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Fanfiction ► Picnic- Riku/Xion

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Captain L.O. Shadow
Jan 21, 2008
On Board the my ship, Moon Rider.
Sigh, well I've caught the Riku/Xion bug now. I've had this story in mind for some time now. I hope its alright. I know I'm not as good as SA or Cissy so here goes nothing:


Xion sat bored and tired on her bed after the return of her most gruelling mission yet. Her whole body ached and her muscles refused to move. She fell over onto the soft mattress and just stared at the dreary, white coloured wall. Xemnas seemed to have it out for by forcing her through that horrible mission of slaying 1,000 heartless in five minutes.

But to fail meant to have double laundry duty which she dreaded more than death because at least death smelt better. Amongst her painful, wandering thoughts came a knock. A knock on her window. Her muscles still refused to move so she dismissed the noise for nothing more than…than…she couldn’t think what it could be but she still didn’t want to move.

Once again the knock pestered her double-glazed window followed by her name whispered loudly.

“Xion!” Came Riku’s voice.

Immediately she rolled over on her bed despite the pain and stared at Riku standing on her balcony behind the closed glass, sliding door. She slid off the bed and quickly swung open the door.

“What are you doing here?!” Xion hissed in a whispered. “Xemnas will kill you if he finds you here!”

Riku only smiled. “He’s gotta catch me first. Anyways, I have a surprise for you.”

Xion tilted her head to the side in curiosity. Riku walked to her side and slyly placed his arm around her waist. Then suddenly he whisked her up into his arms in a bridal carry and sped towards the balcony.

“Don’t you
e!!!” Xion screamed just as Riku jumped over the balcony wall and down the side of the castle. She clutched Riku’s neck tightly; not daring to look down as they plummeted faster and faster to the ground. Riku’s grin grew wider when his feet touched the side of the castle and he began skating down the smooth surface as it began to slant slightly. There was still a long way to fall.

The castle was a hovering one. Riku decided to be a little more playful and as soon as there was no more castle he let go of Xion. He only laughed as she acted like a fish out of water; trying to slow herself down with frivolous flailing. As the green ground rapidly approached, Riku collected himself and opened a portal.

He flipped over and fell straight through then landed on his feet on the other side. Riku craned his neck then slowly moved his arms out as Xion fell through into his strong arms. Riku set her down then lifted his blindfold slightly and laughed. Her hair and clothes were dishevelled and her face was as white as a ghost.

“Don’t you dare, ever do that again!” She squealed, her face going bright red with frustration.

“You’re cute when you’re mad.” Riku responded.

Xion blushed slightly then remembered the surprise Riku promised her before their suicidal jump. Surely THAT wasn’t his big surprise. But before she could ask, Riku took her by the hand and lead her through the green grasslands. In the distant could be seen the dark city of The That Never Was. This place was untouched. Wild flowers bloomed with trees and bushes everywhere. Xion could even hear wildlife; something unthought-of in the dreary, lonely world they were forced to live in.

The warm sun bathed them in glorious light which no cloud dared hinder. A warm westerly breeze wrapped its arms around the two people dressed in black. Riku lead her to a tree on a hill where the sun was warmest and the view was best. Riku had Xion wait as he disappeared behind the tree then reappeared with a picnic basket on one arm and a picnic blanket on the other.

“It seemed you needed a break after the mission you just had.” Riku smiled warmly as he set up the blanket then set out the food.

The two spent the next hour and a half eating and talking about whatever came to mind. Both them avoided though talking about Xion’s memories. Riku knew that if she had wanted to talk about it then she would. No need to push her.

Xion laid back on her arms and stared at the pure blue sky. Riku laid beside her and stared at her. Despite being a nobody, Riku felt a strange attraction towards her. He couldn’t explain it but there was just something. Although, he knew, that whatever he felt she could not return.

“Well, I better get back to the castle before the others think I betrayed them.” Xion sighed sitting up.

Riku opened his mouth to protest but then closed it again knowing the consequence of betraying the Organization. He stood and helped her to her feet.

“Thank you.” She smiled.

Riku smiled and nodded then escorted her through a portal back to her room. No one was waiting, which was good. A sudden knock on the door forced Riku to quickly scramble through a portal.

“Hey Xion, Roxas and I are going to get some ice cream, you coming?” Axel asked peaking his head in the door.

“Um, sure.” Xion responded hesitantly.

Just before she followed Axel through the portal she stared at where Riku disappeared. But in his place lay a photo. Quickly Xion sauntered over to it and picked it up. It was a fresh picture of her screaming when they were falling. Through the photo she could see writing causing her to turn the photo. And on the back Riku had written a small message.

I have copies, so feel free to destroy. Riku.

Xion smiled and giggled slightly. Next time she’d see him, she’d hurt him.

“Xion come on!” Axel shouted. “The ice creams are melting!”

“Coming!” Xion shouted back slipping the photo in her pocket.

A treasured memory.

Hope you enjoyed it.


Proud Demyx/Kairi Shipper
Oct 12, 2007
At the ball
Not bad! There were some grammatical errors, but overall it was well-written. The ending was hilarious!

My favorite parts:

Despite being a nobody, Riku felt a strange attraction towards her. He couldn’t explain it but there was just something. Although, he knew, that whatever he felt she could not return.

I have copies, so feel free to destroy. Riku.

Good job!

Deleted member

That was really cute!!! I especially liked the falling scene; that just seemed really fun. Great job.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
I'm sorry, but what the hell's this crap? You write better in the RP, something you have a lot less control over.

TL;DR: There's not enough of an incentive for me to finish reading this single scene.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
You're only far too welcome, Moss.


Captain L.O. Shadow
Jan 21, 2008
On Board the my ship, Moon Rider.
Wow, thank you.

And here I thought this story died.

If you're interested my other stories, check out the book I'm writing at the moment in the Creative Writing Section: Sky Angels. (no link cause i gotta leave soon)


almost human.
Sep 24, 2004
It's cute, but as far as writing goes... there's nothing so eloquent or gripping that drives me to read past the first paragraph.

Keep working.
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