Fixed. You have to put the Embed code, not the URL
Lissar can you do this one
the scene where Terra is in DI
Yep, I translated it with the rest of Aqua's scenario. It should be a page or two back under "Olympus Coliseum".
The first part of that scene has been posted on the first post, and the second was posted a couple of pages back, so you can just go look at those!
Ven: Mickey!
Xehanort: “It’s been a long time.”
Ven: “Master?”
Xehanort: “Yes. You’re losing it. But you aren’t losing it forever. You’re losing it only to gain it. You’ll get it all back, and in return gain even more. Take back the darkness you’ve lost! It will be born from the collision of perfect light and perfect darkness. The ultimate key X-Blade!”
Ven: “Key...blade?”
Xehanort: “Not the keyblades which we hold. ‘Key’, which is sometimes read as ‘Kai’, but original was read as ‘Key’. It is a symbol which means ‘death’”
Ven: “I’m to become the X-Blade?”
Xehanort: “Yes. Eraqus knows this. He knows what you are.”
Ven: “My Master...?”
Xehanort: “Think about it. Why would he not let you leave? Eraqus is afraid. Afraid that you’ll know the truth and show your true self. That’s why he put you away where no one could see, and watched over you.”
Ven: “Yes... he never let me go to any of the outside worlds.”
Xehanort: “Go now! Ask Eraqus the truth! And remember what you must become!”
Ven: “What am I... what is my true self that the Master knows about?”
can you please translate 2 scenes?
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Aqua's Final Boss Fight
at the beginning...what does xehanort say before he summons the guardian?
YouTube - BBS: Last Episode PT1
are the translations here accurate?
im really wondering if terranort did say that to aqua
" i?"
"terra u say?"
thx .