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Official Shipping Discussion | ships ahoy | sharing is caring: fan creations (fic, art, etc.)



Princess of Heart
Jun 17, 2007
I totally agree that RokuNami stuff needs to not be treated as SoKai 2.0, I always read fics where they’re just shy versions of Sora and Kairi. Roxas can be pretty sassy!
Okay, can we be bffs?
Hehe absolutely! We must recruit more RokuKai fans


Active member
Aug 27, 2017
Roxas/Kairi's ship name has always been Roxiri to me and it's going to break my nostalgic shipper heart if it becomes known as Rokukai instead.


Princess of Heart
Jun 17, 2007
Roxas/Kairi's ship name has always been Roxiri to me and it's going to break my nostalgic shipper heart if it becomes known as Rokukai instead.

Haha aww, going into this I wasnt sure if people would know what Roxiri was or if people still used the name and I thought RokuKai would be more clear so thats the only reason I use it.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
@*TwilightNight* I feel like Riku really coerced Xion into it, as he told her her memories really belonged to Sora and that she had to think of what was best for everyone. Blah, blah, blah. And it's heavily implied that if Xion hadn't gone with the idea of returning to Sora herself, he would have forced her back into him.

And Naminé told Roxas the truth about himself, that he held half of what Sora was and that he needed him. She also told him he was never supposed to exist.

After years of debating the RokuNami pairing in my head, I'm way more okay with them than I used to be. Unlike Rion, I can actually ship them. I GET why Naminé said and did all of this. She herself was also a victim and brainwashed, essentially, and told Roxas what she really thought the truth and best thing for them would be. And she didn't force him to do anything she didn't do herself. But sometimes they still make me really uncomfortable because of some of this stuff. Which is why they're more a secondary pairing for me. I ship them after RokuShi and Namiku. And I also have issues with how canon handled their relationship as a "love at first sight/in love after five seconds together" kind of deal. But canon COULD fix that, if it wanted to. Though I do have my fears that if Nomura ever brings RokuNami back--and he could--he'll give them no further development, and have them kissing the first time we see them again or something (maybe not that far, since not even SoKai have kissed yet. And they might not ever. But you know what I mean). Which is why I think I can mostly enjoy RokuNami in fanon sometimes--as fans DO develop their relationship naturally; and have the deal with the issues I think they'd need to work out before becoming romantic--but not in canon.

On a side note, I see some of y'all shipping Roxiri. And I myself ship that as a crack ship:)
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Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
You're telling me some of you were interested in Roxas/Kairi? Where were you when you were needed the most. Lol.

On another note, I still like the idea, but it's been slightly hampered by KHIII. What appealed to me about them, aside from it being a hot-looking ship cause they barely spoke to warrant anything else, were the potential dynamics. Roxas is rather edgy when pushed, and Kairi was a confident, spunky spirit with a bit of sass.

Keywords: was.

Until they stripped them away from her and now...and now she blends even more with the female cast.

Think that ship got torpedo'd after Days was released lol

Why after Days?

@*TwilightNight* I feel like Riku really coerced Xion into it, as he told her her memories really belonged to Sora and that she had to think of what was best for everyone. Blah, blah, blah. And it's heavily implied that if Xion hadn't gone with the idea of returning to Sora herself, he would have forced her back into him.

And Naminé told Roxas the truth about himself, that he held half of what Sora was and that he needed him. She also told him he was never supposed to exist.

After years of debating the RokuNami pairing in my head, I'm way more okay with them than I used to be. Unlike Rion, I can actually ship them. I GET why Naminé said and did all of this. She herself was also a victim and brainwashed, essentially, and told Roxas what she really thought the truth and best thing for them would be. And she didn't force him to do anything she didn't do herself. But sometimes they still make me really uncomfortable because of some of this stuff. Which is why they're more a secondary pairing for me. I ship them after RokuShi and Namiku. And I also have issues with how canon handled their relationship as a "love at first sight/in love after five seconds together" kind of deal. But canon COULD fix that, if it wanted to. Though I do have my fears that if Nomura ever brings RokuNami back--and he could--he'll give them no further development, and have them kissing the first time we see them again or something (maybe not that far, since not even SoKai have kissed yet. And they might not ever. But you know what I mean). Which is why I think I can mostly enjoy RokuNami in fanon sometimes--as fans DO develop their relationship naturally; and have the deal with the issues I think they'd need to work out before becoming romantic--but not in canon.

What you've described isn't really forcing Roxas to do anything. That would be something Diz and Riku would be responsible for -- they captured him against his will, locked him in a data world, and would have ultimately pushed him to return to Sora while living out a lie. Naminè was the one that threw a wrench in all of this. Just because she had to be the one to deliver the truth to him, which he wanted (and someone finally respected him enough as an equal to tell him), doesn't mean she forced him into anything. Roxas sought Naminè out to get explanations after all. To add, Xion also expected Roxas to get back into Sora once he began to "feel" him, but you don't see that being mentioned or Xion being villainized for it. Both girls agreed about Roxas needing to return to Sora. And Xion forced Roxas to "kill" her via attacking him. It feels to me like it's a lot of picking and choosing.

People tend to ignore that these characters found out the information they needed and made a final choice.

Roxas and Naminè aren't in love with each other. That's just people overthinking and focusing too much on the subtext. Did they maybe find each other attractive? Maybe. Attraction can happen in a second, it happens all the time.They clicked and connected well. Yet unless you can show me exactly where the romantic interest was, then it's a bunch of hogwash. I was just talking to another user about this take too and how it's exaggerated.

Let's define subtext: an underlying and often distinct theme in a piece of writing or conversation.

Did Roxas and Naminè have subtext? Yes. But subtext doesn't translate into the actual character's feelings. It's more for the audience, and the message they were aiming to imply was that this would possibly be the next romantic pairing. The actual people involved do not feel that way. Yet. So there's wiggle room.

It took how many games for Sora and Kairi to get to the point they are in KHIII. I doubt they're going to quicken up another set like you're saying they would. All they can do, especially considering the plot so far and who's going to be prominent or not, is to follow up on the bond Roxas and Naminè shared.

As for Riku and Xion...

Riku waited an entire damn year for Xion to make a decision (which shouldn't have normally been the case, but it's Days, and they needed to drag it out). He protected her from the Organization when she wanted to fly off willy-nilly because they somehow allowed tools to be granted that much freedom despite that it could ruin their plans (which, again, shouldn't have normally been the case if the antagonistic cast weren't made passive fools). At the time of the battle, it was not confirmed who Xion was, just that she was wielding a Kingdom Key. They just happened to fight and he kicked her ass in a fair one on one. It's also his best friend's livelihood on the line. I found the fact that he danced around it for so long and allowed her the time to contemplate out of character actually, let alone that he and Xion came to understand one another because they both desired the same thing (their friends) and hung out for days.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
You're telling me some of you were interested in Roxas/Kairi? Where were you when you were needed the most. Lol.

I remember mentioning it once a hundred years ago post KH2 on KHUltimania and somebody told me I was delusional even though all I said was that I liked their interaction in KH2 and wished for more because I shipped them more than SoKai (which I had went from loving in KH1 to disliking in KH2) 8D Let go of it after that.

On another note, I still like the idea, but it's been slightly hampered by KHIII. What appealed to me about them, aside from it being a hot-looking ship cause they barely spoke to warrant anything else, were the potential dynamics. Roxas is rather edgy when pushed, and Kairi was a confident, spunky spirit with a bit of sass.

Keywords: was.

Until they stripped them away from her and now...and now she blends even more with the female cast.

Agreed. They have great chemistry for what little interaction they had. I always felt things would have been better had they been given the chance to interact. Perhaps Kairi would not be so Sora-driven and would have gained a bit more personality because they would have played off of each other well.

Honestly, this was what I was hoping for out of a Kairi-Axel/Lea friendship, too. All of these spunky and sassy characters interact but never get to be spunky and sassy with each other because the story pulls them right back into their blander stories.

To me, Kairi and Sora are like...flat soda when you put them together. There is no edge or spark. It's just two vanilla characters.

It's why I enjoy other pairings more for them. Kairi's spunk isn't drawn out unless she is around more snarky/sassy characters. Sora's happy-go-lucky attitude is better paired with a character that has some edge or mystique to them.

It's why I prefer literally every other character with Sora over Sora and Kairi together. Sora and Namine was intriguing. Sora and Riku have a rocky past and they've worked at fixing their relationship which feels so natural. Sora and even like Xion would have more pizzaz because there would be some angst there (I don't like that pairing, though).

Same would go for Kairi. I thought Kairi and Seifer just based on the manga was a cuter pairing. (And I imagine that was because Kairi is rather similar to Rinoa). Kairi and Hayner would be cooler. Kairi and Olette would be beyond cute.

But circling back to Kairi and Roxas, they just seem like they'd be better suited to each other's personalities.

Why after Days?

Xion was sort of a Kairi expy in a way and people tend to ship her with Roxas in part because of that. There are other factors, of course, but it's like looking at an edgy Sora and Kairi visually.
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Princess of Heart
Jun 17, 2007
Agree 100 percent about Kairi’s spunkiness getting dulled around Sora and in the later games, even as a SoKai fan. Its painful thinking about her introduction in KH1 vs this acquiescent girl happy to let Sora tell her she’ll get in the way, or get left on the island after KH2. Or left in a forest with somebody else. I exaggerate kind of.

I thought Kairi and Seifer just based on the manga was a cuter pairing. (And I imagine that was because Kairi is rather similar to Rinoa).

Yes!! She totally is. Suddenly I understand why I like them both so much. That’s a good pairing actually 🤔 I will have to look it up.

I hope I didn’t derail things bringing up Roxiri or Kairi. One pair I saw mentioned in here that I’ve always been peripherally interested in is Sora and Roxas but I haven’t read anything. Does anyone have fic recommendations etc?


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
I forgot to mention that I have a lot of love for Riku and Kairi (though I still probably see it as a secondary pairing. But it definitely gets close to a top one for me). Probably because most of my friends in RL shipped this pairing for some reason because they all hated Sora, and they eventually rubbed off on me some. And in fanon, at least, they seem to have a good chemistry. Usually a light girl and dark boy (though not that Riku's that dark anymore) do (even though I said in an earlier post, that I'm mostly sick of that trope). And me being desperate for any and all Riku and Kairi content--since we're starved for it--probably makes me ship it a little, too. And for the most part, I think what we have for them in canon is pretty good (especially in II). But we need more. More!

And I do ship Ephemer and Player, yeah. I think I actually used to ship Player and Skuld more (after Player and Strelitzia. Both of these are after Player and Strelitzia), but fans with their awesome Player and Ephemer work converted me.

As for Square Enix ships in KH, I ship most of the canon ones from FF (even if they don't make sense. I want Tidus/Yuna to find a way to be together in KH, etc.), but I don't mind other ones: like Leon and Yuffie, Tidus and Selphie, Zack and Aqua, and Riku and Shiki. Oh, and speaking of Shiki, I'm a NeShiki fan, of course (I love them in TWEWY, and I love them in KH). And naturally, I ship all the canon Disney ships, of course. But I do enjoy Sora and Ariel some and Sora and Rapunzel. Also, Terra and Cinderella (I also don't mind Aqua and Cinderella or Aqua and Philip. Maybe even Snow White and Ven), but these are all crack pairings of mine, of course.

And for some weird reason, I could maybe get behind Strelitzia and Ven... but not if Ven's her killer (I don't even care if it was Vanitas and not Ven. It would ruin the ship for me, personally).


Active member
Aug 27, 2017
I remember mentioning it once a hundred years ago post KH2 on KHUltimania and somebody told me I was delusional even though all I said was that I liked their interaction in KH2 and wished for more because I shipped them more than SoKai (which I had went from loving in KH1 to disliking in KH2) 8D Let go of it after that.

Agreed. They have great chemistry for what little interaction they had. I always felt things would have been better had they been given the chance to interact. Perhaps Kairi would not be so Sora-driven and would have gained a bit more personality because they would have played off of each other well.

Honestly, this was what I was hoping for out of a Kairi-Axel/Lea friendship, too. All of these spunky and sassy characters interact but never get to be spunky and sassy with each other because the story pulls them right back into their blander stories.

To me, Kairi and Sora are like...flat soda when you put them together. There is no edge or spark. It's just two vanilla characters.

It's why I enjoy other pairings more for them. Kairi's spunk isn't drawn out unless she is around more snarky/sassy characters. Sora's happy-go-lucky attitude is better paired with a character that has some edge or mystique to them.

It's why I prefer literally every other character with Sora over Sora and Kairi together. Sora and Namine was intriguing. Sora and Riku have a rocky past and they've worked at fixing their relationship which feels so natural. Sora and even like Xion would have more pizzaz because there would be some angst there (I don't like that pairing, though).

Same would go for Kairi. I thought Kairi and Seifer just based on the manga was a cuter pairing. (And I imagine that was because Kairi is rather similar to Rinoa). Kairi and Hayner would be cooler. Kairi and Olette would be beyond cute.

But circling back to Kairi and Roxas, they just seem like they'd be better suited to each other's personalities.

I'm nodding my head to pretty much all of this. Hayner/Kairi is actually another rare pair I really enjoy, thanks to a couple of AO3 oneshots. I love Hayner/Olette as well, but the concept of Hayner crushing on the beautiful girl who suddenly appeared in his usual spot is too cute to pass up. Especially as he comes off as quite overly protective in canon.

But regarding Roxiri, I think another selling point is that Roxas can stimulate Kairi both intellectually and in humour. He's definitely not the smartest character in the series, but his experiences shaped him as noticeably wiser by the end of 358/2 Days & KH2. His level of snark also blends really well with Kairi's spunky attitude, which would lead to a great deal of playful bickering, I imagine.

I also think Roxas is more gentlemanly than Sora. Of course Sora harbours several moments of chivalry throughout the series, but he treats men and women very equally when it comes to aiding them. He almost feels asexual in that sense. Roxas on the other hand does feel not only different, but sweeter when it comes to the opposite sex. There's not a lot of examples, mostly because Xion's the only woman he connects with. But alongside his charming interactions with her, he's very upfront about how pretty he finds Belle (there's another Disney Princess crossover crack pair for y'all).

I kinda feel like I'm dunking on Sora a lot here. I actually like him more than Roxas, I just don't like him with Kairi.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I think Hayner/Roxas was one of the more rare pairings I shipped, simply because most people were team Axel/Roxas back when KH2 came out. It's sad to think all these years later and Roxas still has never interacted with the real HPO onscreen.... And I'm not sure if we'll get any of those interactions in the future either. I would often see Hayner/Seifer shippers out there, but for some reason I could never get into that.

As for Sora/Ariel, part of the reason I never could see the chemistry there is because visually, she looks much older than him in KH1 than perhaps she really was simply because she looks taller than him, lol. Visually, it makes me think of something akin to Aqua / Ven, which feels odd. I've never once thought about it until writing this sentence right now, but Riku / Ariel would be interesting since they both wanted to travel to other worlds and were willing to go to extreme lengths to get there. Sora and Kairi were more along for the ride re:the raft. Yeah, Sora liked the idea of other worlds, too, but Riku was the driving force there.


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Voted SoRiku. I can see that Kairi and Sora might be a good match, but the series simply did nothing to actually convince me of that pairing in terms of having chemisty. For me it failed to actually show that those two make a good couple and relied way too much on telling me at every given opportunity how much they mean to each other and blah. I'm also not that much a fan of the Riku / Naminé pairing, simply because both of them seem to be introverted and while introvert + introvert make great friends, I always was under the impression that Riku needs someone who gets him out of his shell a bit instead of someone who's as quiet as he is. Sora and him would actually make a really good match, so my vote goes to that.

In terms of other ships, I'm much a fan of Lea / Isa. They are rougly the same age, have a good friendship as a basis, similar character traits without being too similar as people and might have learned to properly communicate after all their misunderstandings and jealousy escapades. I feel they might make one of these obnoxious, constantly bickering loudmouths couples that you invite because they are hilarious to watch despite them kinda getting on your nerves after two hours.

Also, Zack x Aqua. Fight me.


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
I'm also not that much a fan of the Riku / Naminé pairing, simply because both of them seem to be introverted and while introvert + introvert make great friends, I always was under the impression that Riku needs someone who gets him out of his shell a bit instead of someone who's as quiet as he is. Sora and him would actually make a really good match, so my vote goes to that.

In terms of other ships, I'm much a fan of Lea / Isa. They are rougly the same age, have a good friendship as a basis, similar character traits without being too similar as people and might have learned to properly communicate after all their misunderstandings and jealousy escapades. I feel they might make one of these obnoxious, constantly bickering loudmouths couples that you invite because they are hilarious to watch despite them kinda getting on your nerves after two hours.

I love your point about introvert + introvert relationships. Say what you want about the writing in KH, they've nailed that aspect of Sora and Riku.

And the way you describe Lea/Isa is hilarious, I can almost buy it. Thank you for this.

Also, Zack x Aqua. Fight me.
looool I was going to write "Nah, Zack x Aerith" but I typed Aqua x Aerith 😂

Not fighting you, I'm just eager for more headcanons: what is it about Zack and Aqua? 👀
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Deleted member 252753

In terms of other ships, I'm much a fan of Lea / Isa. They are rougly the same age, have a good friendship as a basis, similar character traits without being too similar as people and might have learned to properly communicate after all their misunderstandings and jealousy escapades
As of KH3, I get the impression that Isa still has a lot of work to do on communication as even when he is actually helping Lea he keeps it secret and chooses to act stand-offish and antagonistic with him. I think Isa needs to work on himself more before being in a relationship with anyone tbh.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I feel like I need to mention some of my other top ships. Namixion (namixi?), Larxene/Strelitzia, Kairi/Olette (I mentioned it already but I’m gonna mention it again), Ven/Lauriam, Brain/Lauriam, Ephemer/really all of the UX kids, and would Ephemer/Ava be considered a rare pair?


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
......Leon/Cloud anyone?

At the very least, I really want them to interact more, even if Cloud never comes back, or if the Radiant Garden crew ever have prominent roles again. Seeing them banter and work together in KH2 was a real treat. I'll never get over how that whole subplot and all their enjoyable dynamics with each other (plus the missing Zack mystery) was just tossed away. And I'm not even a FF fan.

Voted SoRiku. I can see that Kairi and Sora might be a good match, but the series simply did nothing to actually convince me of that pairing in terms of having chemisty. For me it failed to actually show that those two make a good couple and relied way too much on telling me at every given opportunity how much they mean to each other and blah. I'm also not that much a fan of the Riku / Naminé pairing, simply because both of them seem to be introverted and while introvert + introvert make great friends, I always was under the impression that Riku needs someone who gets him out of his shell a bit instead of someone who's as quiet as he is. Sora and him would actually make a really good match, so my vote goes to that.

Completely agree with this. Besides the fact that I can't see Riku being with any girl, him and Namine exude a more strong platonic friendship than romance to me. I've said it before here but I still think it; they share a lot in common and had an almost parallel arc with slight differences. Guilt from a past of trying to manipulate and antagonize the one who held their hearts the most, drawing into themselves alone from self hatred over it, and spending a part of their lives solely on a mission of atonement and save the one they most care for, whatever sacrifice it took.

Which is why, even though the scene's context was enough of a mess in presentation that their ship had to be outright debunked, and Namine's story and arc was completely overshadowed by Replica Riku, I still liked their reunion at the end of KH3. Even if I have to push aside how it was "for Riku Replica's wishes", I like to take it as just two people who came out of the other side of a long road of pain and regret, separately and yet together, and can see the better sides of each other and start a real honest friendship over their similarities.
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