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Official Birth by Sleep Translation Request Thread

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Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
Hey guys, I thought it would be easier just to do this. As some of you know I had been off trying to avoid spoilers, but now that I've finished the game I'm again available to translate anything you like!

As there are already tons of translations around for everything, I've decided to have this thread open as a place to request alternate translations for things or more indepth explanations of scenes (since translating from Japanese to English can often leave certain important nuances untranslated.) I'm up for anything, so don't be afraid to ask! Also: If you want to use these to subtitle any videos please ask me first.

To make things nice and easy to find, I'm going to put everything on this front page as well.

Aqua - Land of Departure:

Aqua LoD I: The Threat of the Unversed

Eraqus: “Therefore, as a Keyblade Master, one must have good sense.”

“What is it?”

Terra: “Did something happen?”

Aqua: “I don’t know... ”

“What’s Ven doing?”

Eraqus: “Well then, I’ll send my apprentices to investigate.”

“Yes, understood. Excuse me.”

“My old friend Yen Sid, even after having stepped down as Master, continues to watch the movement of light and darkness. He gives us, those who wield the keyblade, direction to which path we must walk down. According to him, there is a thread approaching the princesses of light. But that threat is not only darkness, but beings that grow within negative emotions. Yen Sid says these beings are not versed in life and existence, and has named them ‘Unversed’. As keyblade wielders such creatures as the Unversed that corrode the light with darkness and destroy the balance cannot go unheeded. Also, I attempted to contact Master Xehanort about this matter, but to no avail. With these circumstances it is probably unrelated, but I have a bad feeling about it.”

Terra: “Master Xehanort...”

Eraqus: “I would like the both of you to work towards quieting down this matter. Rid the world of the Unversed and search for Master Xehanort. I have opened the Sky Corridor. Normally you would be unable to use this path, as it is a forbidden road that connects to other worlds. If it is used too often your heart will be taken by darkness, but your armor should help protect you. And to keep the world order, you must not tell anyone that there are other worlds. Please, I’m counting on the both of you.”

Terra and Aqua: “Yes sir!”

Eraqus: “Terra.”

“Based on your efforts with this mission I would like to rethink your qualifications for Mastership.”

Terra: “What?”

Eraqus: “I truly think of you as a son. I would like to give you the name of Master as soon as I can. But you are too obsessed with power. Terra, do not be afraid of defeat. Fear clings to power, which in turn calls darkness to it. Do not forgot.”

Terra: “Thank you very much. I will do my best not to disappoint you.”

Aqua: “Well then, I must be going.”

Eraqus: “Wait.”

“I have one more mission for you, that is of the utmost importance. No... I have a request.”

Aqua: “What is it?”

Eraqus: “For this mission I want to be able to give Terra the name of Master as well. That is the truth. But I felt within the small bit of darkness hidden inside him that there was something bottomless. If the impossible happens, and Terra seems as though he will fall into darkness, bring him straight back to me. I don’t want to lose a single one of you to the darkness.”

Aqua: “Understood. I won’t let the darkness take Terra. When we return here together, Terra will be fit to bear the title of Master.”

“Terra would never fall into darkness.”

Aqua LoD II: Leaving

Aqua: “Wait! Ven!”

Eraqus: “No! You must stop him.”

“You must bring Ven back.”

Aqua: “Don’t worry, I’ll bring him back.”

Aqua - Castle of Dreams:

Castle of Dreams: The owner of the glass slipper

Aqua CoD I: Reunion with Terra

Grand Duke: “Mademoiselle! Senorita! Please, wait!”

Terra: “Aqua!”

Aqua: “Terra!”

“Ven left Land of Departure.”

Terra: “Ven did?”

Aqua: “It seems he was chasing after you. Do you have any idea where he might be?”

Terra: “No... Oh that’s right, when I left he was trying to say something to me. If only I had listened to him.”

Aqua: “I see...”

“By the way, have you discovered Master Xehanort’s whereabouts?”

Terra: “It seems he’s interested in hearts of pure light.”

Aqua: “Hearts of pure light...”

Terra: “Master Xehanort hasn’t been on this world.”

Aqua: “I see... Well, I’m going to stay here and investigate a bit more.”

Terra: “Well then, you should try asking the prince that’s in the hall up the stairs.”

Aqua: “Okay.”

Terra: “Aqua...”

“Do you remember our dream?”

Aqua: “Yeah...”

Terra: “A girl on this world named Cinderella showed me the strength of a heart hat believes in dreams. We should continue believing, in our dream. That will be the power that keeps away the darkness. If you see her tell her thank you for me.”

Aqua: “Okay.”

“I knew Terra would never fall into darkness.”

Aqua CoD II: A strange feeling

Aqua: “Who are those three?”

Grand Duke: “Oh, I believe that is the Lady Tremaine and her daughters.”

Aqua (thinking): “There is something not right about them.”

Prince: “You came back.”

“Oh! Sorry, I’ve mistaken you for someone else.”

Grand Duke: “You’re highness, I found this on the steps.”

Prince: “A glass slipper?”

Grand Duke: “I will search the whole kingdom to find the girl whose foot fits this slipper.”

Prince: “Truly?”

Grand Duke: “Of course, now that you’ve finally decided to get married. I would go through any trouble. I will go as fast as I can to the house of Lady Tremaine, as she is closest to the castle.”

Aqua (thinking): “Lady Tremaine... I should investigate.”

Aqua CoD III: The teachings of a fairy godmother

Lady Tremaine: “Welcome to my home Grand Duke!”

Grand Duke: “I’m on duty.”

Lady Tremaine: “I have two daughters, Drizella and Anastasia.”

Aqua: “Yes this is the place, I feel darkness here.”

Fairy Godmother: “Wait!”

“It’s dangerous to try and get rid of darkness by using light.”

Aqua: “Who are you?”

Fairy Godmother: “I’m a fairy who appears in front of those who believe in their dreams.”

Aqua: “A fairy?”

“Why is it dangerous to try and rid darkness with light?”

Fairy Godmother: “Just as strong sunlight creates deep shadows, Lady Tremaine and her daughters who live in this house became jealous of Cinderella’s light, increasing their own darkness. Light and dark are two sides of the same coin. You can’t choose one over the other alone to exist.”

Aqua: “Then what should I do?”

Fairy Godmother: “Right now the mouse Jaq is working hard to make sure Cinderella’s light isn’t lost. I’d like you to help him.”

Aqua: “Alright.”

Fairy Godmother: “I’ll send you to him whenever you’re ready, just talk to me when you are.”

Aqua CoD IV: Magic cast

Fairy Godmother: Bibbity bobbity boo!

Aqua CoD V: A mouse that carries a key

Aqua: “Are you alright?”

Jaq: “Lady Tremaine has locked Cinderella in here room. I want to help her, so I got the key, but it’s so heavy....”

Aqua: “I’ll help you.”

Jaq: “Really? That would be great!”

“That weapon! Do you know Ven?”

Aqua: “My name is Aqua. You know Ven?”

Jaq: “Of course, we’re buds. We helped make Cinderella’s dress together.”

Aqua: “And where is Ven now?”

Jaq: “He said he was looking for his friend, and left.”

Aqua: “I see...”

“Ven... so you really are chasing after Terra.”

???: “How odd. I must have danced so much last night that my foot is swollen.”

Grand Duke: “That’s enough. Now for the next young lady...”

Jaq: “Oh no! If we don’t go now, Cinderella won’t be able to try on the slipper before the Grand Duke goes home!”

“Aah! I’m busy right now, can we do this later!?”

Aqua: “Leave them to me. You carry the key.”

Aqua CoD VI: We have to hurry and carry the key to Cinderella

Jaq: “Thanks Aqua!”

Aqua CoD VII: The glass slipper

Grand Duke: “Are there any other young ladies of the house?”

Lady Tremaine: “No, there is no one else.”

Aqua: “Jaq... did you not get the key to her?”


Aqua: “Can... can I try on that slipper as well?”

Grand Duke: “Oh! I saw you at the castle. But the girl the Prince is searching for...”

Aqua: “I’m a woman too. I believe I have the right to try on that slipper.”

Lady Tremaine: “Who are you. How did you sneak into this house?”

ESS: “She must be a thief, I’m sure of it mother!”

“I’m scared, mother!”

Lady Tremaine: “This girl is not of this house. We only have two daughters. You may leave.”

Grand Duke: “You need not worry, I know this girl.”

“Please, try it on.”

Aqua (thinking): “Jaq... hurry!”

Cinderella: “Grand Duke, may I try on that slipper?”

Lady Tremaine: “Please, pay no attention to her. Upstart girl, I hope you’ll forgive her.”

Grand Duke: “Madam, my orders are to let all the girls of the house try on the slipper.”

Aqua: “You can let her try it on first.”

Cinderella: “Thank you.”

Aqua: “Terra says thank you. He says he learned about the strength of your heart.”

Grand Duke: “Oh my, oh dear!”

Cinderella: “You don’t have to be so sad. I already have the other one.”

Jaq: “Woohoo!”

Grand Duke: “I must hurry and tell the Prince! Could you come with me?”

Cinderella: “Of course, I’d be happy to.”

ESS: “I’m sure she used some kind of strange magic.”

“Mama, are you going to just let her go?”

Lady Tremaine: “No, I won’t let it end like this.”

Aqua CoD VIII: The Grand Duke runs back

Aqua: “What?”

“What happened? Where is Cinderella?”

Grand Duke: “In the forest we were attacked by a monster...”

Aqua: “A monster?”

Aqua CoD IX: Last days sunk in darkness

Lady Tremaine: “This is your punishment for going against me!”

Aqua: “It seems they were crushed by the darkness in their hearts. Now go...”

Aqua CoD X: Heart of pure light

Aqua: “A heart of pure light...”

“I was taught by my Master that darkness is something you must defeat. What do you think I should do?”

Fairy Godmother: “No one knows that. Just experience a lot of things, and discover the answer on your own.”

Aqua - Dwarf Woodlands

Aqua: Dwarf Woodlands - Awakened from sleep

Aqua DW I: An old lady’s red apple

[no dialog]

Aqua DW II: Seven sad dwarfs

Aqua: “Did something happen here?”

Doc: “Princess Snow White has...”

“She was such a sweet girl...”

Sneezy: “She sang, and danced.”

Happy: “She’ll never laugh again...”

Sleepy: “She told us the most beautiful stories...”

Bashful: “Stories of love, of meeting princes...”

Grumpy: “Before we went to work she’d kiss me.”

Happy: “Her purity changed us.”

Aqua: “She must have been quite loved. Why did this happen to her?”

Doc: “It’s all the work of that horrible queen who was jealous of her beauty. The queen changed herself into an old lady and give Snow White a poisoned apple.”

Happy: “When we returned, it was already too late. We attacked the witch as she ran away, but nothing will make Snow White open her eyes again.”

Aqua: “Is there nothing we can do to help her?”

Doc: “If you go to the queen’s castle you might be able to find something.”

Grumpy: “You guys can sit here and be scared, but I’m not scared of some old witch’s castle!”

Doc: “But there are monsters wandering around that castle, you can’t go.”

Aqua: “Then I’ll go.”

Bashful: “Really?”

Aqua: “It’s alright, please leave it to me.”

Doc: “I see, well then we’re counting on you.”

Aqua DW III: A confused prince

Aqua: “Are you alright?”

Prince: “What has happened to the castle?”

“Was that princess’ beautiful voice I heard nothing but a dream?”

Aqua: Princess? Do you know Princess Snow White?”

Prince: “Yes, it was only once but we met when I was drawn by her voice. Is she not in this castle?”

Aqua: “Yes, she... Princess Snow White ate a poisoned apple given to her by the queen.”

Prince: “What!? Where is she?”

Aqua: “She is in the forest. You should go to her.”

Prince: “Of course. There might be something I can do.”

Aqua DW IV: A strange feeling inside the magic mirror

Aqua: “What is this strange feeling?”


Aqua DW V: All the clues are gone

Mirror: “Now that the queen is gone, my work is finished.”

Aqua DW VI: An awakening kiss

Aqua: “Princess Snow White!”

“I’m so glad... She really woke up.”

Aqua DW VII: Reminiscence - Ventus’ awakening

Aqua: “Why do you continue sleeping?”

“I’m so glad! You really woke up.”

“Terra! Master Eraqus! Ventus woke up!”

Aqua DW VIII: A happy departure

Aqua (thinking): “Snow White woke up and left. Was it time for Ven to leave too?”

Aqua - Enchanted Dominion

Aqua - Enchanted Dominion: The footsteps of darkness

Aqua ED I: There is something in the castle

Aqua: “What is that?”

“Is there something in that castle?”

Aqua ED II: Reunion with Ventus

Ven: “You lie, Terra would never have taken Princess Aurora’s heart!”

Maleficent: “But it’s true.”

“Terra did it willingly.”

Ven: “It’s not true.”

Aqua: “Ven, don’t be fooled!”

Ven: “Aqua?”

Aqua: “Terra would never do anything like that. You know that.”

Ven: “Yeah.”

Maleficent: “I see. So you’re Ven, and you’re Aqua. My, what a beautiful friendship. But the truth is cruel.”

Aqua: “Our Master told me to come get you. Ven, let’s go home.”

Ven: “And what about Terra?”

Aqua: “Terra can’t go home yet.”

Ven: “I’m sorry Aqua, but I can’t go home yet.”

“I have to see Terra as soon as I can.”

Aqua: “Ven!”

Maleficent: “You’re a keyblade wielder as well I see.”

Aqua: “Why do you know about the keyblade?”

Maleficent: “Of course I know. The keyblade opens the hearts of people and worlds, and it is the key to obtaining everything. That’s why Terra helped me.”

Aqua: “No... he didn’t...”

Maleficent: “Well? Would you like to help me as well?”

Aqua: “I will not!”

Maleficent: “Oh? It’s just as Xehanort said. What a stubborn girl.”

Aqua: “You know Master Xehanort?”

Maleficent: “It seems you’ll need some time to think. So you can think about it here for as long as you like.”

Aqua ED III: An imprisoned prince

Philip: “Who are you?”

Aqua: “My name is Aqua. I was caught in a trap and sent here. What about you?”

Philip: “I’m Philip. I was caught by Maleficent as well. And I found out that Princess Aurora has been cursed to sleep forever. I want to save her.”

Aqua: “You love her, don’t you?”

Flora: “Is that true?”

Philip: “Yes, Maleficent told me.”

Flora: “You’re Prince Philip!”

“Prince Philip, the path to true love will be difficult, and you’ll have to face it on your own.”

Aqua: “Let me go with him. I have something I must ask Maleficent.”

Flora: “Yes, of course.”

“Now, let’s hurry back to Princess Aurora.”

Aqua ED IV: Ambush

[no dialog]

Aqua ED V: A castle surrounded by thorns

Maleficent: “Clouds that bring destruction, cross the skies and surround that castle with my magic!”

Aqua: “Answer me! What did you hear from Master Xehanort?”

Maleficent: “Well, it seems as though you won’t be helping me. If that’s the case, then I have no reason to tell you what I know.”

Aqua: “Is it true that Terra helped you?”

Maleficent: “It’s true. Terra has drowned in his own power and fallen into darkness.”

Aqua: “I’ve had enough of your nonsense!”

Maleficent: “Then feel my evil power.”

Aqua ED VI: The Sword of Truth that pierces evil

Aqua: “Oh no!”

Flora: “Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure, that evil die and good endure.”

Aqua ED VII: The power of true love

Aqua: “True love has defeated you.”

Maleficent: “I will never be defeated by something as fragile as love.”

Aqua: “A denizen of darkness like you will never understand. The strength of a heart of pure light that has love within it.”

“No matter how many times you challenge it, you will never defeat a heart of light.”

Maleficent: “Then remember this: as long as there is light like you, the darkness shall never perish. There will be another who will be swallowed by the darkness and fall into my power.”

Aqua: “Terra.. you won’t fall into darkness, right?”

Aqua - Radiant Garden

Aqua - Radiant Garden: Signs of light

Aqua RG I: Chasing after Terra

Aqua: “Terra? Where is he going?”

Aqua RG II: Clues

Aqua: “Excuse me! Could I ask you a few questions?”

Scrooge: “My, what a polite young lady. If I can I’d be happy to help you.”

Aqua: “Have you seen a man that looks similar to me around here?”

Scrooge: “Yes, I believe I have. He was hurrying towards the castle.”

Aqua: “Thank you very much.”

Aqua RG III: Meeting Kairi

Aqua: “Watch out! Run!”

“I can feel a light inside her.”

“I can’t fight them like this.”

Mickey: “Now, take that girl somewhere safe while you can.”

Aqua: “Who are you? Why do you have a keyblade?”

Mickey: “We’ll talk about that later. First I have take care of these guys.”

“Is everything alright?”

“Alright then, let’s get to it.”

Aqua: “Okay.”

Aqua RG IV: Magic to protect Kairi

Aqua: “Thank you for your help. My name is Aqua, I study under Master Eraqus.”

Mickey: “My name is Mickey. I am Yen Sid’s apprentice, and just like you I’m still in training.”

Aqua: “I can feel light inside this girl. Is that why they were after her?”

Mickey: “Yes, I was just thinking the same thing. This girl is probably special.”

Aqua: “Yes. It is our mission to protect the light.”

Mickey: “Then we can work towards protecting it together.”

“Oh! Wait a minute!”

“Don’t worry about me. We’ll meet again!”

Kairi: “Here!”

Aqua: “Are you giving these to me?”

Kairi: “I picked these flowers. Thank you!”

Aqua: “What beautiful flowers. Thank you very much.”

Kairi: “My name’s Kairi. What’s yours?”

Aqua: “My name is Aqua. Kairi, that light...”

Kairi’s Grandma: “Kairi!”

Kairi: “Oh, Grandma!”

Aqua: “Kairi, wait a minute.”

“There, I’ve put a magic spell on you to protect you. Someday your own light will lead you out of the darkness and into the light. This is thanks for the flowers.”

Kairi: “Thank you!”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Come on, let’s go home.”

Kairi: “Okay!”


“Grandma, Grandma!”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Hmm? What is it?”

Kairi: “Can you tell me that story?”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Again?”

Kairi: “Pleaaaase?”

Kairi’s Grandmother: “Well, alright.”

“Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people’s hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived... in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It’s the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness. That’s why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So, listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with it’s power and push the darkness away. And you’ll be able to make everyone happy.”

Kairi: “Yeah!”

Aqua: “Kairi... it probably wasn’t just an accident that I met her.”

“An Unversed! They’re still here!?”

Aqua RG V: Chasing the giant Unversed

Aqua: “It went over there!”

Aqua RG VI: Gathered power

Aqua: “Ven!”

Ven: “Terra, Aqua!”

Aqua RG VII: Disagreeing hearts

Aqua: “Terra!”

Terra: “Ven! Now!”

Ven: “Together!”


Terra: “We did it!”

Aqua: “Because we did it together.”

Ven: “Of course!”

“Oh yeah! I got tickets!”

Terra: “What’s that?”

Ven: “A lifetime pass to Disney Town! He said it was a fun place ... and told me I should go with my parents.”

Aqua: “You’re parents?”

“Nevermind that, Ven, I can’t believe you came this far.”

Ven: “I’m just fine. I even beat this masked guy who was saying weird things about Terra.”

Terra: “You’ve met the masked boy?”

Ven: “Ye-yeah?”

Terra: “Vanitas...”

“Ven. You should return home with Aqua.”

Ven: “No, I want to go with you and Aqua.”

Terra: “No, we have things we must do. Dangerous things.”

Aqua: “And what is it that you must do Terra? It doesn’t seem like it’s our Master’s mission.”

Terra: “It’s a different path than yours, but I’ll be getting rid of the darkness all the same.”

Aqua: “Really? From what I’ve seen that you’ve done on other worlds, I started thinking that maybe you’re getting too close to the darkness.”

Ven: “What are you saying Aqua!? Terra would never fall into darkness...”

Terra: “So you’ve been watching me. Is that another order you’ve received from our Master?”

Aqua: “Well...”

Ven: “No...”

Terra: “I see...”

Ven: “Terra!”

Terra: “Don’t come any closer! We’re taking different paths.”

Aqua: “Terra, you’ve got it wrong. Our Master isn’t doubting you, he’s worried about you.”

Ven: “That’s horrible Aqua.”

Aqua: “Yes.”

“It’s true that it’s an order from our Master. But it comes from love.”

Ven: “And taking me back home is also an order from our Master?”

“Aqua, since you’ve become a Keyblade Master you’ve changed.”

“I have to go looking for Terra.”

Aqua: “Terra, Ven...”

Aqua RG VIII: A mysterious book

Merlin: “So you’ll be the third one. My my, I’ve come into possession of a very demanding book.”

“I know. The book that can be opened by the power of the heart is in the house. Look at it whenever you like.”

Aqua: “Third? Did Terra and Ven come here too?”

Aqua RG IX: The masked boy appears

Aqua: “You! You’re the one with the mask Ven was talking about.”

Vanitas: “Oh? Ventus? How is he? Has he gotten stronger?”

Aqua: “What is that supposed to mean?”

Vanitas: “I’m the one who is asking the questions. And even if you knew what I was talking about, it wouldn’t help you. Since you’ll be gone in a second.”

Aqua: “I’ve had enough of this!”

Aqua RG X: A regretful parting

Aqua: “Who are you?”

Vanitas: “Ahahahahahaha”

“You’re quite good. Okay then, you’ll be a spare.”

“They must get stronger.”

Aqua: “I must defeat him. I can’t get Terra or Ven involved in this.”

Ven: “Aqua!”

Aqua: “Ven!”

“Did you see Terra?”

Ven: “Yeah, but he left on his own.”

Aqua: “I see...”

“I have to leave too.”

Ven: “Then I’ll go with you..”

Aqua: “No. You’re going home by yourself.”

Ven: “Why can’t I go with you?”

Aqua: “I don’t want to involve you in anything dangerous.”

“Please understand...”

Other Various:

The first part of the secret movie:

MX: Your heart was stained in darkess, and your body should have become a vessel for my heart. So why have you not been absorbed?

T: This is my heart, even if you control my body, my heart is my own.

MX: You say that now, but your heart is destined to become only a part of mine.

T: No, you will leave here.

MX: Big words for someone who couldn’t even control the darkness in his heart.

T: Well, we’ll see.

MX: Oh? It seems there is another heart already residing in your own. Well well, Eraqus...

T: I am not as I was before, afraid of the darkness. Even if you take my heart, even if I become darkness itself, I don’t care how many sacrifices I have to make, I only have one goal...

MX: So you’re prepared to risk it all then. Well, we still have time. We can take our time deciding who will rule over this heart. But, many plans have already been laid, and the seeds have already begun to sprout.


Braig: Hey there, “Master”. What, don’t you remember? Weren’t you just pretending to have lost your memory? You’ve got to be kidding me. Wait... you aren’t Terra... are you? Ha, well whatever, I’m just saying I’ve got something good planned.

Last Episode:

Aqua (memory): “Understood. I won’t let the darkness take Terra. When we return here together, Terra will be fit to bear the title of Master.”

“Terra would never fall into darkness.”

Eraqus (memory): “Aqua...”

Aqua (memory): “Yes?”

Eraqus (memory): “Now that you’ve become a Master, there is one secret I must share with you. If something happens to me, and if you need to protect yourself from the forces of darkness, seal this world with my keyblade. Since long ago protecting this place has been the job of a Keyblade Master. So that we can maintain the balance between light and dark and not let this place be used for evil, the Masters of the past have created this, just in case. This place will change it’s form, and those who come here will be lost in oblivion. No one will be able to solve this mystery. Aqua, you’re the only one... ”

Aqua: “I’m sorry I have to leave you alone like this, just wait a little longer. I’ll bring Terra back with me, and we’ll wake you up.”

Terra?: “Aqua.... get rid of me, please...”

Aqua: “Terra, lead me to you.”


Terranort: "Who... am I?"

Aqua: "This power... dark power... No! You are Terra!"

Terranort: "You say I'm... Terra?"

"His heart has disappeared into darkness! He drowned in his own darkness!"

Aqua: "My name is Master Aqua, and you will return my friends heart!"


Terranort: “Do you still resist me!?”

Aqua: “Terra! You really are still there.”

Terranort: “Get out of my heart!”

Aqua: “Terra!“

Aqua: “Don’t fall into darkness!”

“At this rate we’ll both end up falling into darkness.”

“This is our bond. Now go!”

“Ven... I’m sorry... I don’t think I’m going to be able to wake you up anytime soon. But someday I will wake you up. I promise.”


Riku: “Come on, let’s go home.”

Sora: “Yeah, let’s go.”

Riku: “Sora? What’s wrong?”

Sora: “Huh?”

Riku: “That...”

Sora: “I don’t know... Suddenly there is a pain inside my chest.”

Riku: “There is probably someone somewhere who is sad.”

Sora: “Someone?”

Riku: “The sky [sora] connects to anywhere, to any world. Somewhere in this sky, there is someone who is sad, and who wants you to save them.”

Sora: “Is there anything I can do?”

Riku: “Maybe you should talk to them in your heart?”

Sora: “Sometimes you say stuff that’s really hard to understand, but I’ll try it anyway.”

Riku: “Okay.”


Sora: “Hey, can you hear me?”


Braig: “He’s over here.”

Ansem: “Are you alright? What’s your name? Can you say your name?”

Terranort: “Xehanort...”

Ansem: “Xehanort?”

“This is bad. Carry him back to the castle.”

Braig: “Understood sir.”

“Dilan, take care of that.”


Aqua: “How far have I walked...? How much time has passed?”

“Maybe it might be better just to fade into the darkness...”

“Since I’ve fallen into the Realm of Darkness I had forgotten how to smile.”

“We’re all connected.”

The Birth of Vanitas:

Ven: “Please Master, I’m not strong enough.”

Master Xehanort: “No, I believe you have it sealed away, the urge for the darkness that sleeps deep within your heart. You can release it now. You can change your fear into rage! If you don’t release those dark emotions from deep within you, you will disappear from this world! Now, abandon your heart to the darkness, and bring me the X-Blade!”

“Even in the end, he still didn’t use the power of darkness. What a worthless apprentice. I can at least take the darkness from his heart.”

“One who has been born from within Ventus. You will now be known as ‘Vanitas’.”

“Understood, Master.”

Terra and Zack fight:

Terra: “What!?”

“Stop! The fight is over!”

“He’s much stronger than he was before. What’s going on?”

Zack: “It’s... not.... It’s not me.”

Terra: “The same thing happened to me.”

Hades: “How is he? Pretty strong, yeah? That’s the power of darkness. You should abandon your heart to the darkness and release it’s power.”

Terra: “Hades! So that’s what you’re after. I won’t let myself be swallowed by darkness!”

Zack: “Please... free me...”

Hades: “Eh, so I was wrong. He wasn’t a good enough vessel for the darkness.”

Terra: “Are you alright?”

Zack: “Yeah, now that I’m free again. What about him?”

Terra: “He’s gone.”

Zack: “How pathetic is that, getting used by I guy like that.”

“Thanks, uh...”

Terra: “I’m Terra.”

Zack: “Thanks, Terra. I’m Zack.”

“Hmm, yeah. You look a lot like this hero I admire. Not like, how you look, but you know, your attitude?”

Terra: “I’m no hero.”

Zack: “Can’t you hear these cheers? You’re not the one who decides whether or not you’re a hero. To these people cheering for you, you are. And to me too.”

“I wish I could have fought you with my own strength.”

Terra: “Me too, Zack.”

Ven and Vanitas before the final battle:

Vanitas: “You did well...”

“Now my body will be destroyed... and I can fuse with you.”

“And the X-Blade will be born!”

Ventus: “You... these Unversed...”

Vanitas: “They were born when you and I were separated, monsters that grow off of negative emotions. They are a part of my own emotions, inexperienced in life. The plan was to get you to leave Land of Departure by scattering them across the world. And if you defeated them, you’d become stronger. And the emotions of the Unversed you’ve defeated would return to me. Everything has come along quite nicely.”

Ven and Eraqus in Land of Departure:

Eraqus: Ventus, are you by yourself? Where is Aqua...”

“But I’m glad you’ve returned. It’s still too early for you to be traveling. Maybe after you’ve trained here more...”

Ven: “Are you going to lock me away?”

Eraqus: “What?”

Ven: “That’s how you’ve locked me away on this world, isn’t it?”

Eraqus: “What have you heard?”

Ven: “That I will become the X-Blade. But what is a X-Blade!?”

Eraqus: “So Xehanort has yet to give up.”


Eraqus: “Wait, Xehanort.”

“You’ve been trying to trespass on forbidden territory.”

“Why do you seek the X-Blade? The world will be filled with darkness and be returned to nothing!”

Xehanort: “We have received only remnants of the legends of the X-Blade and the Keyblade Wars. Before when the world was filled with darkness, a new light was found. That is just one part of the legend of the Keyblade Wars. As there is creation after destruction, what is there after the Keyblade Wars? Can we find a light as is described in the legend? Are we equal to that light? This is what I want to know. The completion of the X-Blade will become the key that unlocks the door of the Keyblade Wars.”

Eraqus: “Are you saying you want to test the world just for your own interests? I will not allow the world to be filled with darkness!”

Xehanorts: “Because it is within the darkness can there be creation.”

“Think about it. We are all born from the darkness into the world of light.”

Eraqus: “That’s twisted logic!”

“If you still don’t understand my words, then I have no choice to stop you with my power.”

“That power... You’ve fallen into darkness already, haven’t you!”

Xehanort: “Do not interfere.”


Eraqus: “Xehanort... It was my mistake to not have stopped you then. Now I will do what I must.”

Ven: “Master, what are you...”

Eraqus: “The X-Blade is something that should not exist in this world. Knowing what Xehanort has planned, I have no choice but to seal you away. Forgive me, Ven. You should not exist!”

Terra: “Ven!”

Eraqus: “What!?”

Terra: “Master, what are you doing?”

Eraqus: “Terra, this is an order! Stand aside!”

Terra: “I will not!”

Eraqus: “Will you not listen to the words of your Master?”

Terra: “I will not!”

Eraqus: “Why can you not understand what it is I am trying to do. If you won’t even try to listen to me, then I’ll have no choice but to seal you away too.”

Ven: “It’s okay Terra, I...”

Terra: “Don’t say it!”

Ven: “Terra...”

Terra: “It matters little that you’re a Master. I will use this power for my friend!”

Eraqus: “Have you fallen into darkness?”

Ven: “Wait, Terra!”
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Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
For the most part, yes they are correct. The only problem--and it's a big problem--is when Terra says "You will be able to leave this small world as a Keyblade Master", but what he actually says is a "chosen one".

"One day you will leave this island as a chosen one, and return to me. When that happens I will show you how wide the world is, and how to protect those you love."


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
Fortunately it was already requested, so I have it ready!

MX: Your heart was stained in darkess, and your body should have become a vessel for my heart. So why have you not been absorbed?

T: This is my heart, even if you control my body, my heart is my own.

MX: You say that now, but your heart is destined to become only a part of mine.

T: No, you will leave here.

MX: Big words for someone who couldn’t even control the darkness in his heart.

T: Well, we’ll see.

MX: Oh? It seems there is another heart already residing in your own. Well well, Eraqus...

T: I am not as I was before, afraid of the darkness. Even if you take my heart, even if I become darkness itself, I don’t care how many sacrifices I have to make, I only have one goal...

MX: So you’re prepared to risk it all then. Well, we still have time. We can take our time deciding who will rule over this heart. But, many plans have already been laid, and the seeds have already begun to sprout.


Braig: Hey there, “Master”. What, don’t you remember? Weren’t you just pretending to have lost your memory? You’ve got to be kidding me. Wait... you aren’t Terra... are you? Ha, well whatever, I’m just saying I’ve got something good planned.


Apr 5, 2007
I'm wonder if there is any ... uhmm... information about the characters like in Jiminy Journal? Cause I want to know what they wrote about MX and Vanitas. :D


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
8D :heart: Domo arigato Lissar!!! ^_^

So it looks like Eraqus' heart really IS in Terra's!!!

Well, even this is not 100% a sure thing. It might be, but then it might not. Personally I think it makes the most sense, but Master Xehanort might have been referring to something Eraqus did to Terra as well. I wouldn't go all the way one way or the other just yet.

There have been no translations of Aqua's stuff yet? Really? Well then I'll look into doing some of those then!

And I don't think there are too many interesting things written about characters in the Reports, at least no more than what was said in magazines, but I can look into it for you.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
theres a video of the silver haired man on destiny island posted up by KH13, he only has one line. can someone go check that out and translate it please :)


Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
It's just an unconnected scene that pops up at the beginning, though it is suspected to be a young Master Xehanort wishing to escape Destiny Island (his home world.)

Anyway, I started translating the first scene in which the story begins to diverge into Aqua's scenario. Most of this coincides with Terra's, but there are a few bits that are added on as seen from Aqua's point of view. It's a bit long, so I'll stick it under here:

Aqua I: The Threat of the Unversed

Eraqus: “Therefore, as a Keyblade Master, one must have good sense.”

“What is it?”

Terra: “Did something happen?”

Aqua: “I don’t know... ”

“What’s Ven doing?”

Eraqus: “Well then, I’ll send my apprentices to investigate.”

“Yes, understood. Excuse me.”

“My old friend Yen Sid, even after having stepped down as Master, continues to watch the movement of light and darkness. He gives us, those who wield the keyblade, direction to which path we must walk down. According to him, there is a thread approaching the princesses of light. But that threat is not only darkness, but beings that grow within negative emotions. Yen Sid says these beings are not versed in life and existence, and has named them ‘Unversed’. As keyblade wielders such creatures as the Unversed that corrode the light with darkness and destroy the balance cannot go unheeded. Also, I attempted to contact Master Xehanort about this matter, but to no avail. With these circumstances it is probably unrelated, but I have a bad feeling about it.”

Terra: “Master Xehanort...”

Eraqus: “I would like the both of you to work towards quieting down this matter. Rid the world of the Unversed and search for Master Xehanort. I have opened the Sky Corridor. Normally you would be unable to use this path, as it is a forbidden road that connects to other worlds. If it is used too often your heart will be taken by darkness, but your armor should help protect you. And to keep the world order, you must not tell anyone that there are other worlds. Please, I’m counting on the both of you.”

Terra and Aqua: “Yes sir!”

Eraqus: “Terra.”

“Based on your efforts with this mission I would like to rethink your qualifications for Mastership.”

Terra: “What?”

Eraqus: “I truly think of you as a son. I would like to give you the name of Master as soon as I can. But you are too obsessed with power. Terra, do not be afraid of defeat. Fear clings to power, which in turn calls darkness to it. Do not forgot.”

Terra: “Thank you very much. I will do my best not to disappoint you.”

Aqua: “Well then, I must be going.”

Eraqus: “Wait.”

“I have one more mission for you, that is of the utmost importance. No... I have a request.”

Aqua: “What is it?”

Eraqus: “For this mission I want to be able to give Terra the name of Master as well. That is the truth. But I felt within the small bit of darkness hidden inside him that there was something bottomless. If the impossible happens, and Terra seems as though he will fall into darkness, bring him straight back to me. I don’t want to lose a single one of you to the darkness.”

Aqua: “Understood. I won’t let the darkness take Terra. When we return here together, Terra will be fit to bear the title of Master.”

“Terra would never fall into darkness.”

Aqua II: Leaving

Aqua: “Wait! Ven!”

Eraqus: “No! You must stop him.”

“You must bring Ven back.”

Aqua: “Don’t worry, I’ll bring him back.”

I didn't check the text before posting it, so there are bound to be some errors. Let me know if you find anything!

edit: Put translations for the second video in as well.

edit edit: Started her scenario for Castle of Dreams, though it mostly coincides with the end of Terra's:

Castle of Dreams: The owner of the glass slipper

Aqua III: Reunion with Terra

Grand Duke: “Mademoiselle! Senorita! Please, wait!”

Terra: “Aqua!”

Aqua: “Terra!”

“Ven left Land of Departure.”

Terra: “Ven did?”

Aqua: “It seems he was chasing after you. Do you have any idea where he might be?”

Terra: “No... Oh that’s right, when I left he was trying to say something to me. If only I had listened to him.”

Aqua: “I see...”

“By the way, have you discovered Master Xehanort’s whereabouts?”

Terra: “It seems he’s interested in hearts of pure light.”

Aqua: “Hearts of pure light...”

Terra: “Master Xehanort hasn’t been on this world.”

Aqua: “I see... Well, I’m going to stay here and investigate a bit more.”

Terra: “Well then, you should try asking the prince that’s in the hall up the stairs.”

Aqua: “Okay.”

Terra: “Aqua...”

“Do you remember our dream?”

Aqua: “Yeah...”

Terra: “A girl on this world named Cinderella showed me the strength of a heart hat believes in dreams. We should continue believing, in our dream. That will be the power that keeps away the darkness. If you see her tell her thank you for me.”

Aqua: “Okay.”

“I knew Terra would never fall into darkness.”
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May 8, 2007
Aqua's scenario thank-god.:36: Thank-you Lissar! I would like this from Aqua's Last Episode translated to if you don't mind.YouTube - Birth by Sleep - Last Episode part 3
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Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
Did you want all of the dialog translated?

Terranort: "Who... am I?"

Aqua: "This power... dark power... No! You are Terra!"

Terranort: "You say I'm... Terra?"

"His heart has disappeared into darkness! He drowned in his own darkness!"

Aqua: "My name is Master Aqua, and you will return my friends heart!"
And what in the world was with the extra voices in that video anyway?

The translation on that one is okay for the most part. He doesn't exactly say "stray dog", he calls Ven a puppy that's been tossed aside. Stray dog is close enough though.


May 8, 2007
Sigh grrr. So he does call him some sort of animal? I guess I can live with puppy though.It sounds less mean lol.

Oh and thanks for the Aqua last eppy translation. Rep for you of course.:) The voices in the background. I have no idea what's that about, but they're annoying.

Here's some more YouTube - Birth by Sleep - Last Episode part 7
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