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Order Rank Challenge for Rank 20

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Apr 21, 2005
Everyone between me and Rank #3, I suggest you start shitting yourselves. I'm coming for you.


Name: Lucas
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Appearance: Lucas has shoulder-length, snow white hair which is parted down the middle, though somewhat unruly. His eyes are also white, the edge of the pupil ringed with black, creating a line that divides the iris from the scelera. His lips are dark red, teeth brilliant white and perfectly aligned. He is muscular, but not so much that it would limit his movement.

Attire: He often wears a combination of black and white clothes, enjoying the contrast. As a general rule, he tends to wear jackets and cloaks that can quickly be discarded, leaving his upper body naked so as not to restrict his range of movement. Often part of his attire is similar to modern combat gear, whilst other parts are casual, or decorative attire.

He is seldom seen without a packet of cigarettes, supplied by his employers. However, there is a practical purpose for these cigarettes, as he can use them in combination with his abilities.

Created by the United Nations of Earth Military, to be used as a weapon against the numerous powerful beings who's battles have constantly ravaged their planets, Lucas is tethered to their will, forced to carry out their orders. Even if he dosn't want to follow orders, he is unable to resist. He detests and despises being used in this way, and because of this, has developed a hatred of the species he was once a part of. Recent events have caused this hatred to be applied to any and all sentient lifeforms, as he sees them as the cause for all conflict in existance.

He is insightful and perceptive, constantly contemplating his existance, his species, and their roles within the world. He also considers himself an artist, and has an appreciation of the deeper meaning behind asthetics.

Considering himself a 'realist', he believes that humans should not deny their own nature. Though he detests his slavery, he enjoys the thrill of battle, claiming it is human instinct to take life and fight to preserve your own. He also surrenders easily to his other 'natures', including lust, anger, and narcassism.

Lucas' body is officially property of the UNoEM Military Core. It includes a third lung linked to the main pair, for storage of excess oxygen. This lung is collapsible, and valve-controlled branchways extend through his arms and legs, ensuring immediate access to his stored supply by any part of the body. This lung is connected to the skin through the sweat pore system, using specialised pores referred to as 'Stoma'. These Stoma can both take in, and expel oxygen. Additionally, he has the ability to use photosynthesis, taking in energy from sunlight, and using it to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Using these, he has the ability to manipulate the air currents surrounding him to almost any application by subtly injecting a given amount of oxygen in a given area.

He also posseses an ability to manipulate oxygen particles themselves, which he uses along with his bodily enhancements. In essence he can dictate the state of movement of oxygen particles in his vicinity, forcing them to move towards him, moving them out of an area to create a partial vacuume, or any number of other applications. The size of the area dictates how much control he has. To affect particles within a container (Such as the body of the enemy) he needs to make physical contact with the container.
His body has an enhanced metabolism, allowing mush faster recovery from injury, and he is extremely resiliant, able to keep fighting even after sustaining life-threatening injuries or while in extreme pain.


Duco Spiritus (Draw Breath)
Lucas can take in oxygen through his sweat pores whilst moving, storing it in his bloodstream for later use. A large variety of his more powerful moves require an abundance of stored oxygen to use.

Navi (Float)
By expelling oxygen from his body at a calculated rate, via his sweat pores, Lucas can hover or levitate in mid-air, however, this requires constant use of his Draw Breath ability to sustain, thus he must be in constant motion to remain airborne.

Accelero (Accelerate)
Lucas can remove all oxygen in his path, creating a frictionless path of motion, to move at extremely high speeds, a ghostly, translucent afterimage of himself following his movements. This afterimage is actually a partial vacuume, left behind as Lucas takes in all oxygen nearby during his movements. Ariel Fade movement is often used as the first part of his finishing moves, allowing him to take in enough oxygen to release for the finishing blow.

Compos Mentis (Of Composed Mind)
Allegedly the average human functions at 10% of their brain capacity. Lucas is no different. However, he has the ability to force-fire synapses in his brain, artificially raising that measure to a maximum of 15%, with varied, powerful results. However, the more mental capacity he unlocks, the more detatched he becomes from his humanity. At 15%, despite being capable of influencing matter on the subatomic level with his mind alone, his intellect also allows him to see the futility and pointlessness of his own, and any existance. The only thing preventing him from ending his own life because it is 'the logical descision' at 15% capacity is the genetic safeguards that prevent him from harming or destroying himself, used by his creators to prevent the loss of their work.

Enitor (To Climb)
A combination attack in which each attack mounts the enemy in position for the next. After an initial attack designed to force the enemy into the air, Lucas unleashes a brutal series of attacks that launch them higher with each hit, driving the enemy upwards. The maximum number of hits has no limit, thus the combination becomes a battle against gravity to inflict as many hits as possible before Lucas and the victim begin to fall back to Earth. After the final hit, Lucas will often use gravity to position the enemy for a finishing move to complete the combo.

Tripudio (The Dance)
A combination movement that attacks the enemy 360 times, once from each of the 360 degrees. Lucas moves in a full circle around the enemy while attacking once from each degree of the compass. He targets muscular groups, vital points, and joints primarily. Following this technique, the enemy is usually completly incapictated, allowing him to finish them at his leisure.

Crur Mico (Leg Flash)
Lucas unleashes a lightning-fast series of kicks, all from the same leg, without touching that leg to the ground. Because of the speed of his kicks, it becomes impossible to determine each attack individually, and the motions blur into one another, making it near impossible to block each attack.

Refuto (Oppose)
Lucas performs a series of kick combinations on the enemy, deftly swapping between normal orientation and handstands to maximise speed and momentum from each hit.

Vacuus (Empty)
The only information regarding the Vacuus technique is that it is somehow used in combination with other techniques to increase their potency.

Jubilo (To Shout)
Lucas expels oxygen from his lungs through his throat, creating a horizontal cyclone. The cyclone emerges from his mouth, so it becomes longer, extending horizontally towards the opponant as he pours more oxygen into it. It does not 'fire' or leave his mouth, but is constantly emerging from it.

Attero (Erode)
Creating a small cyclone around a part of his body, such as a leg or arm, Lucas forces the oxygen to rotate around that point at such incredible speed that it will instantly grind through almost any substance, including the hardest metals. The result is similar to a hundred thousand years of erosion within a split second.

Lurmen (The Eye)

Frendo (Crush)

Neco (To Kill)

Oblittero (To Cancel)
Lucas can use Oblittero during any of his oxygen-based techniques, causing all the oxygen involved in the technique to errupt outwards in a shockwave. This is used to cancel the technique while still putting the oxygen expanded to use, placing a powerful pushing force against everything around it capable of forcing enemies back.

Biography: Created by the United Nations of Earth Military, Lucas has no recollection of his former life, if indeed he lived prior to their procedures. He is their weapon against the myriad of powerful individuals that exist, using the surface of his planet as a battleground, ravaging it and killing the populace. He is tethered to their command, unable to resist carrying out their orders. However, he has recently become much more co-operative, manipulating his superiors to achieve his new goals. A prototype specimen for a mass-production army of 'Super-Supersoldiers', his DNA and data has been used to develop 'Beta Squad', a brutal black-ops group that has become his personal support squad in his efforts to extinguish all sentient life under the guise of protecting mankind from galactic crisis.

Formerly detesting his slavery, he now endures it silently as a means to an end.

Lucas is a master of hand-to-hand combat, and is highly agile, capable of fighting just as well standing on his hands as he does on his feet. He often uses backflips and handstands mid-battle to build momentum for his attacks and to confuse the enemy.

Character Themes
Lucas' Theme - The Evolutionaries: Slave (YouTube - The Evolutionaries- Slave)

Introduction Theme - Pendulum: Propane Nightmares (YouTube - Pendulum - Propane Nightmares)

Battle Theme 1 - Five Finger Death Punch: The Way of the Fist (YouTube - Five Finger Death Punch "The Way of the Fist" Music Video)

Battle Theme 2 - Mudvayne: Determined (YouTube - Mudvayne - Fucking Determined Official Video)

Revenge Theme - Mudvayne: Dig (YouTube - Mudvayne - Dig)

Compos Mentis Theme - Lifeseeker: Gone Guru (YouTube - Gone Guru- Lifeseeker)

Angel Of Death

New member
Aug 31, 2006
Name: Viscus Nixvorhis
Title: The Sin of Decay
Age: 19
Race: Manifest

Standing half a head over an ordinary human, Viscus'
streamlined, sineous body strikes an intimidating presence. His
slightly bedraggled, black hair is tied back into a ponytail using human
cartlidge for the tie, his fringe allowed to hand over his eyes. His
skin is a deathly pale, his eyes blood-red windows into a world of
unearthly tortures. He wears a skintight, black leather formfitting
suit, designed to allow his body to distort without tearing. Belts
crisscross this garb, tracing down his arms to his thick black
fingerless gloves. A pair of black slacks over the suit and combat
boots complete his outfit.

Viscus prefers silence to meaningless prattle, his cold
voice filled with malice when he does use it. He's difficult to anger,
letting even large issues happen without batting an eye, but this is no
guarantee of safety, as he kills compulsivly and without meaning,
mercilessly crushing innocent and enemy alike, and has no emotion to
spare for those who get on the wrong side of him.


Flesh Facade

Viscus can alter patterns of his flesh and hair, changing all aspects of
his appearance except eye colour. Even his fingerprints can be altered
at will. This disguise will fool even the most advanced technology or
powerful magic, but is only a superficial ability.

Sins of the Flesh
Viscus can control and manipulate his own body to any extreme, turning
every cell inside him into a potential weapon, and even those removed
from him, such as blood drops on the ground or severed fingers, ect,
which he can also re-grow with small difficulty. This ability covers
organs, bones, blood, flesh, and any other organic matter or inorganic
componant within his body.

Skeletal Sword
Viscus removes a bone from his body, hardening the marrow and exterior
to make it diamond-hard, and uses it as a sword.

Fossil Finger Bullets
Viscus rapidly causes his finger bones to explode from his hands like
bullets and rapidly re-grow, allowing him to shoot a machine-gun like
barrage of finger bullets.

Blood Abyss
Viscus spreads a thin layer of his own blood in the air, creating a fine
yet thick mist of red around himself. His blood particles will gather
on the victim as they stand within the mist, not only limiting
visibility, but eating slowly at the flesh and delicate eyes of the
enemy like acid.

Red Deluge
Viscus creates an orb of blood, that upon impact will expand, the cells
undergoing rapid mytosis to dramatically increase the volume, literally
drowning the enemy in Viscus' blood, creating a river of the crimson

Crimson Wave
Viscus can only use this after using Red Deluge, or near a suitably
large body of blood. He causes the blood to crash upon the enemy in a
wave, drowning them, eating at their body like the Blood Mist.

Blood Charade
Viscus injures himself, then controls a ribbon of his own blood like a
whip, lashing at the opponant. The whip can be reshaped at will, and can
take almost any form.

Blood Bacteria
If Viscus' blood enters the enemy's body (Easy after eating holes in it
like acid) it will mutate and begin acting like a virus, slowly taking
over the enemy's cells and turning them into Viscus' own, allowing him
to use even the enemy's own body against them once the infection
progresses far enough.

Final Farewell
Viscus strains his ability, assuming a rough control over the enemy's
cells. The effort is comparable to writing with your secondary hand
rather then primary, he has control, but a very erratic, difficult to
use control, meaning he cannot manipulate their body with the finesse he
can his own. He simultaneously crushes the windpipe and aeorta, cutting
off the enemy's respitory and circulatory systems.

Final Farewell, Thousand Partings
Final Farewell used on a mass scale. The uses gestures with their
hands, and wherever they point ruptures, allowing them to sweep large
cutting paths through enemy forces. Due to the scale, manipulation of
individual enemy bodies is impossible while using this.

Final Farewell, Ripping Vengance
Viscus' final revenge against an enemy, and a far more painful
technique. He methodically peels the enemy's body apart, layer by
layer, at the same time increasing blood flow to their brain to keep
them concious as their nerve endings are overloaded with an exquisite
pain. After removing the skin and muscles, he tears open the ribcage,
ripping the bones from their body one by one, skull included, without
damaging the nervous system, leaving the enemy a quivering pile of
painful exposed nerves and organs, completly concious until the bitter


In ages past, there was a great battle. Hundreds of warriors, from
across thousands of worlds, converged upon one planet to do battle.
Sides were undefined, factions were broken, and in the end, none knew
why they fought in the first place.

The warriors did battle for years, and each that fell was replaced by
two new. In the end, the war was ended by an interloper, a single
warrior, who using dark magics and mysterious powers, slaughtered every
living thing involved in the battle, cleansing the area of life

Such a mighty event cannot take place and not leave some form of
imprint. Indeed, the souls of the warriors, torn apart by the menace
that had killed them, still existed, as shattered fragments of spirits.

Unable to enter hell, and unable to exist as they did, these fragmented
spirits gathered, merging and coascealing into a single entity. Knowing
only violence, bloodshed, and hate, this entity formed for itself a body
representing the slaughter he had been.

Rising as a dark warrior, he named himself as he was: “Viscus”.

Unknown to this newly-born creature, however, his existence had drawn
the eye of the very one whom had brought about the death of those who
now formed him. Realizing the potential within this new Manifest, the
Necromantic lord began to speak to it in it’s mind, explaining it’s
nature and power. At last, he drew the creature to him, and began to
help Viscus, teaching him to develop his powers over blood, bone, and

Since, the bloody warrior has participated in countless battles against
powerful foes, including Unaori O'vita, and his erstwhile mentor, the
omniversal dread 'The Necromancer', fellow manifest Zetsumi Nihilus.
His struggles, victories and defeats, have only served to make him
stronger then ever before.

Theme Song - “Made Of Scars” - Stone Sour
Battle Song - “This War Is Ours (The Guillotine Part II)” - Escape the Fate​
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