. . . .yeah that was fun.
also if a mist ninja used the giant waterfall technique then luffy would drown.
bout time you made a point. but then they'd have zolo to deal with but wait. . . rirver based jutsu's take atleast 6 minutes worth the hand signals before making it works. . .there goes luffy's weakness. . .god forbid luffy's brother get into this fight too
The scientist guy could summon the sea boss and capture luffy and drown him to death. Naruto can use many shadow divide, surround luffy, and throw a thousand knives.
again if you read the one piece manga you'd know that luffy 70% of all phycial damge is usless on luffy. it would take kyuubi to beat him and then you hae tomahawk one of the most powerful one piece characters that can mannipulate is blood into ANYTHING he wants
Of course naruto and the others have their limits and the one piece crew has theirs.
I dont look at people losing all there blood and still have to power to destory a city a "limit"
For example the Naruto crew has the chakura lmit unless they have a special hidden chakura like the star ninjas or naruo and the one piece crew limits are that some can't swim and some can't do anything else. So far Smoker and Gaara has no limits unless they face fatal death.
garra and smoker are a bad combo dude. . . smoker pops buggers the size of nuciler waste while garra f**ks with sand. . . .garra is weak agasint explotions read and check for garra's battle with sasori and deibora)
Before I sided with Naruto but now I am not sided with anyone. I may be wrong about he Thing about the Captain smoker and Gaara having no limits.
your damn right your wrong
If they do have limits please tell me I really want to know.