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Fanfiction ► Organization XV: The Beginning

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Bronze Member
Apr 9, 2008
The sound in the wall grew louder. The Superior and The Chaos Brawler stood silently in the study of Ansem the Wise. A spiked glove thrust through the wall towards the scratching sound.
A ball of blue fur shot out at the Nobodies, all four arms flailing.
Ina monequista!” the little blue alien shouted.
“What is that thing?!” Kurix asked, raising a spiked boot to squish the creature.
The Superior tried to intervene, I wouldn’t do that..
But it was to late. The creature grabbed his foot and flipped him over the desk. It then ran through the door shouting unintelligibly.
As his leader helped him up, Kurix asked, “What was that thing?”
Stitch. My-uh- Ansem the Wise’s old “pet”, I think..
Kurix turned to his friend as he opened a portal, “Maybe you should be more careful of what you think..”

In the shadows, behind the half open secret wall a man in a black coat disappeared through a similar portal.


Cyolx rolled off the roof and threw his rapier in the air. It burst into snow in Cyntax’s face.
Whipping away the frozen water he asked sarcastically, "Was that supposed to surprise me?"
"No, but this is!” Cyolx yelled, summoning a blizzard blocking everyone’s view.
When Cyntax took a step forward, he almost ran into the point of a lancer, very similar to one once wielded by Xaldin, now being held by hid brother Cyolx.
Cyntax heard a whisper behind him "She isn’t my girlfriend!"
From the roof top, Xina couldn’t see or hear a thing through the blizzard.
She slid down the roof into the action, but when Xina reached the ground the snow went away. She saw Cyntax had a lance coming out of his chest. "Good jo-" she stopped her sentence and saw that Cyolx had Cyntax's scythe threw his stomach. Both of them were dematerializing.
"Xina, tell the others what happened I’ll be back soon...." Cyolx whispered as he faded away.


Cinollex crept towards the fountain with her whip in hand. Only she could see it's flames glow a luminous purple.
Something was watching...waiting. The man from before? He seemed to be able to sense her even when she was invisible. Part of her thought of turning round and warning someone, but they all seemed distracted. "What do you want from me?" she whispered, so quietly she doubted anyone could hear. "Why don't you just attack?" The water began trickling normally. Whoever was watching, they were obviously making their move...


Still in wondering of what to do next, Xoje looked back at the fountain, even though he was taking a risk of alerting the hidden enemy. He spoke silently to Kinxu; directing the sound waves just so she could only hear him. "Where's that other friend of yours? The one who was invisible?" That must of been when she first noticed that Cinollex had vanished, concerned for Kinxu and her own life, she stepped back.

"What do you want from me?" Xoje heard someone speak very quietly somewhere near them. Was that the girl....? "Why don't you just attack?" That's not the best thing to say to some enemy you can't see.

Then he noticed the water was back to normal. His eyes widened, and he turned like lighting, Bugle flashing into his hand.


Something struck Cinollex hard across the head and pinned her to the ground. She made herself visible as she struggled to break free. "You will not escape me this time, Illusionist!" A deep, familiar voice announced. "You will not escape!!"


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Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
I had a scene with Ansem's pet?

I'm wiling to bet that's something that's been added in...


Bronze Member
Apr 9, 2008
I had a scene with Ansem's pet?

I'm wiling to bet that's something that's been added in...

This was right after you joined, you were gone for a long time, and you and I were supppose to go into Hollow Bastion together.
So I just wrote in a small part to show what we did while neither of us were posting.

Plus, I really like Stitch.



Bronze Member
Apr 9, 2008
Txamt smirked and went through the portal. He asked Rauxlen, "Have you noticed that The Superior hasn't given us a straight answer?", Rauxlen gave him a puzzled look. "He’s sent us on a bunch of missions, like telling us to recover this stupid book without telling us why," explained Txamt. This had been bothering him for a while, so much that he had to ask Rauxlen about it.

Rauxlen followed Txamt. "I was kinda wondering about that too. I've been wondering about a lot of things that are going on. A ton of questions keep coming. I've found some answers, but I discover that with one answer comes a ton of new questions..." she said. They both walked through the portal to Traverse Town. I wonder if anybody's back yet... thought Rauxlen.

The two appeared on a roof in the nearly disserted town. The Superior was standing behind them, his hood still concealing his identity. Thank you he "said" taking the Lexicon. The Superior knew these two wanted answers and he was going to give them, if they were ready... What do you want to know?

Rauxlen, surprised by both her leader’s presence and reading of her mind, said everything she was thinking, "Well, basically, I just want to know what's going on. I want to know what's happening and why. I also want to know what's so important about that book." She finished breathlessly.

Alright, Rauxlen. But first there is a more pressing matter... I fear there is trouble in Traverse Town... You and Txamt go and help the other members. I will meet you all in the first district.
“But what about-“ she began to plead..
I'm sorry... he thought as he went through a portal....
Txamt grinned, “Well, that was informative…not!”


Cyolx felt like he was floating; he opened his eyes and found himself lying at the end of a shallow pool. He liked the feeling of the waves lapping against him. He felt for the first time peaceful as he stretched his arms and found that he was still holding the lancer. He put it above his head and closed his eyes.

He was falling through Nothingness... The Superior was glad he couldn't see it. Once was enough. Twice was more than torcher. He’d never be able to enter this realm again. Was The Frost Knight really worth it? This beach... He knew it. He also knew the Nobody lying there... Come... We must go he said extending his hand. You fought well... Cyolx looked to his side and saw his brother from another lifetime fad away for the last time.


I've posted once since 2010
Jan 30, 2008
Wow, I used a better vocabulary back then...
Thanks for the update ^^


Bronze Member
Apr 9, 2008
Kinxu noticed that Cinollex was still hidden. "Where-" She heard a thump and yelling. She looked back towards the water fall and saw the man from before and Cinollex struggling on the ground. Quickly she ejected her claws and ran to the aid of her fellow member. Swiftly, she summoned a strong blast of water and sent it directly at the man, careful to avoid hitting Cinollex. As the man flew back and hit the side of the wall, she ran up and helped Cinollex up. She got into her battle stance and glared at the man. "What is your business here?! What do you want with Cinollex?" She demanded with a sharp tone.
Kinxu rushed up to the man and grasped him around his neck. "I said, who are you!?" She hissed. She clenched her hand tighter and dug her claws into his neck, drawing blood. Her eyes were ice cold as she glared at him.

Cinollex watched as the man as he choked, still refusing to speak. She had lost her patience.
"Perhaps I should rephrase your question." Cinollex muttered to Kinxu. Kinxu frowned but quickly realized Cinollex was planning something and released the man from her grip. Cinollex's eyes flickered, and he clutched his stomach, falling to his knees. She towered over him. Before anyone could so much as blink she was behind him with her whip firmly wrapped around his neck. Burning and choking at the same time, he glared at her as she walked around him. "What," she hissed, "do you want with me?"
"...You possess far greater power than you think, Illusionist." He smirked.
"I didn't ask for lies, I asked for an explanation."
There was something worrying about Cinollex's expression.
"...I am here to collect you. My master requires your help and what my master wants, she gets."
Cinollex stepped back. The man clambered to his feet and advanced.
"Take care of him." Cinollex muttered out of the corner of her mouth. She vanished. Kinxu hoped her plan was a good one.


Xina sat on her throne in the Castle That Never Was. She rocked back and forth hugging her knees against her chest. He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead… She thought over and over again. The Deadly Artist couldn’t get the image of her fellow member fading away out of her head.


The assailant spun out of Kinxu’s grip as soon as Cinollex disappeared.
Rauxlen heard something that sounded like fighting. She ran over to an area close to where she had heard the noise. She looked over the rooftop, making sure she wasn't seen. She saw some of her fellow members fighting somebody. I hope this won't bring me more questions or confusion... thought Rauxlen. She jumped down and joined the fight. "It looks like you all need some help," Rauxlen said, drawing her twin guns.
Kaxus followed suit with her magic staff while Kinxu stabbed at the stranger with her claws.
Rauxlen fired off three shots, all of which the target dogged.
The three female Nobodies surrounded their foe, not sure if they’d be able to stop him..


Xoje stood in a near by ally watching the confrontation. He'd fight when he needed to. However, he heard some one else coming from behind. It was Txamt, who whispered in the darkness, “You think we should help them?” he asked nodding towards the girls.
“They seem to be doing fine on their own,” he answered slightly nervous. As soon as the words left his mouth, Kaxus came flying into the wall of a building nearby. “ARGGH! FIRA!” I ball of flame shot in the general direction of the fray and blew up the fountain. Kaxus followed right behind to join back in the battle.
Txamt smirked, “Oh, yes. They’re doing just fine… not!”


Cinollex sprinted across the many roofs until she was standing at the highest point she could find. She dug her fingers into the bricks and climbed up. From above, she could see the man scanning the empty sky for a sign of her. "Stall him." she urged, not wanting to yell out and give herself away. "Will one of you just stall him, distract him, anything? He needs to be standing STILL..." Kinxu dodged another attack. "Come on...make him stop looking."


New member
Jun 14, 2008
I don't know why reading this always entertains me. ^.^

Just curious are you going to do this for Part 2? xD


usually not funny
Apr 28, 2008
And thus the end of Kaxus.
Man. I was really inactive.
I sucked at RPing, too.


Bronze Member
Apr 9, 2008
I don't know why reading this always entertains me. ^.^

Just curious are you going to do this for Part 2? xD

I plan on it, yes.

And thus the end of Kaxus.
Man. I was really inactive.
I sucked at RPing, too.

Hi! Nice to see you around!
Don't be so hard on yourself; you were one of the people that kept it going in the begining.
The worst part was getting you and Kinxu confused.. Lol
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