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Nature's Toll

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Blackest Night

High Priest of Sloanism
Apr 15, 2004
Depends upon the day and if there is free pizza.
I’ve often wondered how man came to be this way: mechanical, artificial, blasphemous. I’ve often simply sat in my home after my sermons and asked myself how so very many people could be led astray. They were to be pitied, and corrected. They are the students who must be taught by those privileged enough to understand, and those gifted enough to hear the voice of Gaia as it floats atop the wind.

But I digress. It was time for action, not deep thought. My brethren and I moved silently through our beloved forest, flitting past the trees, great monarchs of the wood. The city, a vile scar upon the courtly visage of Dear Mother, shone with wicked luminescence. I cringed at the sight of these false stars, the mocked moon. Only they would attempt to create such things, to hold the power of the sun in the palms of their hands. They disgust me. We darted out of the cover of the sacred trees, and our feet, some clad in cloth and others not, quietly graced the unforgiving pavement. These streets, these ugly black rivers of stone, were as foreboding as the city itself, with its spires of metal and spears of what was considered the trappings of that which is so loosely called “civilization.”

There were men among us, boys, women, and daughters. All are equal in the eyes of Gaia, and our strike parties reflect this. I myself was impressed at the agility with which some of the women moved. I had not seen such grace bless anything except the most nimble faun. They hurled small stones at the streetlights, ensuring our nocturnal procession would not be detected. I myself ran ahead of them all, my spear held close to my body. It is my most trustworthy weapon, though I detest the need for them.

Like an ebony snake, our devout parade slithered into alleyways, moving through the city as if it were our own home. We knew through reconnaissance alone what areas of the city were most populated and night and which were not. As the brisk wind, the holy breath of Gaia, caressed my bare shoulders, I quickly admonished myself for not wearing slightly heavier clothing. I feared that wearing too much would weigh me down, and resigned myself to wearing solely pants, a vest, cloth shoes, and my quiver, my bow hanging at my side.

We reached our destination: a tall building, the name of which I can never seem to remember. It was an act of sacrilege against Mother Nature, almost a challenge to her to construct something larger. Seemingly unbeknownst to them, such a model of artifice could hardly compare to the vast canyons and trenches Gaia has so deigned to give us. They are fools.

We were to infiltrate this building’s lowest quarters and there plants the seeds that would sow the building’s destruction and the beginning of our campaign. It was for the best. We would be assisting the humans in their renaturalization, and spread Gaia’s seed further across the world.

Praise be unto Gaia, and glory unto Her world.

~Baru, Son of Gaia


hurr hurr hurr
Dec 17, 2003
In my castle, plotting your demise
As plans were formed, and disgust grew, a different kind of temperament was drifting just on the outskirts of the soon-to-be attacked settlement. It came as quietly as a field mouse, running on all fours like a beast. It darted across the empty land, scaring a few bugs that came out for a midnight flight. The shadow stopped suddenly within inches of the city limit sign. It raised a head into the air, appearing to sniff a scent in the wind. Satisfied with whatever it caught whiff of, it continued its journey.

The figure was a woman. Beautiful in her own wild way. But she had no relations to the humans in the city she was adventuring in. She lost those ties long ago. If anything, the wolf was her father, mother, siblings, aunt, uncle, and all those others mundane nicknames humans give to their kin. This woman was feral, homo sapien queen of the wilderness. Raised by wolves, she no longer retained any human like qualities aside from her appearance. Yet, tonight she was not spending her time with her pack. Instead a new group of creatures held her interest.


Hm. The two-leggers live in such a weird home. No trees. No flowers. My fellow kin are locked in the two-leggers' dens. What did Mama call them? Humunes? Whatever they call themselves, why does Me find them familiar? Me is a wolf! Me is a four-legger! And yet, Me don't look like Mama or Papa. Me don't have a tail or big ears. Me don't even have fur! Brother says Me is a humune, but Mama says Me is a wolf. Well, Me is going to find out what Me is.

Maybe Me is lost. Me can't smell the trees. Me only smells fire. Lots of fire. Me sees a lot of two-leggers though. So many! Me bets there are three, no, four packs! The females certainly look like Me. But Me don't know what to do now! Me should get back to the den before Mama and Papa find me gone. But where is home? Where is Me?


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
It was odd how the two societies could live side by side, both knowing such little - or, in the case of the city's population, knowing nothing - about their seperated brethren.

Baru ran forward through this, the unknown territory, a place they only knew through quick missions of observation, leading his trusting people through the shining buildings and blackened, hardened ground. Some of the others appeared slightly daunted as they gazed up at the towers, glimmering with starlight, touching the skies high above. Lietus looked about his shoulders, eyeing the darkness as it deepened around them, before continuing to move near the back of the group.

Silently, the man wondered why Gaia had not taken it upon herself to strike these blasphemous ones down. They had seen her rage themselves many times, through her spectacular, furious storms, and had heard of her vengeance elsewhere across the land, taking shape in violent winds, along with blazing mountaintops that spat fire upon the world below. The other tribes had even told tales of Gaia splitting the ground they walked upon. It was a horrifying thought, but one that at the same time filled their people with hope. If Gaia was capable of such displays of sheer power, then surely, she were capable of destroying this place with little effort.

Still, it was not their place to question the Mother. Lietus silently reminded himself of their purpose, remembering that they were acting upon Gaia's behalf. He just hoped they would do her justice.

Baru brought them to their target; a towering building stood before them, one of the largest that blighted the landscape so. So far, his plan was working. Of course it would. He was a man of Gaia, one of the closest to her that could be thought of. All trusted him to bring about the change needed. His knowledge was vast, and perhaps he could be the one to bring their straying brothers and sisters of the city back to Gaia's arms, where they truly belonged. Lietus watched him intently, awaiting the next phase of their plan.



New member
May 29, 2004
The night sky shown brilliantly through the glass windows in the large business building Vel resided in. He was "staying late" as some would call it, and despite what the humans may think, it was not to finish up any work related material. It was time, the night of the shimmering moon that set atop the clouds like a glimmering pearl. The time to tear this abomination to Gaia down and rebirth the vast foliage that once ruled these lands.

Vel took none but a small vase from his desk containing a luminescent purple flower that resembled that of a Stargazer. Under the evening glow it vented a visible ghostly powder that consisted of pollen and some unknown substance. With this in hand he guided himself to the stairway at the end of the hall. Vel did not believe in using a machine to do your walking, it was a crime against Gaia to do so. He moved quickly down the stairs to the lowest level, BOILER ROOM: CAUTION! EXTREMELY HOT MACHINERY! was plastered on the door with plastic. In here, to no one else's knowledge, this room would sew the death of this building. He entered quickly and descended a ladder to a sub-space that was set for the engineers to be able to access the machinery from below. A small corner was open-ended with a slight sanctuary from the ongoing heat. In this corner there was a small plot of soil, a shovel, and more concrete.

It was a laborious task to dig that far... I hope this is enough for the seed to grow.

From his overshirt he pulled a small satchel. It rattled with the sweet sound of millions of seeds hitting one another inside. Music to Vel's ears. He withdrew three brown seeds that hinted at the color purple. Placing them in the soil he covered them and withdrew a vial of water from the satchel as well. Pulling off the cap he smelled the scent of pure water. Nothing in it smelled of human hands. Gaia's lifeblood and gift to all life on the earth.

"Glory unto Gaia, and may Her blessing be upon us as we traverse the unknown in Her name. For the glory of the Earth and Her inhabitants that have been stunted by the Lost. For thee Mother Gaia, we take this block of metal and stone and offer it to you so your flora may grow like fire."

He prayed as he dripped the water carefully upon the seeds. It was ready. Soon these seeds would rip through this concrete and meet its female counterpart on the other edge of the building. The opportunity that the others need to make it in without being seen and without receiving any issues from alarms. The seeds began to sprout and its roots spread quickly. Without warning they began to grown and seep into the concrete, expanding several inches in a matter of seconds. The concrete began to crack and shatter as the roots took form and spread in the search for soil.

Now all he had to do was wait, and the others would be with him soon. He withdrew a small, but wonderfully crafted flute from his belt. All of the humans thought it weird that he carried it with him wherever he went, and even sometimes asked him to play. It was kind of them to take interest, but it was not their place to notice, and they do not deserve the joy of Gaia's Melody. He raised the flute to his lips and began playing a smooth, almost sorrow tune. Each note reached the soil and influenced the vegetation that was growing next to him. By the time this song was finished, he would have to move or be crushed by the plant.

As the song continued, his eyes glimmered in the light from the heating machinery in the distance. The roots expanded, and the ground beneath him began to shake and turn as it made way for the large amount of space being taken. The song ended with a low-tuned decrescendo that beautifully echoed throughout the boiler room. Quickly he moved and climbed to the upper level and took the stairs to the lobby. The tunnel would lead approximately to that area.

Blackest Night

High Priest of Sloanism
Apr 15, 2004
Depends upon the day and if there is free pizza.
Gaia's flesh quaked beneath me, and I knew it was time. Her soldiers would begin their siege of the blasphemous cities of Artifice and Corruption. A root, a giver of life, erupted from the black stone street before me, a cavernous tunnel into a citadel of greed. I smiled. Vel had done well. It was fortunate for him that had had been Forgiven, that Gaia had purged away his sins. I myself had performed the Cleansing, poured water from Gaia's veins onto his head and declared him born again. He had done well, and upon his time, Gaia would reward him.

We entered the tunnel, and before long, emerged within the bowels of that hellish building. I felt the heat of those beatly machines, and for a moment, became fearful. It soon ended when Gaia comforted me. I took safety in her existence, and greeted Vel. I offered him the blessing of my right hand upon his forehead, and withdrew it solemnly.

"You've done well, Vel, and you shall be rewarded. Now, my friend, where are these vents I have been told about?"

Praise be to Gaia, and glory unto Her world.

~Baru, Son of Gaia
The satchel of seedlings rested quietly against my thigh, waiting their time to serve Gaia's purpose and destroy this evil construction of a fallen man. I could not help but smile at the thought of such a sight, of flowers and vines sprouted from the spot where a tower of evil would fall. But a concern interrupted me.

"Vel, where are this building's guards?"

Praise be to Gaia, and glory unto Her world

~Baru, Son of Gaia
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New member
May 29, 2004
Vel received Baru's praise with dignity and satisfaction. He had proven himself a worthy asset to the Druids. Upon hearing Baru question the existence of the guards he frowned. He had passed several on his way, including at the main entrance, but he had access to every area of the building save for the 5 upper levels. He withdrew from his back pocket a blueprint of the building that he had claimed from the archives some time before.

"They are around, Baru. I have marked on this map the approximate locations of the guards. Also, there is a security system that runs through the lower levels. The security system is armed on the 1st through the 10th level. In order to be blind to the system you need to either have a body temperature below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Since this is not possible, the vents are our best bet."

Vel looked up hoping to see signs of understanding. Since he came from the human society he knew what all of this meant. Baru, however, along with the majority of the Druids did not. He continued with hopes of some slight understanding on their side.

"The best location for the seeds to be set would be my office. That would be on the fourth floor. It seems to be the most unstable and provides a good balance disruption on the foundation of this monstrosity. There are approximately ten guards on the first level. Once we pass through that hardship, it will be only two guards per lobby."

Vel took out a Sharpie and drew upon the blueprint marking the location of each guard to his knowledge. Also, on the lower segments of the blueprint near their location he marked three squares followed by lines that lead to upper levels.

"These squares on the map are located on our current level. These are the vents. Once we traverse through them they will incline at the stairwell. There we can exit and take the stairs to the fourth floor. Mind you, we will need to climb up the vent a little ways in order to get there."

Folding up the blueprints he handed them to Baru. He grinned as he enjoyed a rush of adrenaline before the raid on this mockery of Gaia. He began walking towards the vent and pointing at it in indication of its meaning to the mission.

"Since I have access I will scout ahead at a moderate pace and eliminate any necessary guards. Does that sound acceptable?"

Despite Vel's confidence, he knew it was a slight to go without permission on the behalf of Gaia.


hurr hurr hurr
Dec 17, 2003
In my castle, plotting your demise
Waaah! What is going on?! It was all fine a bit ago. Now a tree is growing in that big thingy! Me is going to be crushed! Wah! What is Me going to do? Oh! Me knows this smell! It is the smell of forest protectors! They can get Me home! But where are they? Well, Me shall check the big tree! But Me is scared. Me never did anything dangerous like this. Me can't wait! Me want to get home!

This is all so strange. Strange objects. Strange things. More strange..things. Me don't know where to go next. The smell is still here. The tree is still growing. What are the protectors doing? Why are they attacking the two leggers? Oh, Me have no time for this! Me need to find them! Wait, Me hears something. Me smells something! Hide, where can Me hide? Me will hide under this!

Whew. Close one. Me almost met a two legger. Many two leggers. They are different from the ones not in this strange tree. And they won't leave. Shoo, shoo! Go away two leggers! Me needs to find the protectors!...Why is the two legger becoming a four legger?..Me thinks the two legger sees Me..
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