a quest to see kh2fm+ outside of japan
What's your purpose?
With news from both KHInsider and KHNetwork, the hopes of fans eagerly awaiting a press release or annoucement for a release of Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ outside of Japan have been dampened. A person from Square Enix support has reported that the game is not coming out, while Monkey has reported that Square has other games on their plate that they plan to take care of. But, if you think about it, two things are true: anyone in Square Enix will NOT say if the game is coming out until they have officially announced it and KH2FM+ came out in March, which is after many of the games that they are releasing came out in Japan.
The purpose of this thread is to create a base for anyone who hasn't lost hope for this game and wishes to see it North America and Europe. Any news of a release from Square Enix themselves or from employees within the company will be posted here, along with news from other sites. This is also where you can show your support and help this game get outside of Japan. Also, we're just trying to get the game here. It doesn't have to be in the fall. Just as long as it gets here, everything will be fine and LOTS of people will be happy!
Just remember one thing: don't lose hope if you want this! Be positive, not negative, because if you're negative, you'll be hopeless, and so will others, and any chance of getting it here will be lost.
I also ask one thing of anyone who is negative and thinks the game won't be coming here: DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. Yes, you want to put in your opinion, but I'd like to make this a very positive thread, which means you need to be positive to post in it.
What's going on right now?
The latest news:
06.25.07 - The thread was created and, hopefully, we'll get some support for this soon.
Mike from KHN posted his support chat recently on KHN, while Monkey from KHI posted how Square is focusing on other projects instead of KH2FM+. Remember: just because they're working on other projects doesn't mean that they're not actually working on it! Even if it doesn't come out this year, it can still come out next year and everything'll be fine; as long as it comes out, we're good!
Who are we up against?
This is a strange thing to add in, but an important thing: who are we up against, or who do we have to show we want this game so badly? Square Enix in general, mainly in the main Japan headquarters. The NA Square company knows the demand for this game, but we have to prove how much we want it. They have to through Japan, show them how much we want this, and then there will be a decision. It's up to us to show them that we, the fans of Kingdom Hearts, want this game. After all, nothing is impossible.
What can I do?
Simple! Though it will involve some copy and pasting at points, this is what you can do:
-Email: Emailing Square has shown the demand for the game the most, most likely. It's not petitions, letters, or calls, but emails that could be the key to making this whole thing work in the first place. That is why you have to continue on with sending those emails! Just send an email to Square that says how much you want KH2FM+ and send it to their support email. You will get an automatic, copy-and-paste email from them but they did get it. It's also good if you email them every day or every week; I know that might be asking a lot, but if you copy and paste the same email you first sent them, then it'll help a lot more than you think. [Just remember to not spam them!]
If you can email your emails to "support[at]@square-enix-usa.com" [Replace the [at] with a '@']
-Phone Call: Another recommended thing to do is just to call Square Enix and tell them how much you want KH2FM+. Several people have called and talked to people who want to help get the game here, so this is a helpful thing to do! Just call '858-790-7529' between 9AM and 6PM Pacific and talk to a representative!
-Support Chat: Talking to someone in Customer Support is also a good thing to do. Simply go into the chat, ask them about KH2FM+, and tell them that you want the game. You can also ask other questions relating to Kingdom Hearts or other games as well. And, just a note: this is NOT a definite yes or no! Square will keep this secret until this is announced, so just because they say it's not coming here doesn't mean it's actually not! This is the same thing with the email and phone calls; if they say no, there's no way of telling if they're keeping this secret or not.
-Petition: Finally, you can sign the main petition to get KH2FM+. This is only a small thing, though, and you can only really do this once, but it's still helpful! You can sign the petition over here!
Remember that you can do these things as often as you want, except for the petition, so please do these often! Also, for European gamers, I don't have the addresses and phone numbers for EU Square Enix, so if you know them, PLEASE send them! Anything you send will be greatly appreciated! [I do have the email address and phone number, but I'm not sure if they're up-to-date, and I also don't have their snail mail address.]
One final note: feel free to post your replies, chat logs, and phone logs [You'll have to transcribe them or at least describe what they said] if there's anything interesting. Also remember that an employee at Square is helping us out, too! His name is Neil and if you chat with him, get any email back from him, or talk to him on the phone, remember that he's trying to help out!
What else can I do?
Put links to this on your sig! Spread the word! Have patience as well! And, pleasepleasePLEASE be positive! Negativity isn't going to get FM+ here! Just remember that we're trying to get the game here, even if it's not in the fall. As long as it gets here, we'll be good!
How do I show my support?
You can use signatures, avatars, and other images on your sig or in place of your avatar to pass this around. Any other graphics are greatly appreciated! Here's all the images we have so far:
Main Campaign Banner - Takushi Rena
Be sure to link back to the thread with URL links and images!
What do you know?
Much of this information is from the Livejournal links below, and much of this was from a conversation with a Square Enix representative:
-At least 150k people want this game. [The numbers probably have gone up from April, which was the last update from this]
-Square Enix isn't allowed to post in forums, communities, etc. but they do look at things sometimes!
-Square-Enix NA actually wants KH2FM+ as well, but they have to go through Japan and show how much people in North America and Europe want the game. It's up to SE Japan to decide if we get this game or not, which is why we have to keep on sending emails, letters, and calling SE!
-Square-Enix will NOT say if the game is coming out in a normal support chat, in an email, or on a phone call. They will keep this information TIGHT, which means that even if you really talk to someone often from Square, you're likely to not get any information about the game until a press release comes out.
-Square is also working on other games as well; KH2FM+ is NOT a priority, but it might become one because of fan demand. This game can come out at anytime and that includes Fall of this year. It's likely to come out next year as well, so keep your hopes out! There's no definite yes or no YET.
-When we know if we have a definite yes or no is when there is a press release or Square completely gives us a 'NO', meaning that there's no chance of it coming here. Right now, we still do have a chance, but that chance may lead us to next year sometime. Just be patient!
What is your proof?
I've said several things in this thread already that might make you wonder how I know that. If you're on Livejournal, you know why. A campaign has already started back in September for this game, and it's been ongoing since. It has lots of support and I've been watching it this whole time. If you want proof that this is true, then look at these links:
Original campaign
Campaign Rebirth
Talk with Neil; this information was posted on KHInsider a little while back
Anything else to add?
KEEP YOUR HOPES UP. That is priority! Be positive, keep your hopes up, and be very very patient. And just keep on telling them how much we want this, without spamming them!
Okies, welcome to the base and LET'S GET THIS GAME HERE! You can talk about anything that happens on here, though I don't think this thread will be that active. If anything happens to this, feel free to bring it back at anytime! Even if the thread's not incredibly active, this will STILL go on until we have a definite yes or no.