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Fanfiction ► Organization XV: The Beginning

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Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
You know what happens when poking is involved on your behalf to me, Tina.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Angels aren't ghosts. Go away and serve God or whoever.

Zauss > You.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
When SMH can finally come back online for any period longer than a few hours.


Bronze Member
Apr 9, 2008
He cringed under the touch; Xoje was not one for contact with people he was not familiar with. However, he stayed polite and tried to get to know them. "I'm Number X, Xoje- The Superior sent me here to assist you on mission," He raised an eyebrow at their strange behavior "whatever that may be". His hearing picked up other footsteps coming closer. He was just about to summon his Bugle when-

"Heya there!"


Kaxus quickly perked up and listened. She heard the whispers even clearer now. The Organization member silently sprinted along the shadows, her long black hair trailing behind her. She held down her headband as it loosened. She had a strange fascination in cats and kits, and so she started to act like them. Even adding cat ears to her black headband. Yes, Kaxus was a very weird person, but that’s the way she liked it.
Cocky and a joker.

The Twilight Predator peeked around the corner to see three people with the same jacket. Seeing them as no threat, she realized they must be her 'teammates' for the mission. She walked along the shadows, again soundlessly, until she was within a few feet of them. With a sly smirk she burst out.
"Heya there!"


Two portals opened in a world Xina was not familiar with. She figured it was where Cyolx and Cyntax were born and raised. Through one, Cyolx’s paper clone was pushed. The real Cyolx entered from high above with Xina to watch. She had to watch the clone closely in case of a fault that needed to be fixing.
Cyntax was waiting patiently turned away from the clone. The fight started with the clone jumping up and slashing downwards at Cyntax; he dodged to the side and punched the clone in the stomach, ripping right through it.
Cyntax grabbed a bucket on the end of his scythe off a near by window sill and threw it at the paper clone. It melted instantly, and Xina swore under her breath…
"Ha! Do you think a feeble paper clone can fool me little brother. Did you honestly think, your little girlfriend could get you out of fighting me?!" Cyntax taunted looking up to where Xina and Cyolx were 'hiding'. Cyntax cocked his head; challenging the two to the proper duel.


Kinxu loosened her grasp on his shoulder and let her hand drop to her side. "He sent you, did he?" She sighed and massaged her temple. "Could have done fine with just Cinollex and I, but alright." She crossed her arms. "Our mission is simple. Evacuate Traverse Town of any remaining residents. If Heartless get in your way, cut them down." She glanced over at Cinollex suspiciously. "Though...I think we might have something bigger on our hands." Suddenly Xoje jerked his attention towards the water fountain and Cinollex disappeared.


Cinollex disappeared and didn't appear again until the girl had approached. If she had one weakness, it was her inability to work in a team. And there were three people she barely knew standing there. If one of them spoke to her, just one...but there was something else that concerned her. As Kinxu greeted the others in a less than comfortable tone, Cinollex could have sworn she saw two yellow slits glaring at her from the darkness.

Kinxu looked to where he was staring at to find a girl dressed in a long black cloak. "What are we, the welcoming committee?" She said sarcastically, but smiled to show she meant no harm. "Let me guess. The Superior sent you here?" She asked the girl.

He had introduced himself, and now Xoje was zoning out; troubled with a loud thumping noise that only he could hear. It was someone's heartbeat, beating very loud from anxiousness. In a second, he learned it was coming from the one not holding on to his shoulder; Cinollex, was it? The fountain's trickling water caught his attention in an awkward silence that followed, and he herked his head over to it.

There was someone there.

After Kinxu gave Kaxus a run down of the mission, she noticed a tension in the air. Cinollex was still invisible and Xoje had now fixed his attention towards the fountain once again. She peered over at the water fall as well. After a few seconds, she noticed that the water was falling in a strange way. As if it was falling over something. Or someone. But it was too dark to see. She turned and smiled at Xoje, pretending to be talking to him. "Someone is in that fountain, isn't there?" She asked, but keeping her smile.

"Yeah... Now what are we to do of it?". Questionable gazes circulated around the group of members. Each one waited for another to come up with a plan.
Xoje turned his head back towards the others. He could hear, almost feel whatever was in the fountain. That was a bad sign, either because it was powerful or because it's powers may match his own.

"Jump him...?" She asked, easily fighting back her laughter. Though she had no heart, sometimes Kaxus like to laugh for the sake of trying to feel one.
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