i'm midway through beast's castle, haven't hit mulan yet, though. Lol Terran, that is very funny XD. But yeah, i like how the camera is pulled back, and i LOVE co-opping with beast!! We kick major a**!!! Even right now it is kinda hard. I died at the first bost in beast's castle LOL...that weird wall thingy. So i found it challenging and fun. Nobody likes a game that is too hard...which is what kingdom hearts 1 was at times (god i hate that ice titan/kurt zisa/sephy/riku XD) now the game has a bunch of different approaches, IGN was out of their mind when they said the gameplay is the same thing as the first and everything. It isn't you can co-op and alot of the battles are mission based, like where you have to do something in a certain amount of time in order to win the battle. There's reactoin commands, co-ops, drives, i mean everything. This game pwns----i'm going back to playing it now. Bye bye!!