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Fanfiction ► Not So Heartless Anymore: Codenamed Danger Penguin XD

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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Except not.
Piku strapped her seat belt around her. Kat did the same. Then her sister realized that you had to actually buckle the seat belt in and cried when it snapped her in the face. Piku laughed.

The two were in seperate ships. Piku was in a W.U.R.M., and Kat was in Pocky's pit. They were linked directly by a tracter beam. Only spelled right. It was incredibly dramatic. Piku turned on her walkie-talkie-intercom system. Immediately, she heard a whiney voice over the speakers.


"I WANT MY BISHIES!" Myra yelled over the speakers as Piku's eye twitched madly.

"What does this button do?" Ketso said suddenly. Everyone was silent for a minute.

"Press it." Gerard could be seen leaning forward in his W.U.R.M.

"Yeah, Ketso. Press it." Myra said. She was fogging up the windshield and drawing little hearts. And transmution circles. Suddenly, a huge jet of plasma singed the wing of Piku's W.U.R.M. Kat went ballistic.


"-I'm gonna kill things!" Piku yelled suddenly. She revved her W.U.R.M.'s engine up and slammed into the nearest enemy. Kat's eyes bugged out as a holographic image of the younger sister appeared on the side of Piku's windshield.

"What do you think you're doing?! MY W.U.R.M.!!!"

"You sound like Oogie. Shut up. Bye-bye."

"NO, DON'T!" Kat was cut off when Piku shut off the radio. Piku spun out of sight from the mother-ship, leaving the others astounded.

"I STILL WANT A PRETTY PENGY!" Gerard yelled. He shook his fist at the radio. "If you don't go, Mr. Gummi-W.U.R.M., I'm going to hold my breath."

The gummi didn't say anything, much to Gerard's surprise. He crossed his arms. "Oh, so that's how you wanna play."

Myra found the flame-cannons and several enemies. She spun around, flames shooting everwhere. "FIYAH!" She yelled enthusiastically and made obsessive giggling noises. Suddenly, a hamster appeared on her head, calling out in a high-pitched voice, "SHAZAM!"

Myra stared at the flames in front of her, leaving herself open for an attack. Three heartless ships crawled up behind her.

Kaze and Ketso saw it. They quickly sliced through space to get to Myra's ship. Then, they saw each other. It turned into a game of chicken. Neither was turning back -OR helping Myra- and both were heading towards each other. With a huge crash, the two bounced back away from each other, just in time to see a curious, sleek ship appear between them. The ship fired shining purple beams at the three heartless ships, destroying them in three hits.

Kaze and Ketso slumped in their seats, folding their arms and glowering. Myra leaned over in her seat, trying to see through the heavily-tinted windows of this intruding gummi. "Bishie?" she murmered thoughtfully. Ketso and Kaze cursed under their breaths.

They didn't have time to think this over, because they suddenly received a message from the newcomer. He'd found their radio frequency. "Hey... That's twelve kills, if anyone wanted to know."

The voice was male, and about their age. Simmering, Ketso and Kaze engaged in a race to the most kills. The sleek gummi sliced through the black nothingness with extreme ease.

"Twenty one!" Ketso said triumphantly. The newcomer laughed.

"Forty-three," Kaze said lazily. Ketso was shocked. He quickly rounded on a few more enemies, and the numbers continued to grow, though nobody knew who was in the lead.

Kat was using every ounce of her strength not to go into the fetal position. "My beautiful ships... The dents... THINK OF THE DENTS!"

Amme, who was helping to pilot Pocky, slapped Kat. "Pull yourself together!"

Kat nodded, suddenly becoming brave. She took a deep breath and charged. Pocky barrel-rolled, taking out about seventy heartless ships. Kat sighed, trying to relax. Nothing had penetrated Pocky- the shields were super strong. The ship would be okay. She glared and dove into more enemies. They had to win. If they won, she'd have her pick of devices from those Heartless Ships. Pocky could use a nicer cloaking device.

Meanwhile, Piku turned on her radio. Immediately, she was bombarded with angry Kat-messages.


"I'm playing."

"Well... What's your score?" That was Ketso. Kat had given up and gleefully taken out a few hundred more gummis with a spinning flail as she blasted from ever weapon.

Piku counted in her head. "I haven't been keeping track. I'm guessing about five hundred."

Kaze and Ketso glowered. "No fair. Start from zero. You have to keep track, or it doesn't count."

Piku shrugged. "Okay. I'll tell you when I catch up."

Ketso sighed with relief. He was winning; he knew it. He charged into the next group of enemies, trying to tell himself that they were almost there. It seemed, however, that for every enemy that went down, five more ships replaced him. Not that Ketso was discouraged. His score was at an impressive 407. That was impressive... Right?

Kaze counted absent-mindedly. "Four hundred twenty seven... Four hundred twenty eight... Four hundred twenty nine..."

Sora pouted, wondering what to do. He pressed a button randomly. A small beam shot out of his W.U.R.M. It hit a heartless ship, though all it did was scratch the paint.

"I SHOT SOMETHING!" Sora said, happily. Then he tried to remember how to shoot things again.

Gerard turned blue. The gummi still didn't say anything.

Myra syncronised five fire cannons. They built themselves up until five balls of fire had formed a giant, boiling orb of flames. She released. The ball of energy rolled through countless enemies, throwing gummi blocks everywhere. Quickly she zoomed around, counting the ships.

"Fifteen-twenty two... Fifteen twenty-three... I killed one thousand, five hundred, twenty-three! Do I win yet?!" Myra said excitedly.

Piku, Kaze, and Ketso stared. They were all under twelve-hundred. There was only one thing to do. Lie.

"Well, you've almost caught up!" Piku said, encouragingly.

"I've only got you by a few," Ketso assured.

"...I'm winning." Kaze said.

Myra looked slightly crestfallen. Immediately, Ketso and Kaze took out fifty enemies with large neon blasts. Myra beamed. "My bishies pwn the heartless!"

Then, something happened. A large planet came in sight. The heartless ships seemed to be retreating to that planet. The forgotten black ship with the purple blasters flew in front of Pocky.

"Follow them!" the hidden boy inside called. Kat nodded. Amme shouted over the intercom, "Get to that planet!"

Ketso glared at Kaze. Kaze glared at Ketso. It was suddenly a race to the finish line.
Was it long enough?


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

HOLY FREAKIN' SHIZNAP!! FIYAH!!! *-* I was winning...;-; BUT YOU ALL LIIIED!! Who's the new better-be-hott dude-guy? Kinda made me think of Ed....Hmm...Must be the FMA soundtrack and DVDs I got. =D So...much...hottness...*watches again* o.o

Awesome, Pickle. No one's agnoladging me on AIM. Only spelled right. *Sora pout* ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005

Ketso flew his W.U.R.M. over to the tiny planet. As he approached it, he saw the newcomer slide into a black gummi-garage. Pocky followed, and Kat must've been glad. There was ample space in the garage. It could've fit five Pocky's, Ketso thought as he pulled into the garage. Everyone seemed to be parking towards the back of the garage, but Ketso parked in the front. He wanted to get going; this had better be only a temporary stop.

He paced angrily outside the intruder's ship, waiting for him to come out. Everyone was impatient. Gerard was edging away nervously from Yuna and closer to Rikku, Myra was muttering "bishie", Piku was kicking the walls, Kat was trying to repair the walls, and Kaze-

Where was Kaze? Ketso looked around, wondering. Then he saw Kaze's sillhouette (But spelled right) heading down an ally. Ketso snuck away from the group cautiously. They were preoccupied and didn't notice, just like they didn't notice Kaze slipping away.

Ketso rounded the corner, keeping his face pressed against the door Kaze had just closed. Ketso held the doorknob perfectly still. Kaze was talking to someone. Ketso kneeled down, a thin beam of light falling on his face as he stared through the door, which was slightly ajar. Kaze ran a hand through his hair, and Ketso could see that the other blonde was wearing a headset.

"Yeah," the golden-haired boy said, rolling his eyes. He sat on an old crate. "No, it's under control."

Ketso squinted, confused. What was? Kaze spoke again. "No, Axel. I'm perfectly fine on my own."

Axel? Axel... Sora had told him about Axel. What was Kaze talking to Axel for? Wasn't Axel dead? Apparently not. But, Axel seemed to be saying the wrong things. Kaze was growing angrier by the second.

"Have you forgotten the Order?" Kaze hissed. "Let's not forget who the Superior is here. I can get him on my own. Yeah, you are out of line. Goodbye."

Kaze sighed, and then he froze. Ketso knew he'd been heard. He flung the door open.

Kaze actually blanched. "What are you looking at?"

"Traitor!" Ketso spat. He thought of all the times Myra had huggled or drooled over Kaze. Kaze, who had always had this, this... This "holier-than-thou" attitude.

Kaze was evil.

And now he was staring at Ketso as if there was something wrong with him. Without thinking, Ketso slammed his fist into Kaze's face. Kaze fell down, sliding to the ground. He rubbed his jaw and stood up.

"Hey, Ketso... That automail. You know how painful it is to get it in and out?"

"No..." Ketso said slowly. "I was asleep when they put it in."

Kaze paced steadily. "Huh. Well..." He trailed off. Ketso stood, ready. Kaze launched himself at Ketso, two blades at his hands. Ketso summoned a long, ebony key. He threw it into Kaze's face, but Kaze blocked. The two youths' blades locked. Ketso fought, but something was wrong. He stared at his blade in disbelief as Kaze laughed, his voice full of malice.

A long crack ran down Ketso's blade. Broken was... Breaking. It shattered, suddenly. Kaze laughed again. He stood.

"You're weaponless. I have two blades, you have none. And now, for a little insurance..." Kaze placed his blade near the top of Ketso's auto-mail. The hooked teeth of Oblivion wrenched through the silvery metals. Ketso's eyes widened as the auto-mail shattered just as his blade had.

All that remained was a torn up base. Kaze grabbed Ketso by his natural arm. "Now. If you're a good kid, and you just walk back nicely, I won't have to hurt you. You'll have to get your auto-mail fixed, and the only pain will be when the nerves reconnect. But if you're a bad kid, and you don't do as I say, I'll tear the base off and you'll have to go through THAT again. I'll destroy the shoulder. You'll have to go through the same process my father went through. So I suggest you walk back and say that you fell down." Kaze snarled.

Ketso looked down. His blade was gone, his arm was gone, and Kaze was gone. He glared back up at the other blonde.

"If you hurt Myra, I will kill you." Kaze kicked Ketso in the back, and Ketso failed to steady himself. He crashed to the ground, unbalanced.

"And if you go near her, I will kill you."

Ketso took a breath and walked on. Kaze followed behind him. "Take a right," Kaze muttered, having regained his composure.

"That's not the way we came," Ketso protested. Kaze glared at him. His blades glinted menacingly, though it was still dark on this planet. Ketso gritted his teeth and trudged on.

They were walking through a strange field of broken shards of glass. There were pieces of crystal shattered everywhere, oozing ponds of black liquid, and obsidian- black glass spread around the place. Ketso looked around. "Where are we?"

Kaze looked bitterly around. "We're in the world of Broken Hearts. I believe you'll find a couple of yours here, too, Ketso. That is... If I gave you time to look."

Ketso ignored that. The land of Broken Hearts. The newcomer had brought them there. Who was that guy, anyway?

Ketso contemplated this as they walked on. Ketso tripped over something, catching himself now with his one arm. He stared over his shoulder as he got back up. Kaze didn't seem to notice the huge yellow eyes, appearing behind him. Ketso stood finally, and saw more yellow eyes. Golden orbs peering at them. Huge night-coloured bodies rose from the ground. Giant clawed arms grabbed Ketso. Kaze was defending himself, but Ketso couldn't expect help from him. There were so many heartless around them. The darkness was swallowing him, now. He gasped for breath as he was sucked into the black portals. Was this it? Hopes of destroying Van gone? Ketso had never known the joy of having a life of his own. And now his hopes of that were dashed.

Suddenly, purple waves cut through the air. Ketso was free. The darkness that had filled his throat, pores, ears, eyes, and every other sense he had was gone. He fell to the ground, and was seriously annoyed as he pulled himself back up.

There was a fighter with two purpley-transperant swords riding a motorcycle. He had a heavily tinted helmet and was dressed completely in black. It was the intruder.

Ketso didn't even know his name, and he already owed him his life. He yelled to the newcomer. The boy with the helmet and Kaze were fighting in unison. Their blades were purple, black, and white blurs as they fought on, destroying heartless after heartless.

When the battle was over, all seemed exhausted. Kaze stood, breathing heavily. Ketso's posture was almost non-existent. The newcomer stood, laughing.

Ketso nodded at him, trying to smile. "Hey, man. Thanks."

Suddenly, the boy clad in black spoke. His voice was icy and it stung Ketso. "Don't you "thank" me." The boy pulled off his helmet, revealing raven, shaggy hair that covered one of his eyes. He was pale and had half-closed eye-lids. He was looking distastefully at Ketso, the helmet at his side. Black gloves held his two crystal blades in one hand.

Kanynt. The black haired boy casted the helmet away, pointing his blades at Ketso's throat. He blew his hair out of his eye. A shining emerald one held enough malice to match the sapphire one. "I saved your life. Now let me kill you."

Ketso stared in disbelief. He had no weapon. How was he to defend himself?

He didn't have to. Kaze was suddenly in front of him, blocking Kanynt's blades. Kaze's glare fought to overpower Kanynt's. "He is mine to kill!" Kaze hissed.

"If you stand in my way, I will destroy you." Kanynt said, holding his blades at Kaze's neck now. "For I hold a grudge with you, too."

"You got a thing against blondes?" Kaze said, sarcastically.

Ketso's fist tightened. That was enough. Suddenly, something appeared in his hand. He looked down. A giant shield was now in his hand. Heart shaped, ebony with splashes of crimson, and too many spikes to count. He stared at the foot-and-a-half long spikes on that shield. "Hey, you idiots!" Ketso said, a grin appearing on his face. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you're gonna get."

And the three ran at each other.
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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
True. But you can go there if you want.

There will be more clash...es....ing, C_U. I swear it.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D



I needta kill all three their asses. Except fer Ketso. He's still nice and awesome. *huggles* ;-;


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
This is short. >_<
Ketso slammed his shield into Kaze's back. "That's for my father!" He yelled. Kanynt drove one of his swords into Ketso's knee.

"That's for my father's death!" Kanynt shouted back. Ketso rolled on the ground, searching for balance as Kaze hit Kanynt's jaw with the flat of Oathkeeper.

"That's for me," he said angrily. Ketso dove into Kaze's blows, sparks flying as the shield tore past Kaze's blades, driving a few spikes into Kaze's stomach. Kanynt appeared, knocking the pommel of his blade against Ketso's head. Ketso dropped down, and Kaze and Kanynt dealt a series of blows to each other, locking blades and slashing at each other. Kaze flipped over Kanynt, stabbing Ketso's side with Oblivion. Ketso threw his shield down, and then bringing it up with as much force as he could, slicing Kaze's knees. Ketso slid around Kaze, who tried to catch his breath, and threw his shield like a flying disk at Kanynt. Kanynt caught the shield, smiling triumphantly.

Until he saw that he had "caught" the shield by letting its spikes rip through his palms. Blood splashed through the wound, leaving more crimson streaks on "Resurrected Heartbreak". Kaze ran at Ketso, and the blondes clashed. Ketso's shield was thrown into Kaze's arm, and Kaze tore away, clutching the bleeding mass. Ketso stood, throwing his fist back. The blow never landed, however, because Kanynt tackled Ketso, who landed on a patch of broken shards. Kanynt held Ketso there, the blonde boy's face being cut deeply by the crystal pieces. Kanynt threw Ketso's face into it. "You see those hearts, Ketso?" he snarled. "I broke them. I took them, and I brought them here. Know that if I ever see you, and if you ever manage to get a heart... I'll be there to take it from you."

Ketso gasped for breath as a shard cut across his throat. It wasn't deep, but it still left a burning sensation on his neck. He was suddenly jerked upwards by the hair. Kaze, blood streaming from a cut on his forehead, punched Ketso in the stomach repeatedly. The green-eyed blonde kicked Kaze hard in the knee, blood splattering from his own bloodied leg.

Kaze let out a groan and Ketso backflipped over him. He landed behind the doubled-over boy and summoned his shield. He slammed it into Kaze's back, raising it again but never landing. Kanynt hooked a leg on Ketso's one arm, and Ketso lost his balance and fell to the ground. Ketso slipped in a pool of blood, and he fell down, twisting onto his back. Kanynt stood above him, a huge gash going from one of his eyes to the opposite corner of his mouth. A bitter smile could be seen, though, as blood leaked silently into that grinning mouth. Kanynt's blades were brought up, and they were about to come down when Kaze came out of nowhere, throwing his good arm around Kanynt's neck. The two choked each other, kicked, yelled and bit, but Ketso stayed down. Then, he pulled himself up. Kanynt rounded on him. Kaze was on the ground, and he wasn't moving. Ketso looked around Kanynt to Kaze, and he dashed over to him. He had to make sure Kaze was okay. It was alright. Kaze was still breathing. He was unconcious, though. Suddenly, Ketso felt a blade pass from his shoulder through where his heart should be. He stared at the tip of the blade protruding from his heartless body. Kanynt couldn't seem to bring the blade out. Ketso grabbed the blade and pulled. The hilt was pushed up against his shoulder, Kanynt holding it still. Ketso grabbed the blade one more time, blood falling from his hand, and pulled. The blade passed through completely, and Ketso was holding one of Kanynt's swords. He flipped it, grabbing it by the hilt and looked towards Kanynt. Kanynt couldn't use one of his arms; a result of Ketso's shield-blow to the wrist. Kanynt folded that arm behind him. The two circled each other, slowly.

"A blade against its twin..." Kanynt said. "And a boy against his brother."

Ketso's hand hurt, and he was exhausted beyond belief, but he held the blade tight in his hand. "Whatever happens... Don't hurt Kaze." He could never forgive himself if Myra's love died, and she never got to learn the truth about him. Kanynt shrugged. His icy stare deepened.

The two flew at each other, and every time their swords met, they gave off identical sounds. Every time Ketso's blade cut through the air, the same whistle carried from Kanynt's. Just like their swords, they were too evenly matched. Ketso couldn't go on like this. He could see that Kanynt could, though. Perhaps they weren't so equal. Ketso wondered if Death would give him all the answers.

And then it clicked. "Kanynt, I'm sorry, but I can't fight you." He said, parrying a blow from the glowing blade of his opponent. Kanynt looked surprised.

"Why not?!" Kanynt felt cheated. Ketso shrugged. He backed away.

"Because I have to die right now. It's what I have to do. But I'll be back." Ketso hoped that Kanynt would accept this. Kanynt stuck his sword in the ground. He leaned on it, considering this.

"Of course. You have to die to find Van. And then you'll beat him, and you'll come back. But if you have to die... Why won't you just let me kill you?"

Ketso brought Kanynt's blade to his own throat. He would return the sword someday. He grinned at Kanynt. "Pride goeth before the fall."

The sickening sound of a sword going through a throat could be heard, and then a terrible "thump", as Ketso's body hit the ground.
I swear he's not dead forever.


Thank You Jonathan Larson
Jun 23, 2005
Recounting my exploits as an Anarchist. =D
Pickle is gonna be in big trouble.



I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Ketso looked around. He had been sleeping. He was dead, but he had wasted time sleeping. He wondered if he had missed Van. Van would've come right when he died, and he would've run away by now. Ketso knew that Van wanted to fight, though. He wanted to fight as much as Ketso did.

He looked up to see a familiar face. The Angel's face hadn't changed, but now it was adorned with crimson eyes. It uttered an icy laugh. "Greetings, Ketso."

"Hello, Van." Ketso stood.


Kaze paced back and forward. Kanynt sat on the other side of the room. They were in Pocky's main living room. Gerard was leaning against a wall, thinking. He seemed extremely depressed. He had shaken off Yuna completely, for once in his life putting her in her place. Rikku sat near him, and the two were silent. Kanynt was pressing an icepack to his face, refusing to be healed as part of some training. Kaze had been healed, but he'd gotten scars, and his arm was beyond repair. It seemed to be almost rotting.

If Kat was mourning, she was doing it away from everyone else. She sat in the pit of Pocky for a long time. Piku, however, lectured Kaze and Kanynt every few minutes. She had severely beaten them before she was willing to heal them, and she didn't add any anesthetic to the healing. That was usually what was done- it would be extremely painful to close wounds without scabbing or stitches otherwise. But she hadn't added it, and she had let them scar, too. Amme refused to heal them any further, too. She also lectured them when Piku couldn't think of the words and resulted to kicking things.

That wasn't what was eating at Kaze, though. He had betrayed Myra. He felt like he was losing himself. More importantly, Myra thought she had lost him. And Ketso. He had told her what had happened. Ketso would probably be dead for less than twelve hours, but she was inconsolable. She slammed the door on his hand and didn't even say sorry or glomp him. Kaze was actually stunned. Now he paced. Ketso had to get back. He had to. "Ketso," he murmered. "If you stay dead, I'll kill you."


Van stepped forward. Ketso ignored him, but he eventually had a question. "How long have I been asleep?"

Van thought for a minute. "Eight hours."

Ketso cursed under his breath. He hadn't meant to be gone this long. But he guessed that it was for the better. He felt a lot better, and he knew that with that fight out of the way, Van would be a piece of cake. He looked around. They couldn't fight here.

"What are the terms of our battle?" Van asked. Ketso thought. "We fight where I choose. Neither are immortal or invulnerable, and it's a fight to the death. If I win, I choose what I want to do. If I lose... I'll enter your so-called holy world."

Van's eyes glinted, but he found no loop-holes. "Indeed. A fair fight, then. Yes. Now, where will we be fighting?"

Ketso thought about this. In the end, only one place made sense. "The world of Broken Hearts."

A familiar flash of white surrounded them, and the last thing Ketso saw before they were teleported was Van's grinning red eyes.


Kanynt stared at the blonde boy who was still pacing. As he thought about revenge, murder, and hearts, he noticed something white flicker outside. He rose, abandoning the ice pack. "Did you see that?" he asked.

Everyone rose, looking out the window. They followed Kanynt to the window. "There." He pointed. Two tiny beams of light were falling to the ground. His finger traced their path. "Shooting stars...? No. That's them. Get everyone. That's Ketso."


Ketso fell to the ground, swishing the sword Kanynt had lent him. The blade that had killed him would now kill his enemy. Van landed elegantly on the ground. He looked around.

"Your friends... They know we're here. They weren't allowed to see this battle."

"It was never stated that they couldn't," Ketso reminded. Van scowled.

"Fine. But they should earn a seat at this performance." Van peered around, his hand following his gaze. Everywhere black-glass mountains rose. They made a complete circle around Van and Ketso. They had jagged, curvy ridges that looked incredibly sharp. How easily they could rip through human flesh. Ketso swore. He wanted his friends there. He should've stated it. He hoped they had seen him. He hoped that they would come.


Myra sat on her bed, her knees drawn up to her as she hugged her legs. Tears fell freely, but she was thinking about who should pay for this act- not how sad she was. She was even more angry that everyone would suggest that Ketso was there, on the same world, and that he was fighting. That they just had to cross the mountains- WHAT mountains, she wondered- and that then they would see him take on the Angel Van. She didn't believe it for a second. She looked out the window. There were mountains, though they couldn't have been there before. But that didn't prove that Ketso was there.

And then the feathers started to fall.


Ketso looked around as the feathers fell. Reynaldo had supposedly gotten rid of that stupid wing. So why were the feathers falling?

Ketso stared at his reflection in a pool of black liquid. A wing had sprung up behind him. He hated the wing. But it reminded him of something.

Where was Reynaldo? He hadn't been seen since Amme last held him. Ketso was forced to shake that thought away as Van ran at him, blade outstretched. Ketso jumped back at the last second, avoiding the blade narrowly. He jumped as high as he could, bringing his blade down on Van. The angel threw his blade into a lock with Ketso's, but Ketso had been ready for that. He stepped on the hilt of Van's blade, threw himself down, and stabbed the Angel in the back. He landed on the ground and swung his blade- with Van still atattched- to the left. A sickening sound, and then a heavy weight was lifted from Ketso's sword. He turned to see Van, blood pouring from his back, a few feet away. Van looked shocked. Clearly he had expected this to be easy.

Ketso spoke, ready to charge. "I don't know if you were thinking this was gonna be easy... But you can stop thinking that now."


Myra saw the others, already climbing one of those glassy black mountains. She ran to catch up with them, but she stopped at the base of the mountain when she realized something. She didn't have gloves. Then, a spark of happiness went through her. She was surprised by it.

"Who needs gloves when you're the master of elements?!" Then it disappeared. But still, she went on. She drew a small circle on the mountain, snapped, and it combusted. A foothold. This could work. This could work very well.

Within a few minutes, she had caught up to them all. Kaze looked surprised. She glared as she climbed above him. "Don't even talk to me right now."


Ketso breathed heavily. Combo after combo, there was no denying it. Van had amazing defense, though. For a while, Ketso was certain that he was still immortal. However, when his blade had managed to make a sickening "pop" come out of Van's shoulder, he realized that Van thought the same thing about HIM.

Ketso dove again at Van, trying desperately to end this fight. He was losing hope. Even if he was winning, a feeling of depression kept sweeping over him. He longed to see his friends, but he wasn't sure if it would happen. Still, he fought on. Locking blades with Van, he was preoccupied from depression for a minute.


Finally, Myra reached the top. She stood triumphantly, exhausted from using so much energy. She did, however, do a victory... combustion-marathon all over the mountain. "YEAH!" she called out. "Oh, what now, Mountain?! I went Ukbarm all up and down your... base... SHUT UP!"

Now came the tricky part. She sawed off a long, thin sheet of obsidian from the mountain with One Winged Angel. Then, she put her hands in front of her. No Alchemy. Just elemental mastery.

She thought about victory, cake, and happiness. And then she thought about Ketso. A stream of fire flew from her hands, melting the fire. She kicked the ground, sending the slice of obsidian flying down the mountain with her on it.

She kept jetting out fire, melting a path for her to dash down with her obsidian skate-board. And then she saw him.



Ketso turned around. She said it. He saw her. She knew he was alive. He waved at her as she came down his side of the mountain. She flung away the sheet of black she'd been riding on and ran up to the battle field. She went to run to Ketso, but a force-field bound her to where she stood. She slammed it, and the air hardened and bounced where her fist hit. Ripples went through the air, and Ketso knew there was a force-field.

And then he knew pain. Van had taken this time to shove his blade into Ketso's side. Blood splattered the air, and Myra called out. Ketso stood shakily.

"It's okay! I can win!" Ketso was filled with confidence and happiness as he saw the rest of his friends coming down the mountain. He turned to Van. "Let's end this."

Ketso summoned his shield, and he looked it over. He saw a small chain coming off of it, and he saw that it had a key-chain, just like a keyblade. He looked at the blade Kanynt had given him. It had a small notch just shaped like the shield's key-chain. He pressed the two together. Then, he raised a new blade.

It was still transperant, mostly, but it was ebony now. It had a long red streak down it, and a huge silver hilt. It glowed gold, and shimmering gold letters flew across the red stripe. "Essence of Heart," Ketso read. "This sword will be your undoing."

Van, who had been running, stopped in his tracks. It seemed he knew this sword from somewhere. Ketso charged, wasting no time. He slid the blade through Van's heart.

Or where it should've been. The blade glowed brighter, but no heart could be seen. Ketso looked Van in the eyes. "It doesn't make sense, does it?" He said, shoving the blade through Van harder. Van gaped.

"It doesn't make sense that a Heartless should wield a blade that eats Heartless-" He raised the blade again, and brought it down with more force than he'd ever dealt before. "From the inside out!"

Van gasped, doubled over, and seemed to die. Ketso turned to his friends, who seemed free. He put the huge blade on his shoulder, not caring that it cut him as he did so.

He hugged Myra first. Then, as he started to fade away, he spoke to all of them. "I'm leaving for just a while. I have to go to sort this all out. But I'll be back. And I'll leave a letter explaining everything."

Tears flooded down their cheeks- though Piku, Kat, Kanynt, and Kaze just glared- and Ketso was gone. Myra collapsed onto the ground, sobbing. Kaze and Ketso knelt down beside her.

"It'll be okay," Kanynt said. Kaze nodded. Myra sobbed. "How do you know?" she asked bitterly.

Kanynt and Kaze looked at each other. Then Kaze spoke. "Because he promised you. And Ketso never breaks a promise."
That was the second to last chap. Then there's an epilouge. HURRY SO I CAN UPDATE!


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Last chap. Ridiculously short. But then the epilouge, and we're done!
They got his letter that day. All of them got copies of it. They only read the parts that were meant for them, though. They thought that was what Ketso would want. They could actually talk to him, though. He didn't know how many of them would write back more than once to test it, but it didn't matter.

Myra had sobbed. She said that she understood why he had did it, but she couldn't stand to see him die again. He promised her he would never. She was on her own adventure now, it seemed. Travelling to different worlds after being on Earth for a while. He promised he'd find her. She believed him.

Pretty much everyone else's letter was about being sickened, disgusted, and dishonored by Ketso. Piku's, Kat's, and Amme's replies all had curse words littered throughout. Gerard tried to ground Ketso through letters, but he said that he would lift the "House-Arrest" if Ketso would come back with Reynaldo fried with baby pengies as a side dish.

Ketso had explained that he couldn't come back until Reynaldo had sorted things out. That was where he was now. With Reynaldo.

"No, I'm sure, Ketso. You're free to go. But I can't give you your heart. I've been instructed by the higher-ups, gub-gub!" Reynaldo said, frusterated. He was surrounded by paperwork. He had, however, changed the after-life-world into some kind of fancy corporation. You had to APPLY to go to the after-life, and anyone who tried to "Send" themselves was immediately declined entrance.

Ketso shrugged. He had thought that being friends with the ruler of the afterlife would get him a heart, but he was wrong. He wasn't sad about leaving, though. He was going to find Myra and everyone. He just hoped that not too many people were travelling with her. If he had to see Piku, he wasn't sure if he'd live to see sixteen.

Still. Sword on his back, he left the afterlife. He was ready to track his friends. He took a breath. "World of Broken Hearts," he said. He figured that'd be the best place to start. He wasn't expecting them to still be there, but he had to map this place, anyway.

This was the beginning of forever it seemed. Myra wasn't there. Ketso still wouldn't give up. After all that happened, he had decided that finding his love would give him his heart back. And that gave him the strength to fight on.
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