Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
There is no release dat and if you look at EB Games it says "Date is subject to change" or something like that. I havent even thought about preordering. I guess I should though. I think im going to preorder at EB games because Theres a eb games not far from where I live. Im new to the preorder thing how does it work?
yeah thats true, I did the same thing with pokemon colloseum.Oh and btw if the did indeed make an exact release and youre able to pre-order it right now, I would have been known about it.
I'll probably pre-order it in our GunkStore (it's a store with only PS2/X-BOX/GameBoy and Nintendo games)
They'll have everything before other stores do....
it says kh2 will most likely come out dec. 1 2005 but the date is subject to change. but yea my friend already preordered it...i am aving money to. when you preorder it, it makes sure that you will get a copy of it whenit comes out. kinda like reserving it.
I already fully paid for my copy from the local game store. But, remember that there is no set release date yet. Not untill Square Enix announces one. So, depending on where you go for games, the prices and the release date that the game "the supposed release" will come out, changes.