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Nastica Gradius, Arena Of Death

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Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye went to the entrance to watch the battle.
"No entry!" One the guards yelled.
"I'm just watching, maybe you should too, you might learn something." Koye said watching Zelon make a fool of himself bowing to the princess.
"God Zelon, always needs to make a scene." Koye said rolling her eyes.
She watched as he got ready and she couldn't wait to see the battle, she had a feeling it might be quick for Zelon might look weak but he was stronger than most man she knew.


if only I could hold your hand
Aug 21, 2004
She heardthe word, theives travel among the box and she took it to hint. She kept her standing position deciding not to sit down. she smiled when the gladiator flicked off ehr father, whose face instantly turned beat red with anger. After he bowed to her she gave him a cursty, one that was probably fit for a prince. She could hear the laughter from the gladiator flicking off the king still floating around the arena. It kept her smiling. she hadn't smiled in a long time. Not since that last suitor her father had found tried to grope her many times. She had smarted him off with a few words of course. Words not fit for a ladies mouth.

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Taran smiled at what Zelon said. Taran held his spear tightly ready to kill the first bandit he saw. The laughter of the crowd rang in his ears and it disgusted him. When he was a boy laughter was a sign of joy and happiness. He laughed when he had fun, but there was no more fun. And laughter was now evil and brought shame to other people not joy or happiness. Nothing but sorrow. "Yes.....they will all die one day" he said softly with his eyes closed.

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
"YOU ARE THE LAMEST FIGHTER I HAVE EVER OWNED!!!" The man yelled at the top of his lungs, spit splattering in Zeith's face. An erritated look took place. He slowly wipped the spit of of his face. "I fight for my life, I don't give a living hell of what you think of my fighting and how I entertain the audience. This is my job, I hate it as much as a human could hate." He simply replied.

"Besides...A lame owner gives an unentertaining gladiator I guess." He mumbled mockingly.

The man's face twisted in rage. "HOW DO YOU EVEN DARE SPEAK OF ME LIKE THAT!!! I OWN YOU ZEITH!!! I own you!" He said threatningly. "I would order to execute you on the spot if I had more fighters in my possession." Zeith just blankly stared at him, he knew that he would regret the words that he had spoken, but he wanted to tell his owner how much he hated him. "Now leave to your dorm." "Yes master." On these words, Zeith unseated himself and walked away. He arrived at his dorm, prisoned, enslaved like an animal.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
ooc: yeah you should be, but you dont have to. the king already left, sorry to confuse you, we had to get to the fights quickly.and apprently im fighting with taran on my team i guess, thats cool.

a sharp pain was felt in the back of his head for as soon as zelon hit the ground he jumped to his feet, someone had knocked him from his feet with a axe handle. parrying bandit swords and slicing down others, he made his way to the bandit leader, passing taran with a smile and a quick luagh." warn me next time my friend." it seemed like they had sent an entire army of bandits at them both. 2 VS 20. im possible odds for normal people. however this one he was sure to win, the king was smiling, thinking of zelons death which he thought would be coming soon. zelon saw him whisper somthing to his duaghter that he barley made out by hand gestures and reading lips" you see my dear, the gladiator always dies in these battles." zelon dodged another enemy blow and sliced deep into a bandits side, blood falling to the ground." 19 more to go" he yelled looking back at taran.


if only I could hold your hand
Aug 21, 2004
Claudia kept a blank face so she wouldn't show her father her rage. She couldn't mouth off at hi like she could suitors. that was unthinkable right now. No, not until she had more power, or more people backing her up. She didn't have any warriors to back her up. Most seemed to hate her for having royal blood in her veins. She was grinding her teeth in anger, this was just injust. Unfair. Twenty bandits against two gladiators. At least it wasn't twenty lions and tigers. That would have been much worse.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye knew they needed help and she couldn't just sit and wait for her turn any longer. She quickly grabbed a sword from a guard and knocked him to the ground and plowed the other over grabbing his shield on the way out. As she entered the arena the crowd went wild, they loved her.
She quickly found Zelon in the crowd with Taran and helped fight with them. One bandit came running at her she put her shield up he went under. She quickly put her foot on him and stabbed him and the crowd roared as the blood went through the air as she brought it back up out of the body.
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Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Taran laid eyes on one of the bandits and charged at him. He jumped up and slashed across his chest. At the corner of his eye he saw a few more right behind him ready to kill him. He quickly pierced one of the bandit's hearts and sent him flying on top of the other 2 that were after him. With fire in his eyes he slammed his spear onto the ground and yelled "YAHHHHHHHHHH!" taunting the bandits. He saw that a bandit was behind Zelon and he threw his spear from where he was piercing his throat. "I got your back this time" Taran smiled.

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
What's this? This question raced through his mind as he heard the crowd roar. Who were they cheering on. They didn't usually cheer him on though he was a very strong fighter, he just didn't show it, he did was he was supposed to and did not really entertain. He sighed. "I have to start growing my reputation, I'll never get anywhere if I don't make the crowd go wild, nobody'll want me and I'm never going to get anywhere." He growled as he got up.

He walked over to a nearby table. "It's time for me to make a move." He mumbled with a confident and determined tone.

He got some steel, golden coloured leg armour and carefully starpped them around his leg, tightly. He fit the rest of his armour on, sheathed his two swords where they belonged and gripped his family dagger tightly by his side. "I'm a gladiator, and it's time for the audience to know so!" He spat as he closed his helemt visor. He walked out of his dorm and near the arena gates. He entered them. The crowd went quiet as they saw him. Oh come on, am I that boring!? No I'm not!


if only I could hold your hand
Aug 21, 2004
(( i hear by decreee, my charecter needs to get in on the action.))

Claudia let her hands on the rail loosen up as she saw the gladiators beginning to win. Good, they wouldn't be dieing. But the bandits were, and that was stil lagainst her policy. Once must accept death though. One of the nobles behind her had seen her curstying to the gladiator proposterous and obscene. His black hair made his icey blue eyes seem eviler as they glared at her back. Finally making up his decision, he stood up and with two hands he shoved her over the rail.

Gasping as she found her self falling head first to the arena floor she couldn't help but panic. Sturggling a bit she managed to get herself on her back soe she was facing the sky. It would probably break her back, but landing on her head could kill her much easier then landing on her back could.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
ooc: sorry mystic, i couldnt resist the oppurtunity to smash you ...lol. anyways no hard feelings, i know your character wanted this one lmao. no dont delete it i think its funny. this whole story is rediculous lol and its supposed to be serious, but the comedy makes it all that much better.

" thanks " he smiled, ramming the sword through a bandit and looking back at Koye" couldnt stand to be away from me huh?" he smiled makeing his msart remark and luaghing a little bit, a sword clipped his side, it didnt bleed, becuase of the armor, but it clipped him. swing fiercly ,Yolani took off the bandits head.." i cant resist my charm either its ok i completely understand." he smiled and kept swinging. he spotted out of the corner of his eyes the princess falling out of the box, she had been shoved by a noble, who zelon filpped off as well. he ran quickly and dove, catching her, breaking her fall, landing right ontop of the other fighter who had entered the ring" you have to be more careful miss" he said. slicing a bandit who was charging towards the two." dont worry, you look like someone who can defend yourself." he handed her his sword and picked one up off the body of the bandit" kill any of them that come near you."
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Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye rolled her eyes at him, such a ladies man. She knows nothing of killing or fighting, I'm sure she never held a sword before. Koye ran over to her,"Get out of here! This is no place for you to be." Koye said shoving her int he direction of the entrance.
She helped The other gladiator off the ground and chased after the girl who had fallen in, there was a bandit on her tail.


if only I could hold your hand
Aug 21, 2004
claudia felt her fall softened right after she had accepted the pain she knew was coming. She once again found herself on her feet, two gladiators had attemped to catch her, but one fell ontop of the other. She was dumbstruck for a short time, stuck in awe that they had caught her. when the sword was thrust into her hand she was frozen again until a bandit lunged at her from the side. she parried him as best she could before sending a kick to his groin with a few obceneties from her mouth right before she ran him through with the sword sending blood plsatters staining her white dress. She had to keep her cool though she was shuddering inside. She never had to kill anyone before.

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
(lol i was about to as well, but decided not to i knew everyone was going to try)
Taran sliced a bandit's legs so that he fell to his knees in agony. He kicked him onto the floor in disgust as he suffered. As he looked around not that many were left. The next thing he knew he was looking at the bandit leader face to face. Taran smiled and pointed his spear at him "I'm going to have the most fun killing you" Taran snarled. The bandit leader ignored him and quickly went to stab him. Taran tried to move away as quickly as he could, but still got slashed at his side. He held his side for a second when the bandit lord kicked him to the ground and was about to finish him off. Taran took his spear and sliced his hand that holding the sword. Blood was spattered all over Taran's face as he went to stabb the bandit lord killing him. He spat at his dead body and the crowd went wild. "Ya I want to see how much they cheer when a blade comes cutting them to peices" He said with anger as he pulled the spear out of the bandit's body.
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An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
ooc: dont delete it it makes the story better

Zelon realized the girl still had his sword ,but seemed not to care. few bandits were left as zelon lifted his sword to block an attack that was coming from a bandit ." hey how about we stop this fighting and you and i both live then we..." the sword struck the ground right beside him." if i kill you i get a free meal after im out of the arena" the bandit was obviously a mental patient or somthing."....oh...well i can see why you would want that but.." he kept dodging the bandits attacks"...but if we both live we can.......get all the free meals we want.......deal." the sword stuck in the ground beside him and raised again."...you sure drive a hard bargain" Zelon drove his sword through the bandits heart and whatched him fall to the ground, then looked out at the other gladiators" hey dont look at me like that! i asked him nicely to stop trying to kill me." he smiled and raced towards one of the few bandits that were left.

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
((I guess it was an oppurtunity for my character to have something happen with him and for the crowd to appreciate something that he does but meh...He time'll come! Lmao. This rp is awesome so far, congrats WYA!))

He approched the princess that Zelon had caught. "You look like you can fight, but you might need to defend yourself." He said as he handed her his shield. "Don't worry for me, I like it better this way, it's not as heavy and I'm stronger dual wielding." He admitted as he unsheathed the sword occupying his waist. A bandit approached the girl by behind. He sneered, he quickly retreived his dagger and threw it. He was very precise in tis. It came quite close to the princess, but it did not touch her and hit the bandit in the neck. He fell to the ground, gulping his own blood. He ran passed her, bent down as another bandit attempted to hit him with a sword. He dodged the attack by ducking, dismissed his dagger from the other's neck and swung it up which planted itself throughout his jaw. The bandit opened his mouth in pain, the dagger had pierced through and could be seen it his mouth.

He smirked. He loved this. He took his chest armour off, replaced by his shirt (in appearecne pic and sig). This ay, he was quick, he was more loose, which he loved as he was a fighter that jumped around killing his enemies before they even hav time to react, without heavy armour to slwo him down, he loved it. As another dashed at him, he placed his hand on his enemie's head and jumped right over him, stabbing him in the back. He pulled his dagger upward as he would pull a lever. Blood spilt heavily as the body split in two, the crowd bursted at his fighting for the first time. And for the first time, he liked being a gladiator and wanted to make the crowd roar.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
koye stabbed the leader bandit in the back as Taran sliced his arm. She saw the blood spray all over Taran but she kicked the leader off of him and helped him up.
"I thought you needed some help"Koye said handing him a napkin to wipe his face.
She then turn quick to slice the head off one of the few bandits left. She had fun, but there was more to come tonight and she was also impressed by how well the girl that fell held up.
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