Another thing i hated was that in the guide, they tell you you need 13 orichalcum+ when you really only need 7 because you can cut the amount of materials in half. i was about to pull my hair out thinking i needed 13 of them
Dude, that is not a mistake for the strategy guide. The strategy guide does not say that you need 13 orichalcum +s. The guide says that the ultimate recipe claims you need 13 orichalcum +s. Go to the synthesis shop and read the ultimate recipe, it really does say that..:kao-chan:. said:Another thing i hated was that in the guide, they tell you you need 13 orichalcum+ when you really only need 7 because you can cut the amount of materials in half. i was about to pull my hair out thinking i needed 13 of them
omg you guys too!RoXaS_SoRaX said:i agree.... the binding in the guide this time around SUX!!! ive had my sg from the first ever since the game came out and not one page has fallen out.... but this one... 2 days after i got it... ALL of my pages on sora and his forms... all have already fallen out.... and my Roxas TT section is fallen out to!!!