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One final 358 days /2 Theory

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Stain me Red with Blood
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere where you can't spoil me
Yep, one last Xion theory. Based on my last one, improved, streamlined, basically overkilled. With the new trailer in mind. This is now with versions! This is currently v1.1. I will prolly keep putting in vers till the game comes out, even though I don't want to know the story.

-Xion + Roxas + Sora = Sora
-The Castle Oblivion Argument
-Trailer developments
-New trailer development

No one's really coming out with any 358 days/2 theories now, they are all quietly waiting for the game.

Not me. I really want to keep guessing. Because guessing is fun. It hypes up the excitement, and I really get more excited for the new 358 days/2 game by creating loads and loads of theories, of which this will really be my last, and I hope the most improved version.

Basically, for my theory, I am going for the fact that Xion is related to Sora by being Sora's memories. How does that happen?

Ok, this is a really brief intro, can't really place much into it but it would have to do.

Xion + Roxas + Sora = Sora

Just for the sake of this theory, even though Ansem's Other Report states otherwise, we shall consider Memories as a seperate entity from body, soul and heart, which is pretty fitting, since 358 days/2 is all about memories, and memories also apparently do not really belong anywhere proper, such as memories reattaching back to the heart after Sora was returned back to a physical form (of a heart, though), and Namine and Kairi both somehow having retained memories, although I won't really be touching on that. This theory is completely devoted to Xion.

Ok, so we know Roxas was formed during the Sora emo-self-stab-with-dark-keyblade part, but not really what he was formed, although by common belief it is the body and the soul. We also have Roxas lacking memories, and Namine also being born at the same time, not having Sora's memories, but definitely being able to control them.

So, my first point to explain the events at Castle Oblivion: Sora's memories went to NAMINE during the split, giving her the ability to then control Sora's memories later. Confusing? Well, with the memories as seperate entity thing, we can visualize it to an extent.

During the emo stab, there were:
-2 hearts (Sora's and Kairi's)
-2 different sets of memories
-1 body
-1 soul

Both Kairi's and Sora's hearts were not involved later, as Kairi fused back with her body, Sora turned into a heartless. What I'm saying is that the body and soul are Roxas, and Namine is pretty much an entity of Sora's memories, formed before he took it back. This was Sora's falling into darkness part where he began forgetting, and because Namine had been in contact with Sora's memories and is made of memories, she can alter Sora's memories. Later when she takes it back she pretty much becomes nothing left, and somehow still maintains her self. She still looks like Kairi cause she came from Kairi's heart.

So later, after Sora fights Xemnas who goes at Roxas's request to go take a look at Sora, Sora then waltzes off to Castle Oblivion, and enters it. He starts 'losing' his memories on the trip.

Now there will be a point raised vigorously against this: That Xion was formed before the events at CO. Well, I will address that later.

As Sora climbs up the castle, Namine begins 'unchaining' the memories in Sora's heart, and replacing them.

Well, the memories are meant to stay in Sora's heart. Same with Donald and Goofy. However, in this theory, the Room of Awakening could very well have had the strength to actually rend those memories from those chains, that might explain the reason behind Castle Oblivion.

This is pretty much completed by around the 7th level of Castle Oblivion, as it was most rapid down at the lower levels.

Now we must remember, Xion was probably born in the Room of Awakening, probably in Castle Oblivion. What I believe is, without a catalyst, those memories removed by Namine managed to turn into a physical entity in the Room of Awakening, thus the 'Awakening' of Xion from absolutely nothing. The Room of Awakening also possesses the power to 'remove' those currently dormant memories from Sora's heart to awaken them as another form, Xion. Well, we do not currently understand the extent of the Room of Awakening, after all. As for Donald and Goofy, they are not as adversely affected by Namine's memory removal; they get memories removed from being related to Sora, but they remember the King, albeit not really who he is in a roundabout fashion, they still know that there is someone important. Sora has totally forgotten about Kairi.

Thus, we now have Sora having 2 distinct nobodies (or maybe not so distinct), one is Roxas, the body and the soul, one is Xion, the memories, that by right should have went with the body and the soul on formation of the nobody. Thus, Roxas (body + soul) + Xion (memories) + Sora (heart) = Sora! (everything)

Note that from what I'm writing, Xion is very similar to Namine; both consist of memories. Xion looks like Kairi, at least initially, because the memories that formed her were of Kairi. Those memories would have shaped her development into an entity looking like Kairi. Any similarity with Aqua, well, can't really explain, considering her armour is lying in the Room of Sleep and probably talks to Xemnas, it is highly doubtful the memories can have contact with her unless the Room of Awakening is linked to the Room of Sleep.

Sora remembering Kairi when he first entered the pod can also be explained. Remember, Xion initially spent much time under the hood, perhaps she was not properly formed yet. So Sora managed to snatch back a portion of his memory of Kairi before it was merged to form Xion, and that was why Namine's repair process was going very slow, because it was difficult for her to touch anything related to Kairi initially.

Yep, this part is finished. And I even managed to link a no link Namine formation in this too.

The Castle Oblivion Argument

What will probably lead to no end of argument is the fact that many will argue, during Xion's induction, all the organization members were present.

Now, remember that the memories of Kairi were pretty much gone by the 7th floor of Castle Oblivion. On the 7th floor, we have Riku Replica appearing in front of Sora (courtesy of Vexen, and in the manga, he IS there as well). After Riku Replica, we have an empty part ahead, where we meet absolutely NO ORGANIZATION MEMBERS WHATSOEVER. The next time we meet one is the end of level 9 for Sora, or Lexeaus for Riku, both of which are far off and not really reachable. This gives us an empty slot of time.

My argument is that, during this empty time, the members in the castle could easily have headed back for an emergency meeting. Think the time is too short? From all the cutscenes we have ever seen of the organization, it is around 4 or 5 minutes max, add in a bit extra time just in case they need further discussions, convert to time in comparison for Sora, and the end time would probably be the time Sora takes to navigate through one level.

Some people may counter argue, that by that time, Vexen especially, along with Axel, should both know what Marluxia and Larxenne are up to, and would have made reports to the leader. Well, we must consider that Axel is still not really confirmed about the treachery of Marluxia at this time, and Vexen, with his attitude, will probably be those that feel he can handle the situation himself with Riku Replica, and deal with the situation without getting Xemnas involved. Because he's the senior.

Also, from the translations of Countdown to Castle Oblivion, it is seen that Xemnas already has an idea about the treachery of Marluxia and Larxenne, he might even be the one to organize the entire charade to root out all opposition within the organization.

It was definitely fine to leave Sora and Riku in there. Riku was still fearing the darkness in his heart, with no more than a transparent entity of Mickey helping him, and he wouldn't have dared to do anything to break what the organization wanted, such as using a dark portal to get out, for fear that Ansem will overtake his strength, and Sora was still obsessed with Namine, with no thoughts of anything else, and they even showed him Riku Replica so that he would continue chasing him up, so it would pretty much be safe to lock Namine up, tell her that she is doing a good job and should continue, and go join a short meeting through their dark portals and be back fast.

And for anyone arguing that Namine might use a dark portal to get out, she hasn't known how to use it yet. Even later, when Axel let her out, she ran, she didn't even use a dark portal, she ran down flights of stairs to reach Sora.

And that is my argument that there is, in fact, a timeframe between Castle Oblivion where Xion could have been formed and inducted.

Trailer Developments
This is from the first few trailers we've got.

Basically, I'm going to disect it word by word to show my point.

The first trailer is, well I can't really remember the festivals shown, but it is the one where Axel talks about the sunset being red, that is the reference point for this. Namine goes talking about memories leaking out of Sora, and how 'she' cannot handle it. That 'she', is Xion. Since Xion is built from memories of Sora, she is directly linked to Sora's memories. If Sora's memories actually leak out, it must kind of be to her something amount to literally falling into pieces.

Then the fight on the bridge with Riku. Riku was probably, at first, thinking he was fighting Roxas because of the keyblade, but it was Xion. He was shocked because he didn't realise anyone else could also use the keyblade. But how did Xion be able to use the keyblade?

I believe Xion could use the keyblade by memories of Sora using the keyblade, and also because she is part of Sora as well. Thus, she has rudimentary skill of using the keyblade (slashing the heartless away), but not much since Sora's skill was pretty much untrained in the first game. As a result, she loses to Riku, with his wealth of fighting experience in Castle Oblivion. Riku looks at her and is shocked because she's not Roxas, and also because she looks very similar to Kairi that it was kind of scary. Thus, he thinks the keyblade is a fake, because it is not Sora's nobody wielding it, but in a way Xion is still Sora's nobody.

This pretty much wraps up this trailer, on to the next.

The next one is the first trailer showing Xion's face. Starts off with Namine saying how she wanted to meet Xion.

Then most scenes were repeated, until the part where Xion, Roxas and Axel are on Destiny Islands. Xion asks 'how can two people be the same', probably as a result of her knowledge acquired from Riku, she probably realised she and Roxas were the same. This scene greatly hints of it being later on in the game. Roxas also seems to understand her, thus Roxas also knew of their connection. 'Do I really exist?' was also stated, because she knows she is not a proper nobody like the others, which in a way is irony since nobodies aren't meant to exist anyway.

The next is Riku and Xion talking. Xion asks about 'the girl who was always with Sora', which means she is talking from the perspective of Sora. This lends weight to the fact that she has Sora's memories. Riku says that she looks like Kairi, the rest is history, since I mentioned it earlier in the theory already. Then Riku asks for her to go back to her original self, which is Sora, although she probably still doesn't know at this point of time, she thinks Riku is just asking her to return to her original owner, not Sora. She says that she has an important friend, which is, in an educated guess, Roxas, which is ironic since based on my theory they are the same, thus I feel this scene happens before the DI scene stated above.

Then we have Axel and Saix talking, saying something about a 'worthless friendship, or the annihilation of Roxas'. What I infer is that Saix wants Axel to choose between Xion or Roxas; if the first part also referred to Roxas it would make no sense, since if Axel split up from Roxas, Roxas will probably run away anyway, forcing them to annihilate him, making it something like 'we must annihilate Roxas', which is ridiculous. So it's pretty much the choice between Xion and Roxas; I believe the organization was scared of Sora. He seemingly effortlessly crushed 3 organization members in Castle Oblivion, and the rest must fear his power. They would be like, ok, if we trade off either Xion or Roxas, then Sora will never be whole and will never wake up or be at full power even if he does, then we still have another one to hunt heartlesses to form our kingdom hearts.

Next is the Xion and Roxas fight, and I believe Xion knows that the organization wants to eliminate one of them, so she runs away. Note that she is in Twilight Town, close to Sora's hiding place. She might have been going to see Namine, which will end up returning back to the first scene. She probably understands the importance of disappearing now, otherwise Roxas might be in trouble.

Then we see Axel at the mansion, and Xion holding the keyblade at him, and this part may be one of Xion's rebellious parts, perhaps she wants to meet and talk with Namine.

Yep, this ends up this section, the new trailer scene will be addressed in the next part.

New trailer development

What some might consider the nail in the coffin of this theory. Well, not quite for me.

The scene I am referring to is the one where Roxas looks shocked at Xion after she takes off her hood, possibly meaning Xion has changed. What I believe is that she already has. And how?

Well, she is made of memories. As the memories change through the fixing up of Sora, she slowly loses her sense of self as looking like Kairi, she will slowly grow more and more to look like Sora (not Roxas, though, he is linked to Ven in some way). Thus, when she removes her hood, she probably does not look like she was last time, thus Roxas looks shocked.

Hey, this part is really short!


I believe a fitting 'brave but tragic end' for Xion is something of a deja vu of Roxas and Axel; Xion has to fight Roxas to get back to Sora. Yeah, abit cliche, but this is probably wrong, just fun.

And to wrap up, there is no more sign of Xion in the world after her disappearance from 358 days/2. This is because she exists as memories; once the memories return to Sora, her sense of self is lost, it's like she never existed. Everything that she has done and stuff disappears, thus she lacks a seat in the organization circle, since it became a lost memory, and same with the proof of existence. Since she never existed, everything that was related to her became another piece of non-existence.

And this brings me to the end of my theory. Sorry for it being so long, I tried to paraphrase it as far as I could.

giving her the ability to then control Sora's memories later.
Or she has the ablity to control sora's memories because kairi's heart was released from sora's body and soul.

Well, does that mean that Roxas would have been able to affect Sora's memory? Sora's heart was removed from his body and soul, so if Namine can do it, Roxas should be able to do it as well. Seemingly since he can't there must be another reason. Oh, and KBL, you go abit overboard with the criticisms sometimes, this is a theory, so there are some theororized things, and you can't keep really putting in your own ideas in arguments, I get confused >_< Nah, I don't mind.

Sora remembering Kairi when he first entered the pod can also be explained. Remember, Xion initially spent much time under the hood, perhaps she was not properly formed yet. So Sora managed to snatch back a portion of his memory of Kairi before it was merged to form Xion
But if im not mistaken she takes off her hood in front of the organization would you say she still isnt form.

We don't really know whether she does or not, we don't have a scene of it. But perhaps I need to make my point more clear, it probably led to this screwup: Xion still looked kinda like Xion, just not really like that yet. Think of it this way: if she already had 50% of the memories fully merged, she would kinda look like what she is. Then she goes for the meeting, even if she has to show her hood she will look fine, the rest of the time she goes on missions while still merging together with those lingering memories, but before she finishes Sora goes to sleep and snatches back the last remaining remnants, just enough to remember Kairi's name and looks.

and that was why Namine's repair process was going very slow, because it was difficult for her to touch anything related to Kairi initially.
Or it was because sora's memories were leaking.

Yes, but remember that by that time she had already knew about the existence of Xion. How would she even know Xion existed? Well, probably cause, following my theory, Kairi memories were somehow missing, which she would definitely find weird, and she had later met Xion, or Riku met her and mentioned Xion to Namine. By that time the repair process would already have been well underway; Namine only began complaining of the leaks after she knew of the existence of Xion.

1.1: Added questions in QA, Fixed up points brought up by KBL about Namine
1.2: I'm going to do a huge edit based on the darn fact that the memories were still in the heart. Turned out, it's not so big, just converted some technicalities.

Ok, that is the end. I hope I get some constructive criticism, as usual, and not too much flame, since I tried to cover up as many loopholes as I can get in this theory. Have a nice day to anyone reading this, it must be like a marathon to finish reading this, here's a cookie.

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New member
Mar 11, 2009
Thibodaux LA
Wow. This is pretty good. Did you have a lot of time on your hands to think, research and write this?
No plot holes as I can see. I shall take the cookie and eat it.


New member
Sep 23, 2007
In the manor of sleep
Good theory. theres no plot holes and its good that someone lese beside me and one of my friends thinks that Xion has changed appearence (this is hinted because her voice is deeper than it used to be and not showing her face) and that she will look like a female version of Sora. Good theory.


New member
Jan 18, 2009


~*Youll be my Living Legacy~*KBL
Oct 15, 2008
Eternal Darkness
Crap this is a long theory. But since its your last I will comment on it. Destroy
Yep, one last Xion theory. Based on my last one, improved, streamlined, basically overkilled. With the new trailer in mind.

of which this will really be my last, and I hope the most improved version.
I got to make my last one.
Namine and Kairi both somehow having retained memories,
Namine has no memories of kairi.

So, my first point to explain the events at Castle Oblivion: Sora's memories went to NAMINE,
They stayed with him.

giving her the ability to then control Sora's memories later.
Or she has the ablity to control sora's memories because kairi's heart was released from sora's body and soul.

Sora's memories were also sent with a portion of Kairi's memories into Namine.
None was sent to namine.
Namine is pretty much an entity of a portion of Kairi's memories, formed also by Sora's memories before he took it back.
Now we must remember, Xion was born in the Room of Awakening, probably in Castle Oblivion.
Possibly but we dont know.

What I believe is, without a catalyst, those memories removed by Namine managed to turn into a physical entity in the Room of Awakening,
Namine never removed the memories

thus the 'Awakening' of Xion from absolutely nothing.
Possibly the RoA has memory base properties.
Note that from what I'm writing, Xion is very similar to Namine; both consist of memories.
I like that idea of consisting of memories but wouldnt Namine come into existence by being born in the RoA.

Xion looks like Kairi, at least initially, because the memories removed were of Kairi.
Werent removed they were still there.

considering her armour is lying in the Room of Sleep and probably talks to Xemnas,
Nothing says it talks but okay.

Sora remembering Kairi when he first entered the pod can also be explained. Remember, Xion initially spent much time under the hood, perhaps she was not properly formed yet. So Sora managed to snatch back a portion of his memory of Kairi before it was merged to form Xion,
But if im not mistaken she takes off her hood in front of the organization would you say she still isnt form.
and that was why Namine's repair process was going very slow, because it was difficult for her to touch anything related to Kairi initially.
Or it was because sora's memories were leaking.


Lick It Good
Mar 23, 2009
Breaking Stuff
I hate you for making such a good theory, it kills the Aqua=Xion bit. I still like the theory though and commend you for being so thorough.


Stain me Red with Blood
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere where you can't spoil me
Oh, I see most of my problems lie with my no-link Namine part. I really have to fix that part up.

Namine did not need to be born in the room of awakening because the 2 hearts released from Sora stimulated a sort of unfair sharing in formation, thus Namine was initially left with sora's memory and linked Kairi by heart.

The rest I'll answer later when I get to use the computer again, typing on my handphone is clunky.


Feb 9, 2009
Road To Dawn
O.K. love the theory with no plot holes, but can you come up with a reason for the name please. I like how you think and i want to see your perspective.


New member
May 4, 2009
My home.
Wowzers. That is rather long. I gave up half way through but I got the point. It's very good, but I just can't bring myself to believe memories can make a person..

Bringing me to this point- She is a "person" (I put quotations around it cause if your theory is correct then she really isn't a personat all) with very strong emotion (shown in trailers) How can memories do that? I guess it's just a game and anything could happen but I hope it's something a little bit more believable. Rather than- Some memories leaked from Sora magically creating a girl. Huh?

But don't get me wrong, Very well thought out Theory and coodo's to you :D It could very possibly happen.

And um... even tho I didnt read it all and kinda went a bit negative on it- Can I still have a cookie? Seriously, you've given me the urge to have a cookie. Mmmm cookie...


Stain me Red with Blood
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere where you can't spoil me
Okay, I've just updated it. I hope this will answer some of your points stated, KBL, and thanks for all the 'criticisms' so far (since pretty much they all came from KBL, but I'm still happy that this thread has not died, my theories die in 8 posts or so on average)


The Troll
Feb 9, 2009
Sinking into the light with a heart of pure darkne
First of all, this is a well thought-out theory and certainly took a long time to write down, so kudos. Almost everything makes sense, except this bit:

Well, what happens to the memories then? We do not know, that's what. For all we know, Namine could have been storing memories in a cupboard by some insane reason, and we still won't know. Or she might have kept it within Sora still, but we still can't substantiate that. I hope this answers that next point.. Unless you can give me some source citing that the memories were still in Sora after that? A cutscene? I'm still trying to work out the kinks in the Japanese cutscenes of Re:COM, since I don't understand Japanese, so there might be a few weaknesses there.

It has been explicitly stated that Sora still has all his memories deep within his heart, just unreachable because the chains of memories relating to Kairi are severed. This is the dialogue after the Maluxia final battle:

Donald: Can you fix our memories?
Namine: Yes. Just because you can't remember something doesn't mean it's gone.
Goofy: What do you mean?
Namine: Remembering one thing leads to remembering another, and then another.
Do you get what I'm saying? Your memories are connected, like links in
a chain. Those same chains are what anchor us all together. I don't
destroy memories. I just take apart the links and rearrange them. You
still have all your memories.
Jiminy: So, you can put them back together?
Namine: Yes, but first I have to undo the links I made. Then, I have to gather
up the memories scattered in your hearts and reconnect them. It will
take time. But I think it will work. No, I'll MAKE it work. It's my
turn to help you out.

Namine rearranged the memories, not erased them. She broke the chains of memories and inserted the new chains while the memories related to Kairi are scattered deep within his heart. Because there is no chain, he cannot reach them because they are literally cut off.
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Stain me Red with Blood
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere where you can't spoil me
Oh ok. Sorry, because my Re:COM is the one with KH2 FM+ and I can't understand the cutscenes at all even as I play through. I need some time to reconsider that point first, maybe I'll get some inspiration in my sleep.


Stain me Red with Blood
Feb 8, 2009
Somewhere where you can't spoil me
Nope, the problem with that point is that it pretty much clashes with my theory. My theory is based on Xion being formed from memories of Kairi from Sora; if the memories are still in Sora it might not work. Perhaps the effect of the RoA? I might have to take further consideration into that.
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