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Spoilers ► question regarding Nomura's views on the story so far?



Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
I just don't see how people can get really invested in ships in this series anyway. Maybe it's because in the time period I grew up and was involved in fandom, SoraxRiku and SoraxKairi shippers were writing fanfics that bashed the character that was "in the way" making them pretty much unreadable and unenjoyable. A huge turn off.

Even within the story itself, I don't care who any of these characters end up with romantically. It's like, does it really matter? They're probably never going to be married, date, have a future or family. Nothing would change even if they were a confirmed couple. Why are people so invested in Kingdom Hearts shipping in particular?

I thought the ship wars had died down over the years, but I guess the hardcore shippers just went to sleep and woke up when KH3 came out.

In regards to the overall issue with relationships in media, it's a multi issue problem. For one, there's still not a lot of representation of LGBT+ relationships in media (good or bad). Two, there's not a lot of representation of opposite sex characters being purely platonic with no romantic implications. Three, as people do, people read into things that aren't there and build expectations that will eventually crush them.

1. This is a problem that spans over the ages. What do you do when you don't see yourself in media? You create it. Or pretend it's there for sh!ts and giggles. That's what fanfiction is for after all. Although this is slowly but surely changing with time, there's nowhere near the amount of media with main characters or couples who are LGBT+. People are desperate for that kind of content.

2. This is an issue I see a lot, though some people just use it to crap on ships they don't like. It is true, too often are many of us 'taught' to see any friendliness or friendship between a male and female character as romantic. Doesn't even matter if these two characters never expressed romantic interest in one another, or if they're in relationships with other people. This is a societal problem overall. I'm sure we've all seen the lunatics post things like "MY BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND ISN'T ALLOWED TO HAVE ANY FRIENDS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. THAT'S CHEATING". This also leads to another issue, people use this as an excuse to insist the male/female pair are platonic for the sake of their male/male/LGBT+ ships. It's like they acknowledge there's a problem with a lack of LGBT+ representation, but then paint that logic on everything, even on things that don't make sense.

3. I think we all sometimes get a little carried away with headcanons, wishes, dreams, etc. It takes a lot of self reflection to step back and realize maybe you've been putting too much of your own thoughts and feeling into what is happening on screen. It hurts to say "Maybe I read this the wrong way" or "Maybe the author didn't mean for it to appear like that." it's also scary to feel like maybe you'll be wrong and things won't turn out the way you really want them to. This pushes people further and further into their corners. A normal shipper who just enjoys the ship regardless of how canon they are might transform into someone who demands their ship be canon because it is morally just, planned from the beginning, and "obviously what the author wants too".

Sora/Riku is a perfectly valid ship, romantically AND platonically. Sora/Kairi, same deal. Perfectly valid whether it's romantic or platonic. But I think this thread is a perfect representation of why it would be a horrible idea for Nomura and team to confirm any of these ships. What benefit is there to that?

Would you really want to gamble with the idea that your ship may be confirmed not canon and never get content again, or live your days peacefully assured in the fact that "canon" doesn't matter and you are almost guaranteed to get a ton of content every other game? People treat canon status like a badge of honor. "Hah. I was right. I won."

Isn't the point of shipping to... enjoy the moments the two characters you like interacting?


May 9, 2012
I never really saw Sora and Kairi as a "ship". More like the canon thing that's meant to happen. Like Squall and Rinoa, or Tidus and Yuna, except slowly built up and spread over many many games.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2018
He isn't allergic to it. He was gonna write a romantic relationship in Versus XIII. Yozora seems to have a girlfriend, possibly, from the cinematic we've seen in the Toy Box.

Also, whats wrong with the female characters he writes? Aqua seems fine to me? And so did Xion? Namine, Olette, Ava, Invi (even though there's very little of her) seemed all fine aswell?
Well, V XIII isn't Kingdom Hearts. Obviously, Nomura has shown romantic relationships in non-KH series, but in KH he seems to intentionally avoid at least obvious displays of romantic affection like kissing etc. Now, to be fair, I actually kind of like it, because I think the way he does show Sora's relationship with Kairi is more interesting and personal. The scene in KH3 where they basically consummate their relationship by sharing the paopu fruit instead of doing something more traditional like sharing a kiss to me is a more artistic way of expressing that emotion.

That being said, it has long been acknowledged in the fandom that Nomura doesn't have a great handle on writing his female characters. To be fair, he has problems writing MOST of the characters (he really needs to hire a different writer), but there's been a consistent pattern of his female characters basically having no personal desires or goals of their own—everything they do, and in some cases everything they even ARE, revolves around the boys in their life, while the opposite is not always true of the male characters.

I know I'm breaching into the dreaded lion's den of a topic that is feminism, but I'm just gonna say it anyway: Every single one of Nomura's og female characters in this series have failed the Bechdel test miserably time after time. Yes, even Aqua and Xion.

In BBS, Aqua only ever talked about her relationship with Terra and Ventus. We never even get to hear her thoughts on becoming a Keyblade Master—she just spends the entire game looking after the other two, and bemoaning their fraying relationship. Which is not terrible in itself, but it fits into a larger pattern here. And then, at the end of the game, not only does she sacrifice herself to save Terra, but then herself has to be rescued by Sora ten years later.

Xion has more of a defined personal goal (and I will give credit that Days is still one of the best written character-driven games in the series), but it nonetheless bears mentioning that at the end of the day, Xion is literally just a clone of a boy who is literally defined by his memories and abilities. But she is better in the personal desires regard than the other characters.

Namine is Xion without the personal goals. She is literally just a doll made out of Kairi and Sora's hearts (so she's technically half another Sora clone) whose only powers are in manipulating those with ties to Sora. She never mentions any personal desires or anything about herself that doesn't have to do with Sora or Roxas.

And of course, we have Kairi, the absolute worst of them, I hate to say it, because in KH1 she did at first have a really likable personality and seemingly had interests beyond Sora and Riku. But over the years, she's basically just evolved into a perennial damsel for Sora to save, even when she actually learns how to fight. She hasn't expressed any thoughts or desires of her own that don't have to do with helping Sora and Riku, and even in MoM, which was ostensibly supposed to be all about her, they don't give us ANY deeper insight into her character besides learning the bare minimum of what she needs to remember from her past in order to save Sora. It's honestly tragic how much less of a defined character she is now. She succumbed completely to Shonen-itis.

Honestly, with the sole exception of Maleficent (who doesn't count because she's not an OG KH character), you can't name a single female character in this series, who isn't actually a physical extension of a male character, who does their own thing or has their own goals and aspirations. Which is not the case for the male characters. Sora, Riku, Roxas, Ventus, Terra, and most of the rest of the men in the cast have all had their own journeys and ambitions that had nothing to do with the female characters in their stories.

So to me, the idea of making two characters explicitly in a relationship means that much more of the same bullshit with regards to the female partner constantly pining over and worrying about her boyfriend, and I just don't think we need more of that gunk.


May 9, 2012
Well, V XIII isn't Kingdom Hearts. Obviously, Nomura has shown romantic relationships in non-KH series, but in KH he seems to intentionally avoid at least obvious displays of romantic affection like kissing etc. Now, to be fair, I actually kind of like it, because I think the way he does show Sora's relationship with Kairi is more interesting and personal. The scene in KH3 where they basically consummate their relationship by sharing the paopu fruit instead of doing something more traditional like sharing a kiss to me is a more artistic way of expressing that emotion.
Yeah, the paopu fruit was way more meaningful since it's pretty much one of the very very first things we hear about in the KH series.

As for the other stuff you wrote. I guess I can see what you mean. On the other hand I'm glad I don't look at the game and the characters in such a way because KH is my favourite series and it would suck if it made me sad like that. I can say that I felt bummed during KH3 because of how Riku was sort of treated? When he had to be saved by Sora during his fight against Aqua annoyed me because Riku is my favourite character, and has been since KH1. But I guess that's just what Nomura wants. For everyone to be saved by Sora and for everything to be resolved by Sora.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I never really saw Sora and Kairi as a "ship". More like the canon thing that's meant to happen. Like Squall and Rinoa, or Tidus and Yuna, except slowly built up and spread over many many games.
Those are ships. Regardless of their status within the canon, shipping is about what is enjoyed by the fan who is pairing characters together.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Yes. Shipping did not originally mean "what will or won't be canon" I don't think. It was simply what characters you liked pairing together. As the internet grew and separate forums began conglomerating into what we now call "social media", people turned their ships into full on war ships. Not to say people didn't fight over ships before, but it's way worse now. Simply posting art of a ship you like can draw hatred from randos who happen to see it (a constant in my life). All because my ship isn't "canon", therefore I shouldn't ship it. Which is silly.

Sora/Kairi is a ship just like every other ship out there.


May 9, 2012
Those are ships. Regardless of their status within the canon, shipping is about what is enjoyed by the fan who is pairing characters together.

Yes. Shipping did not originally mean "what will or won't be canon" I don't think. It was simply what characters you liked pairing together. As the internet grew and separate forums began conglomerating into what we now call "social media", people turned their ships into full on war ships. Not to say people didn't fight over ships before, but it's way worse now. Simply posting art of a ship you like can draw hatred from randos who happen to see it (a constant in my life). All because my ship isn't "canon", therefore I shouldn't ship it. Which is silly.

Sora/Kairi is a ship just like every other ship out there.
So people will still argue with others about their ships, even if one of the characters in that ship already has an established relationship with someone else?


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
So people will still argue with others about their ships, even if one of the characters in that ship already has an established relationship with someone else?

The lesson to learn is you shouldn't be fighting over ships in the first place. These are all fictional made up characters. Even if they were real people, they have nothing to do with us and we have no say in their relationships. (which is why shipping actual real people like celebrities kinda freaks me out). The purpose of a ship is to enjoy what YOU enjoy. Making your own content, enjoying similar content, etc. Canon should not matter with shipping, it's all about the content, whether it's official or fanmade. That is what makes a ship.

What does it matter if someone on the internet likes a different ship? So what if they make art of a ship that isn't canon. is it personally hurting you? Don't have to look at it or follow them or talk to them. It's their preference, not yours. If they come to you talking crap about your ship, you have every right to tune them out. If you're being rude to them, they have the right to block you too.

Of course, it seems people on the internet never learn this lesson. If a ship is deemed not canon, there will be a large group of people who will constantly hunt down people who ship it to harass them. Imagine how much worse the Kingdom Hearts community can become in that case?

For the health, safety, and enjoyment of this fandom, imo, it is better NOT to absolutely confirm any ships and keep the status quo. Continue giving all ships moments together without picking a side. "Canon" means nothing in the grand scheme of things, all it really does is give people an excuse to harass others or yell how right they were online.

Maybe in a different series being canon would matter more, but all these characters are pretty much forever young . After what, 20 years of existence, we got our first confirmed family ties ever (Laurium and Strelitzia). You really think this series can go beyond that and have them having babies and whatnot? Just no way. Kissing? Plenty of fanart already, even 3D models that look exactly like they do in game. Hugs? Everyone gets hugs, the best kind of content there is actually for romantic and platonic ships.

Canon truly does not matter, and when people really take in that advice, it will set them free. People demanding the absolute confirmation for ships, in my opinion, are asking for a lot of pain.

I'm not even in the FFVII fandom but a lot of their content ends up on my twitter feed and omg the ship wars in that series over which ship is canon are legendarily horrific. By the gods I just want the KH community to chill out before the shippers start stalking, harassing, threatening, and doxxing people over Disney ships. Please tell me canon does not mean THAT much to people around here.
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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
So people will still argue with others about their ships, even if one of the characters in that ship already has an established relationship with someone else?
Yes. Or about non-established couples. See Voltron where people argued about Keith/Lance vs Keith/Shiro even though none of those pairings ever had a chance in hell to happen.

Also in KH’s situation, there are no established pairings. Even SoKai, for all of its teases, is not an established pairing in the game. So you get in-fighting between SoKai vs SoRiku vs every other potential Sora-centric pairing to a lesser extent because all of these ships have people who feel attached to them.

And as Kirabook said, people shouldn’t be arguing about it. People shouldn’t be telling others their pairing won’t happen, or seek out discussion to put down people who ship a pairing they do not like. At the end of the day people should be allowed to enjoy their pairings without argument.

Edit: I also want to add that there is a difference in discussion vs arguing. Discussion would mean talking about your respective pairings without putting down the other as delusional. You can agree to disagree but respect what the other enjoys.
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
3. I think we all sometimes get a little carried away with headcanons, wishes, dreams, etc. It takes a lot of self reflection to step back and realize maybe you've been putting too much of your own thoughts and feeling into what is happening on screen. It hurts to say "Maybe I read this the wrong way" or "Maybe the author didn't mean for it to appear like that." it's also scary to feel like maybe you'll be wrong and things won't turn out the way you really want them to. This pushes people further and further into their corners. A normal shipper who just enjoys the ship regardless of how canon they are might transform into someone who demands their ship be canon because it is morally just, planned from the beginning, and "obviously what the author wants too".
This point right here really nails it for me. Most fans in a fanbase will have their own headcanons and that is fine. Some might be small, some might be large. I have plenty of unofficial headcanons in KH myself, so I'm guilty of it too. But I think there is a danger in when you get too into your own headcanons and fanfictions because you get attached to that aspect and expect the actual canon to follow suit. And when it doesn't then suddenly you turn on the author or even the series. I have seen so many anti-Nomura rants online for that alone when KH3 first came out. And many of these KH3 rewrites out there focus on what their headcanons want rather then what was being built up.
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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
I'm not even in the FFVII fandom but a lot of their content ends up on my twitter feed and omg the ship wars in that series over which ship is canon are legendarily horrific. By the gods I just want the KH community to chill out before the shippers start stalking, harassing, threatening, and doxxing people over Disney ships. Please tell me canon does not mean THAT much to people around here.
Coincidentally, the FF7 love triangle is the only romantic relationship Nomura has ever commented on. It's worth taking a look at his responses just to get some perspective and how that can apply to KH:

Source: TheLifestream

Dorimaga magazine:

Shoko: “By the way, up until now how many girls has Sephiroth gone out with?”

Nomura: “That’s a great question… I haven’t really thought about it. Honestly, I don’t care who goes out with whom. What’s not already shown in the games/films — I think it’s better for the fans to enjoy it by imagining it as you like, and after that you can enjoy discussing about it with your friends. For example, I often get asked if Tifa and Cloud were in a romantic relationship in the two years prior to AC — but I don’t know.”

Advent Children staff commentary:

Nomura: Advent Children was made by a Japanese staff. Generally, Hollywood movies demand exact answers. For that, AC might not be kind to people who need it. You can interpret or understand things as you like. For example, the wolf that sometimes appears or the statue of an angel… we have our own answer, but if you interpret something, it’s also an answer. So, you can enjoy exchanging your opinion with friends. Advent Children is a piece of work made so that you want to talk about it with others.

There's also this bit from the KH1 Ultimania. Bear in mind that the book was released before the localization/FM so Sephiroth isn't in the game yet, hence the vagueness.

- Okay then, so the person who Cloud is searching for is Aeris, right?”

Nomura: “Well, what do you think? If indeed it was Aeris, then the bit in the ending was the answer. You might say it was made so that you can take it that way. Cloud is a popular character, and I don’t really want to decide myself, yes he is like this. Because players make strong conclusions by themselves, I want to leave room for everyone’s line of thought.”


May 9, 2012
The lesson to learn is you shouldn't be fighting over ships in the first place. These are all fictional made up characters. Even if they were real people, they have nothing to do with us and we have no say in their relationships. (which is why shipping actual real people like celebrities kinda freaks me out). The purpose of a ship is to enjoy what YOU enjoy. Making your own content, enjoying similar content, etc. Canon should not matter with shipping, it's all about the content, whether it's official or fanmade. That is what makes a ship.
I see. I really didn't think it was that bad. All in all that sounds like a section of the fandom that I really don't want to be a part of. Not that I'm actually a part of the fandom tbf. I barely even post here even though I joined like 10 years ago or however long that was.

This point right here really nails it for me. Most fans in a fanbase will have their own headcanons and that is fine. Some might be small, some might be large. I have plenty of unofficial headcanons in KH myself, so I'm guilty of it too. But I think there is a danger in when you get too into your own headcanons and fanfictions because you get attached to that aspect and expect the actual canon to follow suit. And when it doesn't then suddenly you turn on the author or even the series. I have seen so many anti-Nomura rants online for that alone when KH3 first came out. And many of these KH3 rewrites out there focus on what their headcanons want rather then what was being built up.
Yeah. I never really understood why people are so obsessed with their own headcanon. It's bad enough when believe it so strongly they argue with you about it even though there's no facts to back that up. And even worse when there's facts and sources that disproves their headcanon but they simply choose to ignore them. Relying on someone else's headcanon or even my own, would vastly worsen the experience for me. I prefer to recognize what I see on screen. The only time I like to speculate is when thinking about the future of a game or movie or whatever it is.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Yeah. I never really understood why people are so obsessed with their own headcanon. It's bad enough when believe it so strongly they argue with you about it even though there's no facts to back that up. And even worse when there's facts and sources that disproves their headcanon but they simply choose to ignore them. Relying on someone else's headcanon or even my own, would vastly worsen the experience for me. I prefer to recognize what I see on screen. The only time I like to speculate is when thinking about the future of a game or movie or whatever it is.
Please don't discount people utilizing their imaginations to make up things that fill in the gaps of their experience with the games.

Like...there is nothing harmful in thinking "oh maybe Riku and Sora know ballet" when you look at some of the concept art from KH1 and how they are in ballet poses or "I headcanon that Sora loves dancing and is proficient at multiple dance styles" because of his clear enjoyment of dancing in multiple KH games.

These are fun, harmless things that people might believe in that do not affect the canon or their interpretation of canon where it matters most.

It's about fun and imagination and building upon a story one loves. It only becomes harmful when it either is utilized as a source of criticism against the series or used to belittle others in fan spaces.

People are allowed to engage with media the way they want to as long as it isn't infringing on somebody's physical/mental health or rights.


May 9, 2012
Please don't discount people utilizing their imaginations to make up things that fill in the gaps of their experience with the games.

Like...there is nothing harmful in thinking "oh maybe Riku and Sora know ballet" when you look at some of the concept art from KH1 and how they are in ballet poses or "I headcanon that Sora loves dancing and is proficient at multiple dance styles" because of his clear enjoyment of dancing in multiple KH games.

These are fun, harmless things that people might believe in that do not affect the canon or their interpretation of canon where it matters most.

It's about fun and imagination and building upon a story one loves. It only becomes harmful when it either is utilized as a source of criticism against the series or used to belittle others in fan spaces.

People are allowed to engage with media the way they want to as long as it isn't infringing on somebody's physical/mental health or rights.
Huh, I'm not really talking about that kinda stuff. I'm more talking about lore implications. For example something recent, and I'll put this in spoilers.

Spoiler Spoiler Show


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2018
As for the other stuff you wrote. I guess I can see what you mean. On the other hand I'm glad I don't look at the game and the characters in such a way because KH is my favourite series and it would suck if it made me sad like that. I can say that I felt bummed during KH3 because of how Riku was sort of treated? When he had to be saved by Sora during his fight against Aqua annoyed me because Riku is my favourite character, and has been since KH1. But I guess that's just what Nomura wants. For everyone to be saved by Sora and for everything to be resolved by Sora.
Acknowledging the faults in a story doesn't have to mean you dislike it. A big part of growing up is learning that you can appreciate and still love a work of art even while acknowledging its shortcomings or failures.

I'm 25 years old now, and in a couple months I will have earned my Master's degree and (hopefully) go onto a doctoral program in the fall. But I still play KH regularly when I have the time. And when I was a little kid, I idolized this series. I got excited whenever it got mentioned. And because I loved it so much, I instinctively rejected criticisms of it. But growing up, you realize that tons of works of art that people love are full of flaws, and that doesn't impact their lovability. Just look at the Star Wars prequels, for God's sakes. Those are some terribly made films, yet people adore them (especially in juxtaposition to the sequel trilogy) because of the passion and sincerity with which they were made.

I will never stop loving and playing KH, especially since it was the foundation for a lot of my other interests in life. But part of loving something means accepting that it isn't perfect, and can do better. I love KH, but it can do MUCH better when it comes to how they write their female characters. And recognizing that they aren't well written doesn't mean you have to stop loving them as they are. You can hold the two opinions at the same time, they don't contradict each other.


May 9, 2012
Acknowledging the faults in a story doesn't have to mean you dislike it. A big part of growing up is learning that you can appreciate and still love a work of art even while acknowledging its shortcomings or failures.

I'm 25 years old now, and in a couple months I will have earned my Master's degree and (hopefully) go onto a doctoral program in the fall. But I still play KH regularly when I have the time. And when I was a little kid, I idolized this series. I got excited whenever it got mentioned. And because I loved it so much, I instinctively rejected criticisms of it. But growing up, you realize that tons of works of art that people love are full of flaws, and that doesn't impact their lovability. Just look at the Star Wars prequels, for God's sakes. Those are some terribly made films, yet people adore them (especially in juxtaposition to the sequel trilogy) because of the passion and sincerity with which they were made.

I will never stop loving and playing KH, especially since it was the foundation for a lot of my other interests in life. But part of loving something means accepting that it isn't perfect, and can do better. I love KH, but it can do MUCH better when it comes to how they write their female characters. And recognizing that they aren't well written doesn't mean you have to stop loving them as they are. You can hold the two opinions at the same time, they don't contradict each other.
Oh I know it's not perfect. For example I criticized the story of KH3 because it felt extremely rushed to me. And it felt like it definitelly didn't have a proper beginning and a middle part. That was something that bothered for a long time until Re:Mind came. After that I was happy with the game and the series in general again. I also realize what people are saying when they mention how the story in general can be confusing, and I accept that.

But if the way I viewed the base KH3 game was the way it was going to keep going with future titles then that's no good. If it started to be upsetting then regrettably I would have to leave it behind and move on.

That's what happen with World of Warcraft. I played Warcraft 3 back in the day before WoW so I was extremely invested in it, for almost a decade. But for me, the story kept taking a wrong turn. It was starting to get upsetting, every time I had a discussion about it, it was bothering me. I didn't know whether to defend it or criticize it. At some point I realized how toxic that is and decided to just move on to better things. Getting involved with that game was not ok for my mental health. It was a good lesson though.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Huh, I'm not really talking about that kinda stuff. I'm more talking about lore implications. For example something recent, and I'll put this in spoilers.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Spoiler Spoiler Show

And as I've said many times, spoiler tags for UXDR stuff aren't necessary.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Please don't discount people utilizing their imaginations to make up things that fill in the gaps of their experience with the games.

Like...there is nothing harmful in thinking "oh maybe Riku and Sora know ballet" when you look at some of the concept art from KH1 and how they are in ballet poses or "I headcanon that Sora loves dancing and is proficient at multiple dance styles" because of his clear enjoyment of dancing in multiple KH games.

These are fun, harmless things that people might believe in that do not affect the canon or their interpretation of canon where it matters most.

It's about fun and imagination and building upon a story one loves. It only becomes harmful when it either is utilized as a source of criticism against the series or used to belittle others in fan spaces.

People are allowed to engage with media the way they want to as long as it isn't infringing on somebody's physical/mental health or rights.
Basically this. There is nothing wrong with creating your own headcanons. On the surface it's harmless fun. Again, I have made several KH headcanons of my own on here like "Organization XIII never going to Atlantica because they can't swim". It's entertaining fun to create things like that. Even KH fanfictions can be fun to write and to read.

It's only a problem when you start expecting the writers to add those headcanons and fanfics into the actual story itself and when it doesn't happen you claim it ruined the series or certain aspects of it.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I think Sora and Riku are pretty gay.
As an aromantic bi/demisexual, I
Huh, I'm not really talking about that kinda stuff. I'm more talking about lore implications. For example something recent, and I'll put this in spoilers.

Spoiler Spoiler Show
I mean, if we didn’t do things like imagine lore concepts, then theories wouldn’t really exist. After all, isn’t that partially what a theory is? A well-crafted headcanon based on the existing story?