Kingdom Clasm said:"A" does actually sound like "uh" in some words, KL.
Also, about Larxene's pronuciation, I messed up on that. It was a typo. I will fix it if it is about to send you into a trauma.
The only reason my pronunciation sounds weird is because you are used to pronouncing Namine a different way. I think your pronunciation sounds weird as well because I am just used to saying Namine differently. Besides, it is just my opinion, as your pronunciation is yours.
I respect you, KL, as many people do, but don't overreact.
No, you said "Nu" not "Nuh" And I'm not overreacting.
Namine- Na as in na (short a), mi as in mee (long e), ne as in nee (long e).
And that completely ignores the accent mark above the E. Which makes it nay and not nee.