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omg! The secret ending finally makes sense!

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gene chaos

New member
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere between here and nowhere
you know it could be in the far future that would explain the dirt and old look
but what puzzeles me is that when riku in C.O.M he told Ansem the wise he chose dawn,which is darkness heading to the light. so there's
sora: light
riku: dawn
king mickey:darkness

but theres a power thats missing
the dusk: the light heading to the darkness
and i've notice in riku's ending in C.O.M the four crossroads look the same as the one thats in the end.
so could that place be the same the same endless path that exteneds to all worlds?
hmm makes you wonder


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Dawn is just another form of Twilight, they are one and the same, not 2 seperate paths.

The 4 paths are Light, Darkness, Twilight, and Present, and as there is a Keyblade that embodies all of these, there are 4 Keyblade Weilders, each coming from one of these paths


Still Alive
Dec 15, 2004
Sora: Light (Confirmed)
Mickey: Dark (Confirmed)
Riku: Twilight/Dawn
Kairi: Present

Now, the Kairi with the present keyblade thing is a long shot, but it could be true. It's also just to show that many people can wield keyblades, not just masters like Riku, Sora, and Mickey. Kairi has an extremely strong heart (princess of heart), so it could happen.

Now at the theory at hand, it has been confirmed by Nomura, that those three keybladers in the KH2 secret ending ARE NOT ANYONE FROM THE PAST THREE GAME, THEY ARE COMPLETELY NEW CHARACTERS.
I dont think Kairi ever walked that path. We know the other 3 have.
Let's see, we know that the secret vid involves Xehanort. And it is probably him being that dark figure approaching (just judging by the shape).

It is confirmed that the paths are light, twilight and darkness. The last, however is referred to present because a while ago, someone(not Nomura or S-E) said a normal complete human not possessing any of these powers should be called present. But it isnt known for sure. Some people still refer to the last path as another twilight and some as the real Keyblade Master which brought ruin and despair those many years ago.
Mar 26, 2006
The World That Never Was
"One legend says it's weilder saved the world..." They're obviously talking about Sora.

"While another says he wrought chaos and ruin with it." Apparently Riku, he did have a dark keyblade and did at one time try to take over the worlds.

That legend was going around the worlds LONG BEFORE KH1 even started. So there's next to no chance of it referring to Sora or Riku at all.

"I must know what a keyblade is." Someone unknown.(In ansem report, look it up)

KH1's Ansem Report was written by Xehanort (well, the first ten pages, anyway; in FM his Heartless does 11-13, which do not appear in KH1)

It MUST take place in the future because of reasons like this: If you noticed, Sora and Riku's keyblade were being grabbed in the secret ending. We know that Sora wasn't the first keyblade master, so it might have been someone else's. As for Riku's, didn't someone make that for him? So what's it doing in the middle of nowhere. It must take place in the future!

So the Light, Dark and Twilight Keyblades stuck in the middle of an X-shaped "crossroad" formed by Keychain-less Keyblades in the middle of a desert world proves that KH2's Secret Video takes place in the future? My God you are dumb. It looks more like it took place in the PAST, damnit! In other words, no one has a Goddamn clue when it's set.

Another thing says, "Keyblade war." If you noticed they are all standing in the middle of 100's of keyblades. Either thats where keyblade warriors died and their blades are there, or those are all Sora's keyblades from various worlds.

Both of those have already been discussed, and, in order, they are uncertain and untrue. The first, because we just don't have the facts, and the second, because:
a) none of the Keyblades have Keychains anyway, and
b) there are quite a few Keyblades we haven't seen before.

Also at the end it had a shadowy figure emerging from the distance, find who that is, and you'll probably make sense of most of the ending.

Maybe, maybe not. IMO, he/she were probably one of the armoured people as well, because they have a cape, too. Also, I should point out he/she looks like he/she is wielding 2 Keyblades.

Also, one person was carrying 2 keyblades. Now where have we seen that before...?

Doesn't mean it has anything to do with Sora OR Roxas.

"It all began by birth by sleep." ??? Unknown as to now, but maybe it has something to do with nobodies? It DID say something about Xeonhart's memory

"Memory of Xehanort" is irrelevant to "It all began with Birth By Sleep." I doubt the latter has anything to do with Nobodies, either. In fact, I believe that BBS refers to dreams - after all, you "give birth" to dreams when you sleep, don't you? So basically, IMO, it's really saying "It all began with a dream." I was wondering why that was going around in my head . . . lol . . .

and maybe "chasers" are a new type of heartless.

We're almost certain that the Chasers were the creators of the Keyblade/s. Look up "Chaser" in a dictionary of some sort and you'll know
what I mean. I doubt they'd be lowly Heartless.

It also said a few more things, but as for now they are deemed unimportant.

Every bit of actual info on this is deemed important.

Thank you, that is my excellent theory. Post what you think, and if for some reason this gets shut down, mail me what you think.

:rolleyes: THANKS!
[scoff]Excellent? I just blew nearly all of that out of the water! :glare: And if this thread
was for whatever reason closed (it's not got anything wrong with it), it's for a good reason.

Oh, and sorry for the longest post in history. I hope I don't have to do it again; it took me half an hour to do, at least.

Honky Sam

lol sup
Dec 11, 2005
a ghetto little place in minnesota
The KH series will always be about Sora

The scene from the Secret Ending takes place in the past, but it is presented in a way that makes you think it could, or could have, taken place in the future.

And just because the Secret Ending takes place in the past doesn't mean that the game itself will, it could just be a flashback or a memory.

I'm thinking it's a memory, I don't know why, but I just do.


subject to the king
Sep 21, 2005
Dear Old Shiz
woot! now we're gettin somewhere....ok lets say it was one of xehanort's lost memories......so xehanort would be the figure coming....but he didnt pick up the dark keyblade. that other person did. so would that make xehanort the present or did the other person just take the wrong keyblade....dow so confusing! lol

Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
woot! now we're gettin somewhere....ok lets say it was one of xehanort's lost memories......so xehanort would be the figure coming....but he didnt pick up the dark keyblade. that other person did. so would that make xehanort the present or did the other person just take the wrong keyblade....dow so confusing! lol
I really, REALLY, think that Xehanort is not a keyblader. It's like with Axel being Riku's nobody, there's no evidence or connections. The lost memories may refer to him being a past villian or maybe a witness to some important event. As for now, I am not supporting any theories of Xehanort being a keyblade wielder/master.

Let me show you some proof of the two unconfirmedd keybladers. Now this is purely symbolic, and is referring to the current time of the Kingdom Hearts universe.

Twilight: Riku. He was the original light keyblade master, but lost it to Sora because he went to the darkness and ended up being controlled by Ansem. He then... well you know the story. He was in the light but went back to the dark, and reclaimed the keyblade, a mixture of light and dark, and based off of Soul Eater. I don't think there are any arguments about this.

Present: Kairi. Now, this is a longshot, but there are several points to this one. Kairi was a "civilian", but a princess of heart. She was in the present word, and her keyblade seemed to reflect off that. Also there is the process of elimination, but that is too vague. But maybe the keyblade she had simply was one of Riku's, for he gave it to her, but we cannot be sure at this point.

And, you guys, this is a non flamming/swearing zone.


The Show Must Go On
May 31, 2006
xehanort can't possibly be a keyblade wielder because its just too stupid. sora is the keyblade wielder. end of story. also, xehanort can't be a keyblade wielder because, if you pay attention to the meaning of his name, xehanort is an anagram of 'no heart' with an x added. i know what i'm talking about


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Inside Rikus Heart
I really, REALLY, think that Xehanort is not a keyblader. It's like with Axel being Riku's nobody, there's no evidence or connections. The lost memories may refer to him being a past villian or maybe a witness to some important event. As for now, I am not supporting any theories of Xehanort being a keyblade wielder/master.

Let me show you some proof of the two unconfirmedd keybladers. Now this is purely symbolic, and is referring to the current time of the Kingdom Hearts universe.

Twilight: Riku. He was the original light keyblade master, but lost it to Sora because he went to the darkness and ended up being controlled by Ansem. He then... well you know the story. He was in the light but went back to the dark, and reclaimed the keyblade, a mixture of light and dark, and based off of Soul Eater. I don't think there are any arguments about this.

Present: Kairi. Now, this is a longshot, but there are several points to this one. Kairi was a "civilian", but a princess of heart. She was in the present word, and her keyblade seemed to reflect off that. Also there is the process of elimination, but that is too vague. But maybe the keyblade she had simply was one of Riku's, for he gave it to her, but we cannot be sure at this point.

And, you guys, this is a non flamming/swearing zone.

The whole Light, Darkness, Twilight and present stuff hase been around for a very long time when the first ideas for KH2 came out, even before i joined
Now i do think its a great idea but for ya no proof right now to even start to prove it like u said.
Everything eles ya


Still Alive
Dec 15, 2004
xehanort can't possibly be a keyblade wielder because its just too stupid. sora is the keyblade wielder. end of story. also, xehanort can't be a keyblade wielder because, if you pay attention to the meaning of his name, xehanort is an anagram of 'no heart' with an x added. i know what i'm talking about
Do you always not bother to search for real reasons? S-E wouldn't stop Xehanort from being a keyblade wielder because "its just too stupid." Sora is a keyblade wielder but so are many others. So what if Xehanort has no heart? He could still wield a keyblade like Roxas did. Now I dare you to say "I know what I'm talking about" again.
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New member
Mar 21, 2005
Inside Rikus Heart
Do you always not bother to search for real reasons? S-E wouldn't stop Xehanort from being a keyblade wielder because "its just too stupid." Sora is a keyblade wielder but so are many others. So what if Xehanort has no heart? He could still wield a keyblade like Roxas did. Now I dare you say "I know what I'm talking about" again.

Just one thing before he says anything well the only reason roxas had the power to use the key blades was because he was the nobody of sora and he was givin that power
And the diff. between Xehanort and Roxas is that roxas is a nobody and by what we can tell Xehanort was just a guy who wanted to see what the darkness could do
Now he could use a keyblade in KH3 but that does not mean he will no evidence twords it yet


Still Alive
Dec 15, 2004
Just one thing before he says anything well the only reason roxas had the power to use the key blades was because he was the nobody of sora and he was givin that power
And the diff. between Xehanort and Roxas is that roxas is a nobody and by what we can tell Xehanort was just a guy who wanted to see what the darkness could do
Now he could use a keyblade in KH3 but that does not mean he will no evidence twords it yet
Yeah, but I'm not saying Xehanort doesn't have a heart, I'm just putting to rest a theory that said you need to have a heart to wield a keyblade. Personally, I think Xehanort was once a normal person to be able to develope a heartless and nobody. I think that Xehanort was a keyblade wielder before he reached Radiant Garden, not after his study of the heartless and obsession of darkness.


New member
Dec 19, 2005
Also, one person was carrying 2 keyblades. Now where have we seen that before...?

Sorry for just randomly pointing out this, now I haven't seen the ending for a while, but don't all of them have a keyblade already then they pick up the others off the ground?


subject to the king
Sep 21, 2005
Dear Old Shiz
also, xehanort can't be a keyblade wielder because, if you pay attention to the meaning of his name, xehanort is an anagram of 'no heart' with an x added. i know what i'm talking about

thats true but they never did say if xehanort had a heart at one point in time which is very likely since i can't see a random person being born with no heart. he probabaly had a heart at some time, meaning he still could have been a keyblade weilder.


New member
Apr 5, 2006
The KH series will always be about Sora

The scene from the Secret Ending takes place in the past, but it is presented in a way that makes you think it could, or could have, taken place in the future.

And just because the Secret Ending takes place in the past doesn't mean that the game itself will, it could just be a flashback or a memory.
When Normura said that, he could mean that it's the future for US, the gamers, but in KH3, it's the past. Maybe the game takes place years after KH2, which would be the future for us, but it's the present for KH3. The secret ending could just be the past for KH3, but still hasn't happened for us yet, so it's the future for the gamer. Did that make sense to anybody??

Mickey Killer

New member
May 30, 2006
At my computer eating a Hot Pocket
When Normura said that, he could mean that it's the future for US, the gamers, but in KH3, it's the past. Maybe the game takes place years after KH2, which would be the future for us, but it's the present for the KH3. The secret ending could just be the past for the game, but still hasn't happened for us yet, so it's the future for the gamer. Did that make sense to anybody??

No, but then again, Square-Enix and their brand of talking and teasing never made sense to me. Something is, but it isn't. Something, then something else. Your heart is connected to memories, connected to the keyblade, then to memories again, then to darkness, light in, out, up, down, left right, but none of is connected within your heart or is it?

Then you play the game and..... well, it ends up being a lot easier to understand.
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