~The Downloading~
I was so excited when I rushed through the door when I got home. I quickly booted up my 3DS and went straight to downloading it. Every time the orange box filled, I got even more excited. I felt so bubbly when I unwrapped it.
Then my heart sank. 15 tries? Why only 15 tries?
This was quickly forgotten as I booted the game up. The demo started and I felt like crying. I haven't played one of the new KH games in such a long time, since most of you know my PSP and BBS is with my Drama teacher. I was more than excited. Thinking that I would suck at flowmotion, I clicked on tutorial.
~The Tutorial~
Ursula. Floating in the ocean. And there I was standing on a tiny raft.
"Get yo nasty tentacles away from me!" I yelled, hoping it would echo through the whirlpool void as Ursula smiled gleefully at me.
"SUPER N-A-S-T-Y. You hear me? I'mma come and find you witch. Watch you back." and then she ran into my keyblade. She ran into my keyblade three times. Cause that's all it takes. Three swings. Then I could use magic and I was all like ""HA HA! No more shall you hide far away from me. I will
kupo! you up!"
And then I was in Traverse Town.
"Oh lordy, have mercy on my soul" I preached as I ran towards the lamp, ala "Chariots of Fire". I pressed "Y". And there I was. Spinning. Around a pole. Like a common stripper. It all felt natural. I jumped off and glided, no floated, towards a wall. I pressed "Y" again and I kicked off. It felt magical. Life I had been pressing "Y" my whole life.
From there I went into the second district. "Oh aren't you a pretty little thing" I said as I walked towards the Cat hybrid Dog.... and then it bit me... and ran into me... while bouncing.
"HELL TO THE NO" I yelled as I unleashed all I had on the little rodent. And then more popped up. It took a lot of strength, but I managed to overcome adversity and defeat the Nightmares. And that is how I found the first horcrux~
Next up was Reality Shift. Yeah I pretty much shot it straight into the air where it came crashing down without moving much.
~The Fourth District~
I launched myself off and hit from wall to wall. "This is amazing." I thought to myself. Then I hit the enemies.
"Hey, new attacks!" And thus, Sparkga was discovered. Launching myself around the Fourth District while destroying the enemies was refreshing. Needless to say, I do wonder how much experience I have accumulated over my travels.The district was massive. More so than any other place in Kingdom Hearts(except maybe the Waterfall in Neverland, but that place was massive in a vertical fashion). I scooted off many walls, accidentally landed on roofs ending my Flowmotion, and striking many combinations.Something I need to say about Reality Shift... it's a blessing. I've always hated it in games when there is so much going on the screen, and there are so many enemies coming at you and you have no way to fix the problem?
It's so nice to have a system where you can enter reality shift, and blow the enemies far away from you. It is just wonderful.
~The Fifth District~
So this was it. The end of my demo. The superficial, energetic, stubborn, devoted and ridiculously named Hockomonkey.
I swung my keyblade, I linked my Dream Eaters, I unleaded hell on the multi-coloured Gorrila.
And before I knew it... it was all over. The boss went down quickly with barely a Cura used.
The rooftop was still intact and I questioned the very existence of these 3D characters. Where did they go after the demo ended? Were they stuck in limbo, waiting to be transferred to the main game? Did they get pulled all the way back to Ursula? Does her tentacles whip through Traverse Town, engulfing Sora and thrusting him back to that small raft?
All I know for certain is Meow Wow certainly doesn't miss him.
~The Game Menu~
What game menu? It wasn't accessible!!!
~The Cutscene of Glory~
All I can say is that Neku was amazing. A bit quiet for my liking, but it's a part of his character. Twister was an eargasm and it was so nice to hear the TWEWY music blasting through the 3DS speakers. Sora's foot tap was the cutest thing ever.
Almost as cute as Michael;
The demo, albeit short, was very enjoyable. It showcase the gameplay in an effective manner, and delivered the right punch for any KH fan to get a knock out of it. The demo has wonderful 3D that didn't hurt my eyes in both cutscenes and gameplay and I expect the same throughout the whole game.
It was a wonderful demo and I congratulate Square Enix for making their first public Kingdom Hearts demo a success!