that makes perfect senseXehanort sent her to the ocean of the worlds without knowing where Kairi might end up, and wasn't even sure of Kairi's status as a Princess of Heart. The pendant guided Kairi to Destiny Islands because a future Keyblade wielder is there to protect her.
what still confuses me is on the heartless. i know its not that big of a deal but it just concerns me way too much. it would have been soooooooooo much easier just saying that heartless were only here in the realm of darkness till xehanort brought them to the realm of light and they also escaped from the realm of darkness causing chaos and made worlds worse
but this is just confusing. if heartless always existed as long ppls hearts hav darkness then why arent they roaming around stealin ppls hearts? stealing WORLD'S HEARTS? notice this is another plot hole. what the biggest thing heartless do is go after the world's heart but clearly in bbs since there were heartless why the heck wouldnt they go steal worlds hearts? worlds heart at this time weren't locked. notice how sora locked almost every world he gone so heartless can't reach the world's heart anymore.
god nomura is so confusing.