Today, a very interesting project was brought to my attention: Project Magic Kingdom Hearts. It's an event taking place in Disneyland in Orlando, Florida on October 25. October 25 is Mickey's-Not-So-Scary Halloween. The aim is to have Kingdom Hearts fans arrive either as cosplayers, or wearing something that directly relates to Kingdom Hearts. The lasting purpose of the event is to try to get Disney to represent Kingdom Hearts in some way, shape, or form at their parks. More info on the event can be found here.
**Note: I am not affiliated with the project. I simply wanted to spread the news of it to try to help it be more successful. While I would like to attend, I can't due to location and timing.
**Note: I am not affiliated with the project. I simply wanted to spread the news of it to try to help it be more successful. While I would like to attend, I can't due to location and timing.