ALL OF THEM. Except Chi/Unchained Chi.
What does that even have to do with the topic?
I'm starting to regret ever making this thread.
Please don't. :c Just because Koopa and Muke have decided to start a war doesn't mean it isn't a good topic.
Okay, literally, Ansem's journal entry says that the Princesses of Heart are not necessarily royalty, but are all females with no darkness in their hearts, even though it also says in the game over and over again that all hearts have at least a little bit of darkness in them. Namine is a Nobody, but a special Nobody because Kairi's heart is pure light, and that probably means that Kairi never produced a Heartless when she got her heart stolen.
Technically Namine isn't even a Nobody, but for the sake of giving a name to her they call her a special Nobody. The only reason Namine exists is because Kairi's heart passed from out of Sora's body.
But my interpretation is that there's nothing really special about the Princesses, unless they really do have special powers that they can lend to the heroes, because if so, they should have told us that before. Same thing with Kairi. If she was so special, then they should have foreshadowed that before, rather than making her asleep for 90 percent of the first game, and absent for 75 percent of the second game, and only barely a mention in all the other games. They could still make her a side character, but she could have been so much more interesting, and the players could sympathize with her more.
They do have special powers, though. They can open the Keyhole and Door to Darkness, they can also block away Darkness and create a magic barrier with their Light. They can sense Darkness and Light. I'm certain there are probably more things they can do with their powers that just haven't been expanded on because the games dropped the PoH plot after KH1 until BBS and even there it was weak. In KH3D they were used for representation...7 Sleeping Worlds that correspond with the 7 Princesses of Heart, 7 Guardians of Light that represent the fragments of the light necessary to create the X-Blade.
Oh, and they are the pillars of light in the Realm of Light. Without them the worlds would certainly be engulfed in darkness without any other source of light to protect the worlds.
What will happen to the Princess of Hearts in Kingdom Hearts 3?
Xehanort might make one last attempt at using them for his plans to call forth Kingdom Hearts, and they might be one of the only thing that stands in the way of the Darkness engulfing the worlds.
Do you think they'll continue the plotline after Kingdom Hearts?
Who knows. Depends on what the goal of the next villain is.
I know for sure that Rapunzel won't be a Princess of Heart.
There are already 7 Princesses of Heart and that isn't going to change. There can only be 7 at a time so unless one dies, there will only be Alice, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Kairi, Snow White.
Rapunzel's hair is made of a drop of light from the sun, though, so I'm sure there could be an interesting plot surrounding her in KH3 that isn't necessarily related to the PoH.
I think the requirements for being a Princess of Heart is don't be male (because Disney thinks that men can't be pure, and princes are jerks, but they put princesses on a pedestal, and are there really any girls in Disney who aren't pure and innocent?),
There is nothing that really limits who can be a PoH and says what they can be.
Ven was pure of heart, though not by choice, so I don't think there are any gender issues. It's more that Disney has their Disney Princess line and this was a way to tie KH to that.
and don't stand up for yourself.
Belle and Kairi did a pretty good job of it. And Jasmine.
Jasmine and Alice's personalities got watered down so much. And Alice isn't really all that pure, just an average curious girl. And Ariel for some odd reason isn't one of the Princesses.
It has nothing to do with their personalities. They can be pretty much whatever (curious, rude, sweet, sleeping all of the time) but still have hearts of pure light.
Ariel wasn't made a PoH because they didn't want to deal with her being a mermaid, and the story they were telling in her world didn't leave room for her to suddenly have legs.
Instead of just putting them on a pedestal and looking pretty and helpless, they should have mentioned that they have a special power for each one of the seven Knights, including Kairi.
But the whole game is about them having a special power: the power to unlock the Keyhole to Darkness. The entire plot was that they were already kidnapped and had to be saved because either their world was lost to darkness or the people that would have gone after them couldn't. Beast was such an anomaly because his sheer will alone led him to Belle.