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Nastica Gradius, Arena Of Death

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Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Taran smiled back at him and charged straight into the big group of knights. At the first one he saw he impaled the ground with his spear and used it to luanch himself into the air landing right on the knight. He quickly sliced his throat and laughed "To bad these knights are too slow". Taran went to hit the next one right at his chest, but it just bounced back due to the heavy armour. He shrugged "Tough though".


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye jumped and landed on a knight stabbing him in the back then tucked jumped to another making him fall to the ground dust flying and she quickly ened the strung with a sglint of a dagger from her shoe.
She was really enjoy this fight now she thought as she got up and went for anyother knight.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
Zelon made it a point to go after the fat ones first, a very plum, slow knight to be exact." hey guess what big stuff." he said as he rammed his sword through the knights face." you're all dead weight now" he smiled, the joke was corny, but made perfect since." anytbody else want some..." he had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, most of the knights there lunged towards him with anticipation, ready to kill." finaly some attention.." he looked over at koye smiling" dont you wish you got this much attention from people." he dove out of the middle of the mob, just as the swords started to swing, the knights were literaly killing eachother in the huge dust ball that had formed when they all hit the ground.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye flipped backwards and landed on the shoulders of a knight and cut his throat.
"Oh, how I wished for it all the time." Koye said laughing as she step off the dead knight as he feel to the ground. She then grabbed an arrow from a guy she had gotten earlier and strung it fast getting a eye in the eyes slights. He was coming from behind Zelon.
"You know, this may be the wrong time and place, but I think you have a thing for that princess girl." Koye said stabbiung another guy. " She is cute though."


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
he sighed luaghingly" i do not" he smiled making a joke out of the situation." i simply saw the oppurtunity to save someone and took it, i never said i had a thing for her, thats like saying..." he dodged a blow and struck down another knight"..you have a thing for me..." he sliced down one more knight and continued"... we all know you do, but we dont say anything now do we?" he smirked and luaghed , swing his blade at another soldier. friendly insults were the only thing holding this team together, it was sort of a moral booster." besides, even if i did, she is a princess, and a rebelious one at that. but she is cute, you're right there." a sword came from under him, cutting him on the arm, he struck it down and continued what he was saying to her "..besides..im just a gladiator" he smiled and winked back at her, throwing his sword ans triking someone behind her." your right this might not be the right place to talk about this, too many people would here our conversation."smirking, Zelon continued to fight.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
"Saying I like you is like saying I'm in love with a dog." Koye said laughing." Plus most the men who will hear us are going to die."
Koye took another hack at a knight and flipped on over her back that had run up from behind.
"You know I think I heard you say she is cute." Koye said smiling at him. " I know a story you should hear sometime."
Koye took another slash at a knight and knockedhim on the head knocking him out then sliced his neck.

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Taran sliced a knight's arms off and pushed him lightly to the ground. "You suck!" he taunted as he kicked his head. "Bastard" he heard he knight mumble. At the corner of his eye he saw a knight behind him. Taran hit his head with the back of his spear and then quickly ducked and tripped him. He impaled his throat and starting spinning him around untill he flew right into a bunch of other knights. "Fighting knights are fun" he laughed.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
he smiled"you are right there Taran" then proceeded to reply to the arguement set by Koye." oh yeah? is that the story of your love for me? or is it the one about me flipping off the king....so there i was, walking out into the arena" he luaghed and took off another knights head" 5 more left" he whispered, looking around the arena." i do not have' feelings' for her, she is just another cute girl who would never fall for a guy like me, that doesnt mean i ...just keep fighting" he said with a quick smile." we will discuss this after the battle, besides, i don want you to die, then i wouldn't have any secrets to keep from people." he smiled, knowing that would get to her most likely.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye gave an evil look at him for the proclaiming her love part and threw her sword hard straight threw the armor of a knight next to Zelon.
"You better take that back. I don't like!" Koye said even though she didn't know fro herself if she did or not, but that didn't matter they were in a fight at the moment.
She picked up her sword and a sword of a dead knight and started to attack a knight, but he was good he fought well.
"Your good." Koye said smiling at him.
"I am the captain." He replied smiling back and just as she lifted one sword he came in and got her in the leg with his sword. It went straight threw her thigh not hitting anything important, but it sent her to her knees. Blood dripped from the sword stuck in her leg as the knight came in for a final blow.
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An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
"koye!" the time for fun was over, koye had been injured in the battle, and everyone was suddenly serious. Zelon smashed down the soldier that hendered him and made quick for koye, who was about to be killed by the knight." you bastard!" he screamed as a fit of rage came over him, it was as if he went into defensive mode and started to kill everything around him. it was like a gift but at the same time a curse, he through off the knights blade and parried a few attacks from him, only to be struck in the knee by one of them, he hadn't noticed though as he swung his sword at the soldiers, leggs, sending him to his knees, then not even stoping to say somthing, he sliced off his head, ending the match. after the match was over, he continued to defile the body, cutting off limbs, stabbing him in the face repeatedly" dont ever stab anyone again! ever!" he was changed for some reason now, there was just a fit of rage about him lingering around him as he continued to destroy the knights body, not stoppping.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye was scared of him for the first time since she had met him.
"Zelon calm down I'm okay." Koye said with pain in her voice, but still trying to calm Zelon. "Please...I need help. We need to get this sword out."
Koye laid down on her back and took a deep breath trying to fight the pain. It was the worse pain in her life and she couldn't believe she let her guard down like that. But then everything started to go black, she was blacking out. She had lost too much blood and her body needed the energy to keep her alive and they only way foe it to was her to sleep. She finally gave up and feel unconcious inthe middle of the arena.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
after finishing with the body, and leaving the arena totaly silent, he turned slowly and picked up Koye" do not worry, you will be fine Koye."he turned to the king who sat in his seat and took a deep breath. he eyed the king in an evil manner as he walked out of the arena with Koye in his arms, her uncoincious body flopping about with every step. he was completely silent, his footsteps being the only thing that could be heard of him. the arena gate shut tight behind him and the group, leaving a group dead bodies on the field." leave me alone" he whispered to them as he headed off with Koye's body, to put her in bed. the docter would be checking her bed to make sure she was ok soon, but zelon couldn't let that happen, if he checked her out, then he would discover her secret. so instead he took her to his bed and lay her down, placing blankets firmly over her body and siting down beside her, looking up at the not to far away palace, wondering if the king was happy about what had happened in the match." im sorry for distracting you, that is why you got hurt...it was my fualt your guard was down and i should have helped you, but i let my anger take control of me and i wasnt able to reach you before you passed out." he was talking to no one imparticular, and just letting his feelings ou, since he knew that she was unconcious" i almost lost you back there....you have dreams and so do i, i will not let your dreams end here...i almost lost you back there, i dont want to lose you...ever..."


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
"don't..*hiss*..beat your self up..." Koye said coming back, " It was my fault, I wouldn't leave it alone."
SHe smiled up at Zelon and held he leg. It hurt so bad, but she could take it.
"Just a scratch, maybe we should rap it up." Koye said looking at some clean cloth in the corner. She hissed again in pain and stopped herself from blacking out again.
"I'm a foul, I should never had gotten into this mess in the first place. I should have known my dad was dead all thoughs years ago. I was a dumb daughter looking for her father, but know...*arg*...I'm stuck in this hell hole waiting for the day to be set free." Koye said looking up at Zelon. " I was serious the other day about what I would do if I got out of here. I would do anything just for that."


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
" so i see.." he broke a smalls mile as he ripped his undershirt to shredds quickly, washing the wound and then wrapping it with the garnmets. and as for himself he was fine, the wound he had gotten protecting her when she fell. he wrapped his knee and placed a firm preasure on it. he looked back at her with compassion in his eyes now." i dont know what ill do if i get out of here...if...." he thought back to the arena, the rage he had shown when Koye had been struck, if only there was some way to control it, then he would be unstopppable. he hoped she would not ask about it. that would totaly be unexplanable and it was on fit, even for a warrior like himself, that brutality should never be shown to anyone, not even a man as evil as the Kinght captain, it made him feel evil, what he had done, no one deserved...
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Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
"You know, you scared me alittle bit back there in the arena. When you kept hacking away. I had never seen your eyes in such rage." Koye said looking into his deep eyes. "But you don' t have to say anything if you don't want to...Also I want to thank you...you saved me from both the knight and the doctor."
Koye smiled and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt like such a burden and she felt wierd being in his tent.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
he stiffened at the mention of the arena." ...i honestly do not know what happened back there, i just lost it for some reason, it was weird, and i totaly dont remember any of what i did, its like i had become a totaly diffrent person. i dont know if its becuase you were hurt, or the fact that he was really good, or the fact that the king had been making me angry lately, but it changed me." somehow the thought of what he had just said lay deep in his mind, lodging it self in his brain to stick there until he found an answer to his problem. he quickly changed the subject" dont worry about the docter and the arena, any of us would have done it for you im sure." he wondered if the others would have done the same thing for her as what he did. the thought of the king and the rest of the crowd in complete silence made him think. he looked back at her and smiled." dont worry about it, the good thing is your safe now...thats all that matters to me....you can leave if you want. you are probably a little bit weary and should get some sleep though, so whatever you want to do, im not stopping you, ill sleep near the fire like i always do." he walked slowly over to the fire and lay down beside it on the soft ground, he closed his eyes, thinking what the next day of battles would hold, he wasn't tired however...only one thought ran through his mind." 28 battles left...then we are all free...just 28 battles, i hope she lives that long, then i will tell her the truth."
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Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
((I think I might be off to bed really soon so if I get off for no reason thats why...lol))

"Why would I do that?" Koye said smiling threw the pain. She realized what she said and shook her head." I mean I don't think I can walk."
She was hiding her feelings now and she knew it, but her sub-concious wouldn't let her give up. She leaned up and looked at her leg, he had wrapped it well and she knew that with some herbs she would be better in a week or two.
"So..." Koye said nervesly.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
ooc: yeah i got school in the morning and its past midnight here so i might be getting off soon as well.

" do you ever think about the death you have cuased, the people who must hurt becuase of your wanting for freedom? how many families have lost the loved ones in the arena becuase of some stupid game. when i looked into that last knights eyes before i went crazy, i could sence his family whatching him, i knew that somehow, and somewhere, there was someone who knew they would never see their loved ones again. have you ever wondered about the pain we have cuased them? when you think about it, we are just as bad as them, i mean everyone has someone who loves them right? so what happens when one of the loved ones dies? does the other just look for someone else to love?" these thoughts had been runing through his mind ever since Koye had gotten hurt for some reason." i wonder how that women felt whatching her husband die like that....it must have been terrible, i think i know how they felt. when you were hurt somthing inside of me jumped and i went insane and killed everyone in my path. i dont know why.... is that how she must feel?" he felt so bad for killing so many people so that he might be free....he felt like a murder.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
"I think of it everytime I leave the arena..." Koye said putting her hand on his shoulder. " I go back to my tent every night and pray for their lives. I lost my father to this and the people we kill are lost to someone. Life is always on a balance beam you tilt to much one way and you fall and the only way to keep going is getting back up again. You can't let one fall bring you down. The only reason I keep doing this is to get back to my small farm, and have a happy life, this is just a fall both of us done and are taking forever to get back on."
Koye looked out of the tent and watched some of the fighters.
"So keep up your fight, never lose that strength and climb back on to your beam. Finish your life no matter how many times you fall."
Koye looked into his eyes again and finally realized she did love him, even after all these years of lies to herself she finally saw threw her curtain in her mind.
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An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
he sighed and wondered for a quick moment what had happened back in the arena and then smiled." i thought i lost you, dont ever let me think that again. now get some sleep, you need it and probably wont be able to fight tommorow in the next battle. this one is against 5 tigers, the beast hungry animals will probably tear the rest of the teams to pieces, but i have faith in our team, i know we will pull through." he closed his eyes again and lay back down by the fire, listening closely to the sounds of the passing gladiators outside of the tent." last time i fought the tigers i was lone and barley survived, but with this team, im sure we willl make it." he placed hi hand on his knee and rubbed it to stop the constant pain, then drifted off into the deep thought that youy always get right before you fall asleep, he was so calm, and could hear everything around him clearly now." 28 battles left" he whispered" 27 after tommorow....everything will work out somehow i know it wil...."
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