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Nobodys with hearts (spoiler alert: do not read post before playing 358/2 days)

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New member
Nov 10, 2009
Before I explain my theory, I must make it clear that this entire theory is based on the assumption of 3 basic facts.
  1. Emotions and compassion, including things such as friendship are products of the heart.
  2. While the expression of emotions can be faked, the emotions themselves cannot.
  3. When a Keyblade chooses its master, it becomes connected to its master's heart, not their body. Therefore it is impossible for one without a heart to wild a Keyblade.
Based on these assumptions Roxas, Axel, Xion, Namine and even the Riku replica must all possess hearts. My theory is that when an Organization level Nobody is formed from a somebody whose heart was not only strong, but also predominantly filled with light, the body attracts a heart that was stuck in limbo, so long as the heart is very similar to the heart the body had just lost. Furthermore, such an unnatural means of acquiring a heart seals the chain of memories of that heart, leaving only the memories of the body.​


If I am right then Ventus' heart will be left in limbo after Birth by Sleep, only to later be absorbed into Sora's nobody, creating Roxas. And Namine's tampering caused Sora's Memories to also be absent from Roxas at first. Which means that the Keyblade Roxas Wields is the Keyblade that chose Ventus, not Sora.


Axel would be the combination of Lea's Nobody and an unknown person's heart.​


This one is complex, because the heart Xion possesses would be combined with a doll that was created as a replica of Roxas. During one of the later day in 358/2 days, Saix sends Axel back to Castle Oblivion to find some room (I forget the name), that Xenmas is aparently keeping a secret from him. I believe this may be the room that holds Aqua's armor that was shown in KH2 final mix. Which would mean that Aqua's heart was artificially absorbed into the replica. I believe a fake keyble was also made for Xion, and that at certain points in the game she was using either the fake keyblade or Aqua's keyblade. This would also eplain why Xion used 2 keyblades during the 3 part boss battle against her. In terms of her memories, the heart's memories are sealed and the body has no memories, leaving Xion with nothing ultill she began absorbing Sora's memories through Roxas.​


On closer inspection, Ansem the Wise's theory involving how Namine came into being does seem to be the most logical, with the exception of only a few small details. After all, when Sora's body would have begun its tranformation into a Nobody it effectively lost 2 hearts and so split into a Nobody for each. However, the halve that was meant to be Kairi's Nobody still must have attracted a heart that was in limbo, because Namine clearly has emotions. Also, Namine does seem to have Kairi's memories.​

the Riku replica

As shown with Sora, even when his memories where fake, he would not have felt anything toward Namine without a heart. This also aplies to the Riku replica. Furthermore, the strong desire to be his own person, rather than a copy of someone else, is also an emotion. Since it is unlikely that a heart had been placed into the Riku replica, it is likely that its heart came directly from Kingdom Hearts, efectively the same as with a newborn. The artifitial memories no doubt acted as a forced maturity.​

Final note: When Xion was destroyed, Aqua's heart conjoined with Ven's inside Roxas, wich in turn later entered Sora. Wich means that Sora now has both Ven's and Aqua's hearts inside him. Furthermore, the second Keyblade Roxas used was Aqua's, and the second Keyblade that Sora uses in his double keyblade forms is Ven's. Also, the Wisdom form Keyblade may be Aqua's because it is specialized to magic.​

Please tell me what you think of my copleted theory
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Awkward Squid

New member
Oct 26, 2009
Re: nobodys with hearts (spoiler alert: do not read post before playing 358/2 days)

Wrong section...

(25 characters)

Sapphire Skies

Sucked Back In
Jan 29, 2009
Re: nobodys with hearts (spoiler alert: do not read post before playing 358/2 days)

C'mon guys, give him a break, he's new.
I'll go notify a mod.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: nobodys with hearts (spoiler alert: do not read post before playing 358/2 days)

You say the 'essence' of a Body, yet all those that have wielded the Keyblade have had an actual Body, so does that essence 'fact' arise from?


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Wrong section...

(25 characters)

I don't see how it could be the wrong section, this is supposed to act as the general secton according to the sumary. The only reason I suggested that no one read my theory before playing 358/2 days is that once I have the spare time to type up the rest, it will include major spoilers needed to explain my theory.

∞;4597479 said:
You say the 'essence' of a Body, yet all those that have wielded the Keyblade have had an actual Body, so does that essence 'fact' arise from?

That part involving the "essence of the body" is meant to be a possible explanation for the fact that Namine was came into being even though Kairi's body was still around for her heart to return to in Hollow Bastion.
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Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: nobodys with hearts (spoiler alert: do not read post before playing 358/2 days)

Namine is considered a Nobody because of the way in which she was born, but she is not a Nobody in her constitution. Her being called a Nobody is just a simplified reference, not an actual one. Plus, Namine doesn't have a Soul either.
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