Trolling. They know that by using the teaser site they used before, they are trolling the fans. Back when that site initially launched for the iOS port, everybody believed it was for TWEWY 2 and got their hopes up. When the countdown finished and revealed the port, people were very vocally upset but overall still hopeful.
Now that we are 8 years past that event and have experience many teaser sites, the tables have turned. The site is the exact same one with a few differences, but now fans are hesitant about it being TWEWY 2.
It’s classic trolling through inverted expectations.
If that's the case, I'll hope your interpretation is a correct one. Seems hopeful.
Not sure how much stock anyone took in all of it, but in that Nintendo Gigaleak this past summer, along with all the leaked assets and images, wasn't there a supposed list of things coming out? I believe I saw that had a TWEWY sequel on the list, along with a few other things that ended up proving correct (such as a 3D Mario compilation). Who knows with "leaks" like that, but this could end up being one more notch in the belt of that list's credibility, eh?