after finishing with the body, and leaving the arena totaly silent, he turned slowly and picked up Koye" do not worry, you will be fine Koye."he turned to the king who sat in his seat and took a deep breath. he eyed the king in an evil manner as he walked out of the arena with Koye in his arms, her uncoincious body flopping about with every step. he was completely silent, his footsteps being the only thing that could be heard of him. the arena gate shut tight behind him and the group, leaving a group dead bodies on the field." leave me alone" he whispered to them as he headed off with Koye's body, to put her in bed. the docter would be checking her bed to make sure she was ok soon, but zelon couldn't let that happen, if he checked her out, then he would discover her secret. so instead he took her to his bed and lay her down, placing blankets firmly over her body and siting down beside her, looking up at the not to far away palace, wondering if the king was happy about what had happened in the match." im sorry for distracting you, that is why you got was my fualt your guard was down and i should have helped you, but i let my anger take control of me and i wasnt able to reach you before you passed out." he was talking to no one imparticular, and just letting his feelings ou, since he knew that she was unconcious" i almost lost you back have dreams and so do i, i will not let your dreams end here...i almost lost you back there, i dont want to lose you...ever..."