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Official Shipping Discussion | ships ahoy | sharing is caring: fan creations (fic, art, etc.)



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
My ships:

Terra x Aqua

Xehanort x Eraqus

Marluxia x Larxene

Player x Ephemer

Strelitzia x Player

Terra x Cinderella x Aqua

Mostly I prefer the ones that nobody will fight me on and I'm free to appreciate them in peace, which is why I won't go near the SoRiKai disaster with a 50 foot pole :p

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Please read the following rules:

This topic is for discussing any and all pairings in the Kingdom Hearts series.

Feel free to introduce yourself with your favorite ships!

  • Respect everybody's opinions and stay respectful to one another, please
  • No flaming or baiting allowed
  • No harassment
  • Spam, troll, and unrelated topics are not allowed in this discussion​
  • Discussion of pairings involving adult and underaged characters together are not allowed​
  • No NSFW discussion​


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
a teeny tiny axel/aqua flame was ignited in my heart during Re:Mind... imagine KH characters having fun friction and not quite seeing eye to eye and still making it work.. imagine actually seeing that level of execution...

what's very upsetting about this is that Axel is clearly one of the gayest characters ever depicted in any medium. I don't want him to be unhappy


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2016
I ship so many things in KH. My top faves are Sora/Roxas, Riku/Kairi, Lea/Isa and Roxas/Xion, but I also have legit written a 20k words Kairi/Xion fanfic, so like. I have Many Interests.

I used to love SoRiKai, but the sokai vs soriku ship wars after kh3 came out soured me on both ships.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
I stand behind Sephiroth/Riku's mom. Maybe someday Riku will finally meet his real dad.

Not only do I prefer Sora/Ariel to Sokai, I dare say it's objectively better than Ariel/Eric: the last bastion of Disney's personality-less princes. Sora and Ariel both yearned to see other worlds, are prone to make rash decisions, and both use household objects in ways they were never intended. Plus she wouldn't have to lose her damn voice to follow him.


Even Square knows it's true.
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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I ship a lot of stuff. I have to own up to loving Soriku, though. Antifa will probably call me a liar for the rest of my life if I didn't.

I also don't like Sokai but I know it is likely the endgame pairing, so I'm not going to burn my Kingdom Hearts collection or something if they kiss.

At least I have Soriku in the novels.

Other pairings I like include Namine/Respect, Xehaqus (the only true canon pairing bc they are married old men), Terraqua (I am not hardline on it, though. I'm happy to read them as strictly siblings with no romantic feelings as well). Does Player/Ephemer count? I love them together.

Terra/Cinderella and Aqua/Cinderella forever, though.

a teeny tiny axel/aqua flame was ignited in my heart during Re:Mind... imagine KH characters having fun friction and not quite seeing eye to eye and still making it work.. imagine actually seeing that level of execution...

what's very upsetting about this is that Axel is clearly one of the gayest characters ever depicted in any medium. I don't want him to be unhappy

A series that could have nuanced writing that allowed nuanced relationships? You're being silly, Launchpad.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I like Terra/Cinderella partly because Prince Charming has no personality and isn't even attractive... I don't really like the idea of any of the other OC x Disney character ships, but I remember reading some fics of Ariel/Squall though, and really liked that crack ship for some reason. xD I think I'd ship Dilan x the Beast, except the Beast and Belle are so perfect together.

I'm not against Larxene/Marluxia, I just always saw them more as political allies than lovers. Before Larxene's death scene in 3 added a little vulnerability to her, I couldn't really imagine her in a romance with anyone... She seemed like a friends with benefits-only kind of person, lol. Get to the point then get out of her face.

I dislike SoKai, but that's more because I dislike Kairi. Usually I can like the main ship even if the chemistry is lacking between them if I like both characters separately. The Avatar thread being updated recently made me think of that as a good example. I can enjoy Aang/Katara for instance, despite them being a little weak on onscreen chemistry, simply because I like both characters (Katara was my favorite on that show, just FYI, and at the time it was airing I was sorta rooting for a Katara/Zuko ending...). They're fine as the main ship because the characters at least feel similar personality-wise and not all ships need those opposites-attract sparks.


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
[Aqua and Axel do a badass combo attack]
"Hey, not bad for an on-the-fly team!"
"Don't talk, fight."
"... You didn't have to say it like that.."

why does this three line exchange have more playful energy and a more immediately understandable dynamic than pretty much everything from the previous games? make it make sense


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
[Aqua and Axel do a badass combo attack]
"Hey, not bad for an on-the-fly team!"
"Don't talk, fight."
"... You didn't have to say it like that.."

why does this three line exchange have more playful energy and a more immediately understandable dynamic than pretty much everything from the previous games? make it make sense
Incidental dialogue that was probably written by an intern.


Active member
Jun 25, 2018

This is my one and only ship for Kingdom Hearts, and I would be overjoyed if it came to fruition.

As already stated before, they have already have the budding of a cute dynamic, and I really like how the both have a parental role in their respective trios but also have very different personalities (Lea lets Roxas and Zion eat ice cream and hang off a tower while Ventus probably isn't let ten feet out of Aqua's sight). Lea's sarcastic and kinda dark side are what I could see getting Aqua to finally take it easy once in awhile and just be herself, but she wouldn't admit it since Lea would never let her live it down.

And visual wise they've already got a pretty good look going for them, with the fire and water symbolism. Age wise I think they'd be appropriate, and both are pretty experienced fighters, so they could totally look at each other as equals in way I feel they couldn't for most of the cast.

I suppose if Lea HAS to be gay for Isa, I would still like these two to become friends, or at least more scenes of Aqua getting annoyed with Lea's presence.

Honestly if KH gives anymore interaction between these two characters at this point I'll be happy.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Gone for a few days and there's a shipping thread because there was contention about LeaIsa and Skuld--erm, Subject X. Of course Axel/Lea won't be as invested in a character that he had no idea he cared about -- she didn't exist. It was retconned in the most random way in KHIII. Guess Nomura thinks it's ingenious to keep doing that.

As for the answer, I don't care for SoRiku or SoKai, they both don't do anything for me. So I just sit back and observe the discourse. Feels like I'm back in 2005. Do I believe SoKai is the intended romantic pairing and practically canon? Yes. Do I have to like them together? No. Do I think they've been lazily handled? In some respects. Do I hate them for it? No. It's just what it is.

I like the set up with Roxas and Naminè, and that they bonded over their similar, inevitable fates and found solace in each other because of that. She's also the one that treated Roxas as an equal and a person with agency enough to handle the answer he sought out, despite the possible averse reaction to it. Which Axel and Xion didn't do.

Do I think Nomura is capable of doing justice to the ship and build up from that basis in KHII? I wish I could say yes.

I'll just stick with Gula/Ava. Now that was eyebrow raising. I mean...



If this is Nomura's idea of "friendship", then hell, let them be "friendly". I can't pull that stunt with any of my close guy friends without it looking like something else.

Larxene x Marluxia is also pretty good. Mostly because those two have such good chemistry with each other in CoM-

Where? If anything, she looked like she wanted to be hot in Axel's pants.

I get that the series is big on trios, but this setup limits potentially great interactions and relationships.

Been preaching this since forever. Always hated trios for this reason and it only caused nothing but detriments in interrelationships with characters. They are cliques, and never should have been a thing in the first place. You can tell by KHIII. Literally no one cared for or thought about/interacted with characters outside their trinity (if they did, it was shallow and quick with no payoff, like Roxas and Naminè, or Roxas and HPO, or Kairi and Naminè, or Roxas and Ventus...shit, did Roxas care about anyone else or talked to any of the hero cast other than AX and Sora? The answer is no). It's like they didn't exist. You got Kairi being offed, and nothing is shown with anyone, even the supposed friendship that Axel had with her. Riku was angry for a total of five seconds. Mickey less, but did they ever even talk? This was obviously a point of contention with fans since Re: Mind tried to fix it in the cheapest, last minute damage control way possible by having quips between characters in a battle. Yet still persists to keep things the same outside of it with the same lack of giving a damn about anyone else that's not in their black hole trio.

So we get this supposed big, nakama ending where everyone is happy at the beach and no one cares about their previous issues (because it's water under a bridge), let alone see it addressed, and I think the intention was for me to feel something fuzzy but it came off empty when these characters didn't give a crap about each other literally an hour beforehand.

And yeah, this might be fixed in the future, but how are you going to convince anyone about any of the relationships when you had these characters act unbothered to such triggering situations in a previous game and somehow we have to buy that they always cared? It created dissonance in my opinion. No one even commented on the fact that with Kairi's Heart in pieces, Naminè RIPed with her, but who the fuck is Naminè right. How I am supposed to believe she'll be vibing with any of these characters after this. Why would she even want to.

Watch the next game though:

"I'm so happy living my life in this town with the friends that gave fuck all about me when I was gone and didn't notice I got murked but whatever, teehee, look how great friends we are, don't think too much about this horrible writing, you audience, you".

And people think Kairi is treated badly.

I couldn't really imagine her in a romance with anyone...

I still don't.
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Violet Pluto

Active member
Oct 19, 2019
Although I don't like shipping generally I do have some small ships. I don't care for speaking of them anymore because I was always shut down and told I was wrong (you can thank my "friends" in highschool for that) by more hardcore shippers, but I will say I'm really into ships that have small but powerful moments. Something that catches my attention even if it's not a large gesture.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Gone for a few days and there's a shipping thread because there was contention about LeaIsa and Skuld--erm, Subject X. Of course Axel/Lea won't be as invested in a character that he had no idea he cared about -- she didn't exist. It was retconned in the most random way in KHIII. Guess Nomura thinks it's ingenious to keep doing that.

As for the answer, I don't care for SoRiku or SoKai, they both don't do anything for me. So I just sit back and observe the discourse. Feels like I'm back in 2005. Do I believe SoKai is the intended romantic pairing and practically canon? Yes. Do I have to like them together? No. Do I think they've been lazily handled? In some respects. Do I hate them for it? No. It's just what it is.

I like the set up with Roxas and Naminè, and that they bonded over their similar, inevitable fates and found solace in each other because of that. She's also the one that treated Roxas as an equal and a person with agency enough to handle the answer he sought out, despite the possible averse reaction to it. Which Axel and Xion didn't do.

Do I think Nomura is capable of doing justice to the ship and build up from that basis in KHII? I wish I could say yes.

I'll just stick with Gula/Ava. Now that was eyebrow raising. I mean...



If this is Nomura's idea of "friendship", then hell, let them be "friendly". I can't pull that stunt with any of my close guy friends without it looking like something else.

Where? If anything, she looked like she wanted to be hot in Axel's pants.

Been preaching this since forever. Always hated trios for this reason and it only caused nothing but detriments in interrelationships with characters. They are cliques, and never should have been a thing in the first place. You can tell by KHIII. Literally no one cared for or thought about/interacted with characters outside their trinity (if they did, it was shallow and quick with no payoff, like Roxas and Naminè, or Roxas and HPO, or Kairi and Naminè, or Roxas and Ventus...shit, did Roxas care about anyone else or talked to any of the hero cast other than AX and Sora? The answer is no). It's like they didn't exist. You got Kairi being offed, and nothing is shown with anyone, even the supposed friendship that Axel had with her. Riku was angry for a total of five seconds. Mickey less, but did they ever even talk? This was obviously a point of contention with fans since Re: Mind tried to fix it in the cheapest, last minute damage control way possible by having quips between characters in a battle. Yet still persists to keep things the same outside of it with the same lack of giving a damn about anyone else that's not in their black hole trio.

So we get this supposed big, nakama ending where everyone is happy at the beach and no one cares about their previous issues (because it's water under a bridge), let alone see it addressed, and I think the intention was for me to feel something fuzzy but it came off empty when these characters didn't give a crap about each other literally an hour beforehand.

And yeah, this might be fixed in the future, but how are you going to convince anyone about any of the relationships when you had these characters act unbothered to such triggering situations in a previous game and somehow we have to buy that they always cared? It created dissonance in my opinion. No one even commented on the fact that with Kairi's Heart in pieces, Naminè RIPed with her, but who the fuck is Naminè right. How I am supposed to believe she'll be vibing with any of these characters after this. Why would she even want to.

Watch the next game though:

"I'm so happy living my life in this town with the friends that gave fuck all about me when I was gone and didn't notice I got murked but whatever, teehee, look how great friends we are, don't think too much about this horrible writing, you audience, you".

And people think Kairi is treated badly.

I still don't.
I refuse Roxas shipped with anyone. I want King Roxas and Queen Xion to be on their own and shine on their own. I'd much rather they both have stories that don't relate to other people and the focus on them because they fought so hard to be their own people. They deserve so much better than relegated to "just the boyfriend/girlfriend" role. Also Namine and Roxas is just a no for me. They're basically related.

Riku/Namine is the way to go. I need to see Riku be dark and brooding, combined with Namine's sadness and loneliness. But I think it might be too late for this because Riku isn't that dark and brooding anymore, so I guess Namine will have to find someone else that she can be sad/lonely around... I'm thinking and if she can't be with Riku, then just be on her own.

Deleted member 252753

Riku/Namine is the way to go. I need to see Riku be dark and brooding, combined with Namine's sadness and loneliness. But I think it might be too late for this because Riku isn't that dark and brooding anymore, so I guess Namine will have to find someone else that she can be sad/lonely around... I'm thinking and if she can't be with Riku, then just be on her own.
Maybe Even could make another Riku Replica that Naminé can brainwash into loving her like the first one.