Nice that all this occurs exactly when I'm in bed. This is great news, and great translations as well 
So this game could be out in japan by early 2013. Nice. Then 2.5 could follow winter of that year. Wow 3 hours of cutsceanes, its kinda like a kh movie, I think khinsider should have a viewing party and watch it together.
Sneaky Nomura-san is sneaky! Only laughing in full intereviews! :3
Playing KHFM with KH2 camera will feel so much better, trophies, adjustments to kh2 hud/control, HD. This collection MUST be bought. Hopefully we hear a ENG release date during Jump festa or i might even get the Jap ver just to have it
Yes it is. If this has real 1080p, 5.1 DD, and 720p Stereo 3D support then it's a win for me. I'll just wait for someone to fix the widescreen problem if Square doesn't do it themselves
Yes it is. If this has real 1080p, 5.1 DD, and 720p Stereo 3D support then it's a win for me. I'll just wait for someone to fix the widescreen problem if Square doesn't do it themselves
Yay lets hold this idea for the upcoming year!!!That could be arranged.
Oh nice that the camera will be set to the right analog like in KHII.:biggrin:
I don't have KH1 anymore... Can someone please remind me what was wrong with the camera in KH1?
Wait wait wait did I read right? Kingdom Hearts FINAL MIX will be redone?!?! Will I finally be able to play it?