So Ven "dies" becuz Vanitus is gone and he was the other half?
since Sora completed himself is that why Ven doesnt come back after Vanitus is gone?
since Sora completed himself is that why Ven doesnt come back after Vanitus is gone?
So Ven "dies" becuz Vanitus is gone and he was the other half?
since Sora completed himself is that why Ven doesnt come back after Vanitus is gone?
For the life of me, I can't figure out why people are upset about it being obvious. It was never meant not to be obvious. The ending makes sense (for the most part), which is what I care about. Why would you want some grand nonsensical surprise, anyway? It just wouldn't fit with the established plot of the series.
So Ven "dies" becuz Vanitus is gone and he was the other half?
since Sora completed himself is that why Ven doesnt come back after Vanitus is gone?
because the plotline was obvious to the point where it seemed like it was ripped straight from FoKH
i mean, come on, ANOTHER Sora-related doppelganger? Terra+MX?
the only thing that shocked me was Aqua and DiZ still being alive in a sense
For the life of me, I can't figure out why people are upset about it being obvious.
It was never meant not to be obvious. The ending makes sense (for the most part), which is what I care about. Why would you want some grand nonsensical surprise, anyway? It just wouldn't fit with the established plot of the series.
I guess everyone what everyone wanted was to be wrong.....then they would have bitched that Nomura screwed them over.....i actually liked the story and how it turned out....yeah it was a little predictable....but still....its a prequel....if it throws too many surprises....they would have to rework the whole story.
See? It was never intended to be a surprise at all. Being a prequel and all, we knew it had to end up this way, somehow. And there are still a few surprises tucked away, as well.
That excuse is tiring as well as BS fails.
Ever heard of Crisis core?
That game kept you guessing and on your feet til the end and hell even the end didnt happen the way it was suppose to in a sense.
Now i dont hate the game i hate the fact it wasnt as great as i had hoped for ut then again you played one you played them all.
The Only surprise i know so far was XM=Xehanort
in Terras Body that shocked me, idk why some people aren't calling that a shocker
was it Theorized?
I didn't feel that way. A lot of the trailers spoiled the game. One could guess what was gong on while playing the game. I know I did and was almost on spot every time.
And that wasn't a kids game. It didn't have to be simplistic.
It was the first theory to really come out.
Thats not true its the same thing as kingdom hearts same theme structure.
The only difference is the not existant disney characters. >_>
I dont understand your logic
FF AND KH are the same in targeted age groups >_>
So Kingdom Hearts is targeted out to 30 year old men? And FF is aimed at 7 year old children?