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Nastica Gradius, Arena Of Death

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Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
((Well I'm going to go off to bed...night night))

Koye slowly fell off to sleep listening to the even breathing of Zelon by the fire. She was worried about tomorrow, but between her tired from two fights and the bodies tiredness from the injury she feel straight to sleep.
Her dream was a wonderful dream of being back on the farm with her horses and her dog. She couls ee everythin clearly and ever so faintly she could be a man in the distance she knew in the dream it was her love, but she couldn't make out who it was, he was blurry. She awoke to a sound by her leg and noticed mice trying to take scrapes from her bandages and she slowly ripped a piece off and laid it on the floor next to the mouse that quickly pick it up and went running. Koye smiled and drifted back to sleep.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
ooc: Gnight

Zelon fell asleep quickly by the fire, as he always had. the thoughts of battle still fresh in his mind. the death, the blood, and the ravaging pain in his knee. he would be fine. the life he had known was gone now, the rage had left him a changed man, wanting to survive, not just fight for freedom, he wanted to survive and live to fight for another cuase. there was nothing, only slience as he lay on the floor in quiet seclusion, seeming to drift off into a diffrent world, he had no dream that night, he had not been exhuasted by the battle, but rather pump up by it, it had given him a whole new outlook on life and a better chance to prove his worth to the city and the empire. happiness fell on the entire tent that night, there was not an un happy soul in it and he knew...that that ...was a good thing.

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Taran heard their conversation and now sees that Zelon has become that anger deep within himself. Taran's anger had been unleashed a long time ago. He still remembers it perfectly... *flashback*
Taran with tears in his eyes replied "HOW CAN YOU BLAME MOM'S DEATH ON ME I DONT FIGHT TO KILL PEOPLE I FIGHT TO PROTECT THEM". Taran just burst into tears and yelled back "YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND, NO ONE WILL". Taran ran out the door with the spear he trained with all his life and didn't look back.

Taran closed his eyes and a tear went down his cheek remembering that day...


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
ooc:we pretty much fuaght another battle, koye got injured in it and almost died, and when Zelon saw that she was about to be killed....he went ballistic and went into a rage and litteraly tore her attacker apart, now they are starting to realize they have feelings for each other, koye and Zelon. thats pretty much it, and they are going to sleep, there is another battle tommorow, thats pretty much all of it.

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Taran woke up the next morning feeling a slight pain on his right arm. "Ahh" he gasped as he held the spot that was in pain. He looked at it and saw a big cut from the top of his shoulder to just above his elbow. He smiled and thought "The worst of the pain is always after the battle". He sat up on his bed looking down at the floor "That's just how this life goes you have to kill someone else to survive and they have to kill you to survive, but only one will leave the arena alive". Life is short...

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
OOC: Sorry... I deleted them anyways...

Zeith laid in his bed, rather uncomfortable. I wonder when the next battle takes place. He thought as he was quite ancious for the next battle. He now had a team, he felt more at home and as though he had a reason to fight. He now felt as though he had a reason to fight. His last battle was amazing. The feeling that he had felt when the crowd had burst as a reaction to his performance. He didn't want to let his team down though. He would always fight at the top of his skills from now on. He wanted to prove that he was worth something, also he wanted the crowd to know so. He wanted the crowd to love him. He wanted to become a legend as a gladiator. He also wanted to be one day free, he awaited this for so long.

OOC: Sorry for the crappy post but I couldn't find much to write.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
Zelon gasped quickly as he shot up from his sleep." ...shit" he whispered, finaly realizing what he had done. he didnt want to be recognized in the arena as some superstar. he in fact didnt want to be recognized at all. but by making the scene at the arena yesterday, he had made the crowd speechless ad it had also showed them that thee gladiators have feelings as well, and are not a bunch of lifeless fighters who were taking from there country so that they could be enslaved here" why did this happen to me..... why couldn't i control my anger....its like when i saw here get hit i just totaly changed. i worred about her, i dont know why, yesterday she was just another one of my friends, but today..." he sighed, knowing the truth, then looking back at her for a moment. he sighed once more and climbed to his wounded knee and took a quick gasp. he had never been injured that badly before." damit...shit" he fell back to his knee and looked back at her once more" get up.....do it for her" he whispered to himself, finaly climbing to his feet. he looked around and walked out of the tent, going to find the rest of the team to inform them of the battle today, he couldn't keep Koye out of his mind.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye awake to a sound at the front oft he tent as she looked out she noticed the king and some men standing there.
"You will still be fighting, even if you are injuried. I forbid you to rest for yourself." The king said and walked away. She heard from the outside that he was going to leave a guard so that she did leave.
She sighed and laid down, not caring about fighting but that he didn't find out her secret. She got three long sticks from the wood pile in the tent and tides two of them around her leg making a brake and then using the other for a staff to walk.
It was the best she could do and she got dresses and noe one would know what she was.

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
Zeith shot up from his bed. He looked around in alert, his head shot in every direction. His blurred vision finally came to him as he noticed he was in his tent, sitting upon his straw bed. He growled miserable and got up. His arm still hurt him, he tried to shake it away but the pain just shot through his body, as a high volt electric shot. He let out a sigh of despair and walked out of his tent. He had dreamed of a dream that was blank, as water trying to be held within his fingers but failing, streaming through his fingers. He felt as though the dream was trying to tell him something. He quickly shook the idea off and stared at the moon. ''What a stupid thought...'' he continued his walk, he couldn't go too far as there were limits being a gladiator, a tool mostly. A tool used to entertain hundreds of spectators. ''Why me? My life was once...So...So peaceful. I will be free, I will do what I need and live this hell hole once and for all.''

''Kiss my ass stupid arena!''


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
Zelon was up bright and early, making sure his wound would not bring him down. he had been practicing for 3 hours straight, breaking once in the middle for water. he continued to practice his sword fighting skills well, so he may not be harmed in the next match. he wasnt really sure what they would be fighting next, but he was sure that he and his team would have to fight, injured or not." i will not lose....i will not fail...all shall perish before me...and in my prescene be destroyed" he chanted these words, as he had every morning for 2 years now." i will fight for survival....i will fight for honor...i will fight for justice...." he stopped realizing somthing that he would add, no one would know who he meant anyways so he just let it out"...and most of all...above everything else...i will fight for her...to make sure that no harm comes to her, and i will defend her to my dying breath" he sighed and dropped his swor,d getting another drink of water. most of the gladiators were not out of bed yet, but a few were. he drank the water slowly and continued to practice and chant. all the time getting stronger, faster, and better. he would not let her, or anyone else come that close to death again.

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
''No, you got it all wrong.'' Spat a guard. ''You ain't leavin' til you bite the dust loser!'' Zeith just growled slightly at the guards coment and walked off. Why do they have to treat them as such? If those guards haven't realized that they are humans also, they have a problem. The light of dawn gleaming into his navy blue eyes. He covered his face from the powerful beam. It winced at the sight of it. Not too far ahead, he noticed Zelon fighting and prononcing some words that from where he was, he could not really understand. He decided to not disturb him and do same. He would train aswell as their next fight was upcoming. He had liked the previous battle but he had a feeling this one was to be more thrilling, not an easy taken victory. He was certain, though he was weak because of his arm and that the king was aware of this slight disadvantage that he would force him to fight in the arena, no matter what level of enemies. He thought about the kind of creatures, beasts that he could possible unleash on them. Lions were often released, these were the principal enemies that through a gladiator's career would be the most comfronted. He wasn't really afraid of these beasts but knew that they could put on quite a challenge and could leave you badly wounded. ''If any enemie touches my arm, I swear that I will rip off all of their heads!'' He mumbled in spite.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye walked out of the tent to get away from the guards, she couldn't stand the fighters working for a cruel ruler as the king. She soon came apon Zelon practiceing and she listened to that chanting the same routine every mourning, then when it changed at the end she smiled, for she felt the same way.
"Don't practice too much, don't want to be worn out by tonight." Koye said coming out of the shadows from which she was hiding.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
he was cuaght off guard, but not mad. he was happy, and a little embaressed that she might had heard him." dont worry about me, you should be resting your wounds, ill be fine. i will rest before the battle tonight and i will be fine." he smiled holding a thumb up." whatever we do tonight, whatever happens in the arena, just know, that those words will stay true until the very end." he smiled and continued to practice"..only practice will make you better." he sighed and began to practice again." sit down and observe" he smiled and luaghed" you might learn somthing." the smirk was still on his face as he began to chant the words again, and then continue to swing his sword, getting more powerful by every blow he struck on the air.

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
He slightly laughed as he listened without wanting to their conversation. Out of his boredom, he decided to budge in. ''Yeah, he's right, sit down and learn, maybe you'll learn to stay away from wound makers.'' He mocked with a playful tone as he sat beside her and layed back, watching Zelon train. As he stretched back, his arm was shown a bit. His face showed that he became nervous. He sat back normaly and smiled blankly at both of them. ''Alright, I don't want you guys to get ideas about me so instead of hiding, I'm going to show you right now and then you can decide to judge me afterwords. I onced worked as a mercenary, where my mistake was created. I worked for a sorcerer once, miserably failed at his request. Obviously, he was very frustrated. He shouted at me with all his might and threw a spell at me which left a nasty scar.'' After these words, he pulled up his sleeve and revealed his bright shining arm that gleamed to the strucking moonlight beam. ''Now if ever you see me in pain, there's your answer, Koye, you have already witnessed so.'' ''Now like all of the dim-witted peasants have judged me as a demon worshipping the devil or an evil sorcerer, you will probably do same, so save your breath, I'm out.'' On this, he left, staring at the ground with a miserable face. A tear fell from his eye and silently clashed on the rocky ground. ''With this, he could never make any friends. He sighed, looking at the moon with a blank stare. Faint anger could be read in his eyes, mostly enraged anger though.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
"Come back!!!!" Koye yelled not getting up for she needed the rest. "Why would we say or do such a thing. Your our friend and thats all you ever will be. Not just for fighting but for your heart. It doesn't matter if you have a terrible scar or had a rough past. Its what you make yourself now that matters."
Koye watched Zeith stop in his tracks at her words and she smiled.

Yoh Asakura

Yoh, The Thief Lord
Aug 9, 2005
Hidden within the enemy base, stealing all of thei
He stopped straight in his venture when she prononced these words. His lips trembled as water filled his eyes. He couldn't believe it. She had official caled him a friend. He thought this impossible amongst gladiators. He had had lots of friends but it was rarely seen between gladiators. He started laughing out of the blue as he fell to his knees. Several tears fell from his eyes in his laughter of joy. ''Quit making noise, you'll wake up the whole flippin' camp scum! Even worse, the dead!'' The soldier grunted mockingly. ''Stupid red neck.'' Zeith mumbled under his breath. He got up and turned around. ''I am entirely speechless, how could I prove my gratitude?'' He asked her, his eyes full of hope.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
"You know the best thing about friends is you never have to." Koye said smiling. She was happy for him that he was finally happy... She looked over at Zelon and smiled and she was proud of him for so many things. She couldn't wait to be free, and maybe they could be more she thought looking at Zelon.
"You just give friendship back." Koye finally said smiling back over at Zeith.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
Zelon kept practicing, hearing the conversation in the depths of his mind, but not registering it outside his ears" friends are people who are always with you when you need them most, even if they are not really around, they are still in your heart" he looked over at koye he smiled." they are always with you..thats what friends are for, to go to when your down, and when your not. you never have to give anything in return, all you have to do is be a good friend" Zelon sighed, thinking he had put enough energy into the conversation with his nogin of knollege( spelled it wrong but i dont care) and went back to training. a cool breeze swept through the camp while he continued to practice, thinking about koye, wondering if she felt the same.


Summertime, Go Outside And Get Some
Jun 10, 2005
Northern Illinois University
Koye winked at Zelon showing him that she cared so much for him.
"I just can't wait to get this fight over with tonight. Then a day of rest, I need some with this leg." She siad sighing as she fell back. "I need a new job."
She began to laugh and it was a laugh of both dispair of being in there and relif that it will be over soon.
"You know I was lieing about how many more I need. I only have 10 more fights to go." Koye finally said. "I've travelled from different arenas and then got stuck here. I just hope to make it through these last few, so I can free you all."
She was ready for release and to help her friends, they were all she had left now and she would never let them leave her side...ecspecially Zelon.
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