I gonna buy it even if KAIRI isent in the game
Secret Nobody said:I gonna buy it even if KAIRI isent in the game
Milh_Amethyz said:What are you talking bout?
maybe they saw BHG(Brown Haired Girl, BHK's friend)
Milh_Amethyz said:What are you talking bout?
maybe they saw BHG(Brown Haired Girl, BHK's friend)
Milh_Amethyz said:no kl said it was an early concept of kairi and i recall that i made a thread bout that and her hair is black... im talking bout bhk's friend but any way its off the topic
and as for the same color....yeah their the same cause they have the same character/polygon designer..........i think.........or maybe sora used contact lens..............?
Dancbanks said:yeah, I agree.
Posted By: Nemesis
But i still dont think its her..
Milh_Amethyz said:Plus Shes with Selphie and she at the Destiny Island. which is at the other side of the island.
Heavens Blade said:did you see Kari in that traler she was hot!!! she would make a great test sub ject for new drugs. simply becuas her raped brest groth. that sujest her body responds to cemical changes rapedly. that would make sens that she went from a tranin bra to a c cup in 2 years is simply amasing.
no i would not make her a ginipig she is to nice