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Question about Dream Eaters and Abilities

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Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Does anyone know if it is possible to increase a DE's rank after they are made?

I'm pretty like 99% sure it's not. You can make another Meowjesty later on though, that's what I am going to do probably. My Meowjesty is also getting outsourced rather quickly unfortunately due to its rank.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
In the end, what does the rank even determine exactly? The resistances and attack/magic power?

I'm totally in love with the Frootz Cat right now...it's a bit slow sometimes but when its attacks hit they blow away the enemies pretty fast.
Not to mention it has Salvation on its ability grid. ^___^


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
In the end, what does the rank even determine exactly? The resistances and attack/magic power?

I'm totally in love with the Frootz Cat right now...it's a bit slow sometimes but when its attacks hit they blow away the enemies pretty fast.
Not to mention it has Salvation on its ability grid. ^___^

The rank determines how good their stats are. The same Dream Eater at the same level but in different ranks will have different stats, with the higher ranked ones obviously having higher stats.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Where Nothing Gathers
"Each Spirit you create has one of six ranks that are a measure of its quality as a companion. From highest to lowest, the ranks are: Star, A, B, C, D, E. The higher the Spirit's rank, the better its overall stats and fighting ability. The Spirit rises in rank as it gains EXP and levels up in battles or in bonding and training exercises."

From the Brady Guide "Spirit Rank and Affinity" section.


New member
Jul 31, 2012
Yes they are lol. It even explains it in game that the only abilities that aren't permanent are the Blue stat boosting ones.

Odd... Once More is on my list, but I can't equip it. I'll check again and figure out whats wrong.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Odd... Once More is on my list, but I can't equip it. I'll check again and figure out whats wrong.

Hmm, that is odd :/

"Each Spirit you create has one of six ranks that are a measure of its quality as a companion. From highest to lowest, the ranks are: Star, A, B, C, D, E. The higher the Spirit's rank, the better its overall stats and fighting ability. The Spirit rises in rank as it gains EXP and levels up in battles or in bonding and training exercises."

From the Brady Guide "Spirit Rank and Affinity" section.

Yeah that's where I got the information from, too. Because I really had no idea :p


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Okay, so after doing some research, you cannot upgrade a DE's rank after they are made, and the only way to make a star rank spirit is to use one of the upgraded materials when making a DE from scratch. For example, Meow Wow's recipe calls for some Rampant Figments and Vibrant Figments. However, if you make a spirit from scratch and use a Vibrant Fancy or Fantasy instead of a Figment, you can make a Star ranked Meow Wow. There are some other recipes from scratch you can use to make a star rank one, but basically, you can't just use figments to get a Star-ranked spirit. That is why Frooz Cat, Kab Cannon, and R&R Seal are already Star Rank on the card, because there is only one recipe you can possibly use to make them in the game, and that recipe can make any rank from E to Star. Hope this helped somehow <_<


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Where Nothing Gathers
Okay, so after doing some research, you cannot upgrade a DE's rank after they are made, and the only way to make a star rank spirit is to use one of the upgraded materials when making a DE from scratch. For example, Meow Wow's recipe calls for some Rampant Figments and Vibrant Figments. However, if you make a spirit from scratch and use a Vibrant Fancy or Fantasy instead of a Figment, you can make a Star ranked Meow Wow. There are some other recipes from scratch you can use to make a star rank one, but basically, you can't just use figments to get a Star-ranked spirit. That is why Frooz Cat, Kab Cannon, and R&R Seal are already Star Rank on the card, because there is only one recipe you can possibly use to make them in the game, and that recipe can make any rank from E to Star. Hope this helped somehow <_<

The guide says you can increase rank, and I don't think they made it up.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Do they elaborate on how?

It says it increases as they level up I think, which is completely untrue.

Edit: Just checked it says "The Spirit rises in rank as it gains EXP and levels up in battle or in bonding training exercises."

Which is completely untrue. This really isn't the best guide lol.

Figured it out. I simply haven't unlocked it on Meow Wow's ability board (but it still shows up on my list)

Ohhhh I see, yeah, you don't have every ability on your list, only the ones with yellow coins next to them like in BBS. When they are lit up in their corresponding color that just means you CAN get it from one your Dream Eaters.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Well, adding more ingredients bore backing it does both make the level and rank go up, but yeah I've not had a single DE go up in rank from experience and I have plenty of level 30+ DE's

Gray Aria

The Misshapen Spark
Mar 17, 2010
In the gray area
I do believe this game's guide is the most unhelpful one yet. I would like to elaborate but I'm tired from playing all day and night so I'm going to bed.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Where Nothing Gathers
After more research and the opinions from this thread, despite what the guide says, rank is probably permanent. It does make sense to reward people who put a lot of ingredients into making a spirit to give them way higher stats than someone who didn't. The only thing I could think the guide meant is that when they increase in level their stats also increase, but I would have at least thought they would have seen ranks increase at least once before putting it in the guide :/.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
I do believe this game's guide is the most unhelpful one yet. I would like to elaborate but I'm tired from playing all day and night so I'm going to bed.

Yes, this guide is one of the worst if not the worst KH guides made yet, and I have time, so I will elaborate on why:

- Placement: the Bestiary is place in the front, so I have all but spoiled every boss in the game because I flipped backwards a little too much when I was trying to reach Traverse Town...why they wouldn't put it at the end mind boggles me

- Dual Links: All that is mentioned in this guide about dual links is a short paragraph, nowhere in the guide that I've seen does it list all these links nor tell you what they do for either Sora or Riku

- Flick Rush: This guide doesn't help you at all with the Flick Rush tournaments, it could at least give you a list of what the tourneys are and who you will be facing, but once again, I haven't seen anything on that either

- Items: the guide fails to mention the best places to find certain dream pieces to make DE's so I find myself resorting to online to find out which places are best to find certain items

- Dispositions: possibly the thing that irks me the most about the guide, they list the dispositions of each spirit and say what each disposition does to them, but they fail to mention what food item will make the DE that disposition or where to pet them to increase the likelihood of getting that disposition. I find myself having to try it and out throw random food or pet them in random places to figure it out. This is a guide, it should tell you these things

- Secret Routes: The guide fails to mention what dispositions unlock the secret routes in a spirits ability link, once again making it a trial and error process. While we are on the topic of ability links, the guide doesn't even show the ability links for the spirits. Maybe that would have taken too many pages so I'll let it slide, but the rest of the stuff mentioned should have been included.

I don't buy the guides for tips on the story, I usually do it for the charts and graphs, and this guide has neither and is quite disappointing. However, it is the guide so I will have it nonetheless...


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Where Nothing Gathers
Yes, this guide is one of the worst if not the worst KH guides made yet, and I have time, so I will elaborate on why:

- Placement: the Bestiary is place in the front, so I have all but spoiled every boss in the game because I flipped backwards a little too much when I was trying to reach Traverse Town...why they wouldn't put it at the end mind boggles me

- Dual Links: All that is mentioned in this guide about dual links is a short paragraph, nowhere in the guide that I've seen does it list all these links nor tell you what they do for either Sora or Riku

- Flick Rush: This guide doesn't help you at all with the Flick Rush tournaments, it could at least give you a list of what the tourneys are and who you will be facing, but once again, I haven't seen anything on that either

- Items: the guide fails to mention the best places to find certain dream pieces to make DE's so I find myself resorting to online to find out which places are best to find certain items

- Dispositions: possibly the thing that irks me the most about the guide, they list the dispositions of each spirit and say what each disposition does to them, but they fail to mention what food item will make the DE that disposition or where to pet them to increase the likelihood of getting that disposition. I find myself having to try it and out throw random food or pet them in random places to figure it out. This is a guide, it should tell you these things

- Secret Routes: The guide fails to mention what dispositions unlock the secret routes in a spirits ability link, once again making it a trial and error process. While we are on the topic of ability links, the guide doesn't even show the ability links for the spirits. Maybe that would have taken too many pages so I'll let it slide, but the rest of the stuff mentioned should have been included.

I don't buy the guides for tips on the story, I usually do it for the charts and graphs, and this guide has neither and is quite disappointing. However, it is the guide so I will have it nonetheless...

To be fair, there is a table of contents for the beastiary problem and it does have a fair amount of flick rush tips. I think they probably wanted to put the spirit section in the front and decided since most spirits can be enemies anyway they should just put the two next to each other. The rest of those concerns are right though.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Well, adding more ingredients bore backing it does both make the level and rank go up, but yeah I've not had a single DE go up in rank from experience and I have plenty of level 30+ DE's

What do you mean by "bore backing" it? So far the highest rank DEs I've made are B rank. Are you saying you can add ingredients after making the DE, or do you just mean while creating one?


New member
Jul 31, 2012
What do you mean by "bore backing" it? So far the highest rank DEs I've made are B rank. Are you saying you can add ingredients after making the DE, or do you just mean while creating one?

You can't add ingredients. When creating a dream eater, to get the S-rank you either use an absurd amount of the materials needed (I think the Japanese wiki said 5 times the base material, but I'm not sure) OR you make a Dream Eater from scratch using the higher rank item of the same dream piece (for example, using Rampant Fantasy instead of Rampant Figment)


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
What do you mean by "bore backing" it? So far the highest rank DEs I've made are B rank. Are you saying you can add ingredients after making the DE, or do you just mean while creating one?

I don't remember typing bore backing, nor do I know what I meant
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