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New member
Apr 22, 2006
What! Who told you! It's a LIE ! A Lie I tell you!
Ok well there's this girl in my class that I like. A LOT! But, we're not really friends. I mean every so often I would talk to her but we never exactly had a whole conversation. I'm like 99.9999999999% sure she dosen't like me though. But I think I may be seriously in love with her. She's perfect for in every single way(well, nobody's perfect but you know what I mean)! Can you all help me kind of move aour friendship along so I can maybe tell her how I feel later. Oh yeah, and I'm changing schools after the end of this school year so I want to at least be good friends with her by the end of the year
Mar 29, 2007
where all surrounding chaos stands still
well for one thing, do you have any classes with her? if you do, talk to her before or afterwards. just ask how she's doing and start a small convo.

you always want to start out small. if you jump ahead too far, you might get her suspiciuos and she might not want to talk back.

take small steps like i said and start small convos. with her. after a while, then start real conversations and strike up some interests.

don't talk to her all the time though. if you see her three times a day, dont always go up to her and attack her with convos. just talk to her once or twice a day and start from there.

thats my advice. and don't be nervous either! just be yourself ^^


Silver Member
Dec 30, 2007
Wait... u're changing schools? Then what's the point of getting to know her???? :huh:

W/e, anyway I suppose it depends. If you rlly think it's that big of a deal (which I understand it is, just going through the steps) then simply talk to her. Don't be stalkertastic and start following her through the halls and waiting near her locker. If you have any classes with her, start up conversation. Of course, don't be all like "ZOMG, MY NAME IS (enter name here)!!! HOW ARE YOU ****ING DOING!?!?!?!?". Calm converstation, but be open to the fact that you two might just not be compatible.

On the other hand, you could always just choose to ignore it. Most of the time ppl obcess over someone else for like a month or two, embaress themselves somehow, then get over it. If you feel like skipping ahead, then just ignore it (I understand it's difficult, but it's better then wasting mind actvity.)


New member
Apr 22, 2006
What! Who told you! It's a LIE ! A Lie I tell you!
Ok, just so you know, I go to a small private school. So 1 grade stays in 1 class the whole day(for the most part) like 7th graders are all in 1 class. same with 8th and 9th etc. So I see her all day actually.

Wait... u're changing schools? Then what's the point of getting to know her???? :huh:

Yeah well my parents really want me to go back to public school and I'm getting kind of tired of private school too. Once I leave, the only thing that I'll miss is Yasmine(that's the girl's name. and yeah, it's spelled with a y not a j)

W/e, anyway I suppose it depends. If you rlly think it's that big of a deal (which I understand it is, just going through the steps) then simply talk to her. Don't be stalkertastic and start following her through the halls and waiting near her locker. If you have any classes with her, start up conversation. Of course, don't be all like "ZOMG, MY NAME IS (enter name here)!!! HOW ARE YOU ****ING DOING!?!?!?!?". Calm converstation, but be open to the fact that you two might just not be compatible.
I don't know what to talk about to her. Sometimes I just tell her "What's up" or something but I never know what to say next.

On the other hand, you could always just choose to ignore it. Most of the time ppl obcess over someone else for like a month or two, embaress themselves somehow, then get over it. If you feel like skipping ahead, then just ignore it (I understand it's difficult, but it's better then wasting mind actvity.)
*whines like a baby* But I don't wanna forget about her! lol

also thanks for the advice angelsinflight xD
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Princess of KH

New member
Jul 3, 2007
my inner universe
Yea, i agree w/ Angelsinflight. Just slowly start conversations w/ her. Just make sure you be yourself. I mean, why would you want her to like you, if you're pretending to be someone else?

If you guys have something in commone, just ask her about it or something like that. You can easily make a friend by the end of the year, as long as you just talk to her. I don't think she'll freak cause you asked her how she's doing. Be yourself, & i hope thing work out!

Destiny's End

The Best in the World at What I Do
Sep 29, 2007
The Roody Poo Bridge
I have a suggestion. You said she was in your class, right? Start something simple like, "Did you get the Homework last night?" or something like that and work up a conversation with that.

Besides, if you really are switching schools, you better get her screen name or something to keep in touch with her.


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
I have a suggestion. You said she was in your class, right? Start something simple like, "Did you get the Homework last night?" or something like that and work up a conversation with that.

Disregard this, no one wants to talk about homework.

Find out what she likes outside of school, talk about that.

Once you have an actual conversation or two, go and sit with her at lunch.

Forever Atlas

The World Rests On Me
May 8, 2007
Earth 1610
not love if you dont really know her... pretty much lust buddy, an infatuation. So you can do 1 of many things. You could simply just go up to her tell her how you feel, either be rejected or accepted. Or Live with it yourself and get on with life. Or heck write her a note if you are afraid to go up to her. lol but all in all its just this... either you tell her how you feel and see how she responds or you keep it to yourself

as for moving your friendship along, its better to get your feelings out there first before you become more situated as "just a friend" cause then thats a hard situation to get out of lol.

want a cheap move? ask her for her number "just in case" you need it for school work or w/e lol... then hmm start textin her.. blah blah, goes on from there lol


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
want a cheap move? ask her for her number "just in case" you need it for school work or w/e lol... then hmm start textin her.. blah blah, goes on from there lol

That's not cheap, that's creepy.

You don't get a healthy relationship like that, you get a restraining order.


New member
Apr 22, 2006
What! Who told you! It's a LIE ! A Lie I tell you!
You all have some good advice. I'll try starting a conversation on Monday. It's just so hard to get started talking to her though. Like, one time at lunch, she's sitting directly in front of me. I wanted to say something to her so badly but when I tried this nervous feeling came over me and I couldn't say anything! I couldn't even think about what to say to her anymore.I got so mad at myself. I guess I'll just have to get over that feeling


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
You all have some good advice. I'll try starting a conversation on Monday. It's just so hard to get started talking to her though. Like, one time at lunch, she's sitting directly in front of me. I wanted to say something to her so badly but when I tried this nervous feeling came over me and I couldn't say anything! I couldn't even think about what to say to her anymore.I got so mad at myself. I guess I'll just have to get over that feeling

If anybody suggests alcohol as liquid courage, disregard that.

Just overcome the nervousness the old fashioned way, it's not the end of the world if you fail.

But nothing'll happen if you never try.

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
Whatever happens, keep cool. Don't be nervous mate, just talk. Swallow whatever nervousness down, and just go with the flow (I am sooo turning hippie :D)

And talk about something interesting. But don't try talking about the weather (unless it's snowing or a tornado is like about to hit..or hurricane..or a meteor shower..hehe..), and try talking about something she is interested in.

If she's interested in a movie, talk about it. If she's interested in a toothbrush WHATEVER, talk about it. And be sure to eat something before chatting, or during, like at lunch. Show her you can eat properly and not like you live in a pig sty.

And the manners. Be polite, blah blah.

And yes, ALCOHOL IS A LIQUID COURAGE! / Sarcasm. Being drunk will only impair all of your senses, including sight, speaking legibly, walking correctly, and a restful awakening the next morning.

And just be yourself. Most of those of the feminine side of the human race tend to prefer men who just be themselves.

Quoted from 1001 Things Every Teen Should Know Before Leaving Home (Or Else They'll Come Back) -

469. They should know to not worry about being alone. God has plans.


Silver Member
Dec 30, 2007
Jub Jub said:
And talk about something interesting. But don't try talking about the weather (unless it's snowing or a tornado is like about to hit..or hurricane..or a meteor shower..hehe..),

Attempt at conversation #1- So.... we're prolly gonna be dead tomarrow huh?

and try talking about something she is interested in.

Attempt at converstation #2- Isn't that guy over there SOOOOOOOOOOooo cute??!?!?!

lol, my smart-assness (as well as my failure in spelling) aside, don't freak about it. Think bout it this way. If you get into conversation, the world keeps spinning. If she acts like a bitch to you, the world keeps spinning. If you get into slight conversation, then nvr talk to her again....

anybody who can finish that sentance correctly gets a secret suprise!!!! O.O


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
lol, my smart-assness (as well as my failure in spelling) aside, don't freak about it. Think bout it this way. If you get into conversation, the world keeps spinning. If she acts like a bitch to you, the world keeps spinning. If you get into slight conversation, then nvr talk to her again....

If the world stops spinning though, I'm going to blame Sorarules13.

Forever Atlas

The World Rests On Me
May 8, 2007
Earth 1610
Originally Posted by Smooth
want a cheap move? ask her for her number "just in case" you need it for school work or w/e lol... then hmm start textin her.. blah blah, goes on from there lol

That's not cheap, that's creepy.

You don't get a healthy relationship like that, you get a restraining order.

??? how does a restraining order come from texting a friend/classmate? -.- u make no sense. I didnt say send her perver stuff or stalk her.... if she gives him her # then obviously she expects him to contact her for one thing or another.
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lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
??? how does a restraining order come from texting a friend/classmate? -.- u make no sense. I didnt say send her perver stuff or stalk her.... if she gives him her # then obviously she expects him to contact her for one thing or another.

The way I took your post was-

"Hey, can I have your number if I ever need to call you for a school project?"

"Sure, I guess..."

[Texts start coming in about non school related subjects]

I'd be creeped out, that's all I'm saying.

Forever Atlas

The World Rests On Me
May 8, 2007
Earth 1610
The way I took your post was-

"Hey, can I have your number if I ever need to call you for a school project?"

"Sure, I guess..."

[Texts start coming in about non school related subjects]

I'd be creeped out, that's all I'm saying.

nah you see? you gotta play it cool, like lets say there's a class project (hopefully she is a good student... if not, then forget her xDDD lol she'll be a waste of time! jk):

but you see, dont give her much of a choice lol, dont force her, but give her an answer already like (not randomly but obviously within a conversation you might be having with her) since obviously he cant take the direct aproach and just either tell her how he feels or ask her straight up for her #:

confidently: "Hey. Let me get your number. Ya know, jus in case of anything." (dont give her too much room for questioning your reasonings)

if she asks for what for just tell her (and once again hopefully she is a good student) : "well if I miss out of class or anything, you are a reliable person to catch up on stuff with."

then one day that you might need an assignment or w/e, or help, simple stuff call or nah, text if you have probs havin a convo with her: "hey did you understand the HW" or something simple like that. or "what were the pages for the assignment again?"

now if she replies with an obviously straight answer no room for any "social talk" like "pages 225-245" instead of "hey whats up? yeah its long work pages 225-245" then she probably doesnt really care to talk to you lol

BUt if she does send the latter text, then you can take it from there and maybe be like "aww man i hate it when mr. (insert name) gives us all these pages to do."

it starts off a conversation.... now if she's like just "pages 225-245" and you are really adamant on getting to talk to this girl and having her get to know you, then you could ask for elaborations on the assignments and then the next day, thank her and try talk a little about the HW possibly.

then take it from there. if she got a myspace lol get her myspace. comment on her pics "wow you look good there" blah blah lol

Girls love flattery.... (no offense to the intelectual female on here who doesnt -.- bs lol)

Now this is just an example. I mean conversations can go so many ways, all im saying is make way for conversation, you have to put yourself out there to talk to her and really grab her attention. Find out the things that make her talk, find a common ground or common interest. Then the conversation will flow. dont focus on "liking her" and dont focus on trying to find "the right things to say" that will just make u nervous.

or heck you dont even have to go thru all that lol. Like if you get her number and text her one day, dont let it be the first thing u text her... hopefully (most ppl do) you have a cell wit camera on it, and hopefully she does too. ask her for a pic for her pic ID. then when she sends it, you better reply with a compliment like "wow, really nice pic :) you look beautiful in it." something to that effect lol... then that'll get her wondering, is he being nice? or is he really into me? and chances are she'll ask and there's an open opportunity

anyway im no Dr. Phil, but thats jus one option. :p


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
Wow, I didn't expect a long response.

Now that you've put it this way, I concede defeat to your strategy.


New member
Apr 22, 2006
What! Who told you! It's a LIE ! A Lie I tell you!
Smooth.... your a genius!!! Your idea is so perfect because she texts a LOT! Sadly I just now looked at your post after school so it's too late today lol. But I'll try tomorrow.

Today I was this close to talkin to her. It was last period and we had just finished watching some kind of boring movie. We didn't have anything to do after the movie and most of the class was out today because of sports so the rest of us just got to hang out and talk. The guy sitting next to me turned around to Yasmine and said" I bet you liked that movie didn't you?"( the movie was based on a book and she reads a lot of books) And she said "No, that was boring! I like scary movies" That was my chance! The guy next to me started talking to the guy next to Yasmine. Then I started sayin something about a scary movie I saw on tv( i think it was the original Holloween which wasn't that scary to me) but she completely ignored me! She just started texting again. I tried to remain positive and tell myself she wasn't ignoring me on purpose. Maybe she thought I was talking to the other 2 guys. I figured I would try again after she finshed texting. But then a friend of hers(which is also a friend of mine) named Grace came up and started talking to her. And when those two start talking(and sometimes being stupid. stupid in a good, funny way I mean), they don't stop. So I blew my chance. Oh well.

I'm in a very good mood today for some reason so I figured I'll get many other oppurtunities later.

Eternal Snow

Hopelessly Confused
May 13, 2006
Ok, in a girl's opinion, Smooth's plan to get her number and ask about assignments is pretty smart. Because if a guy did that to me I wouldn't think much about it, I would just take your reason. As long as

A) It isn't stupid; Ex - "Can I have your number because I lost my planner and I can never remember the homework," or something like that. That just says, 'I want your number so I can text you constantly.'
B) I actually knew you somehow. I mean, if a random guy came up to me and asked, "Can I have your number just in case?" I'd be like, "No." Because I have no clue who you are, though it does seem as if you've talked to her before, so this doesn't really count. xD

Anyways, I recommend you just be yourself, because if she doesn't like you as a person then being someone else isn't going to help.

Now this part is mainly because I know Jub Jub376 (even though I call him JJ) and I really feel the need to point a "couple" things out. Yeah, you might learn something. Mainly because, sadly, I'm the Sammii in his sig. >.<

Whatever happens, keep cool. Don't be nervous mate, just talk. Swallow whatever nervousness down, and just go with the flow (I am sooo turning hippie :D)
Yeah you would know JJ, when you first start talking to me I believe, "Ummm. . ." was used alot. Oh and my favorite, "I dunno. . ." Then of course when you ran out of things to say you cyber beat up Roxas with a cyber fold-out chair. Yes JJ, you're Captain Smooth.

FYI - Babbling like an incoherent idiot will not get a girl to like you, however, it will make her realize that you like her. (and so will putting thier name in your signature against their will, JJ.)

And talk about something interesting. But don't try talking about the weather (unless it's snowing or a tornado is like about to hit..or hurricane..or a meteor shower..hehe..), and try talking about something she is interested in.
Guy: We're all going to die from a meteor shower/tornado/hurricane/snow storm tomorrow.
Girl: Why?
Guy: Because. . .uh. . .the. .. uh. . .dsfjdshfdsvdsjkgjf. . .
Girl: *walks away*

Now honestly, the point of talking to her is to get her to like you. Not to get her to think you're a freak with mental problems. Stay far, far away from the topic of 'we're all going to die tomorrow.'

If she's interested in a movie, talk about it. If she's interested in a toothbrush WHATEVER, talk about it.
Guy: Hey do you like toothbrushes?
Girl: Uhm. . .
Guy: Cause I LOVE toothbrushes.
Girl: Ok. . .
Guy: I mean they come in so many styles! I have a Tigger one at home from when I was five!
Girl: I think my friend just called me. . . *quickly turns around* COMING! *runs away*

There are obviously some topics that you do not want to talk about, because maybe the girl likes bras, do you really want to get yourself into a conversation about that? NO. And frankly, if a guy started talking about bras to me my first thought would be, "GAY!"

And be sure to eat something before chatting, or during, like at lunch. Show her you can eat properly and not like you live in a pig sty.
Guy: Yeah, I thou-
Girl: Are you ok?
Guy: *throws up on her from nervousness*
Girl: EWWWW! *never talks to guy again*

Yeah, there are other ways to show you're not a pig, and if you're nervous while talking to her the last thing you want to do is eat. There's a good chance that you may, or may not throw up. Depending on level of nervousness.

Trust me, there are very few girls who would ever talk to you again after you threw up on them.

And the manners. Be polite, blah blah.
This is obvious, any guy who comes up to a girl and says, "YO HOE! WHAT'S UP!"
Will get an answer of being kicked in the balls.

And yes, ALCOHOL IS A LIQUID COURAGE! / Sarcasm. Being drunk will only impair all of your senses, including sight, speaking legibly, walking correctly, and a restful awakening the next morning.
Yeah, yet again, throwing up on a girl does not in any way make a good impression, and to do it drunk just says, 'Future Bum - Class of *insert year*'

And just be yourself. Most of those of the feminine side of the human race tend to prefer men who just be themselves.
We also tend to prefer that the man is older, but that's entirely different story.
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