I was under the impression that it was coming to NA simply because Japan already had Final Mix, so it wouldn't make sense for them to re release it there.
The idea for Japan isn't to let them play FM, but to just eliminate the console spread issue. Same goes for NA/EU/PAL except we get the perk of finally getting the FMs.
That would be so stupid, though SE has been pretty stupid lately. *coughFF:AlltheBravestcough*
I'm not really defending SE on that because it was probably the worst thing they've ever did, but the game was made with a bit of love at least. The sprite work is amazing, the concept was wacky and fun-sounding, and the bios they include are the most hilarious things a FF fan could lay their eyes on. If the game wasn't littered with In-App Purchases, it would have just been another silly thing to enjoy and not something everybody wants to see burn.
But Jesse... man. You're lucky you're the only one capable of playing Roxas. They would fire your ass in a minute. (excuse the expletives.)
Would SE really fire a voice actor that does an amazing job and people adore over some pictures and a video of him making some grunts? The game is going to come out eventually and we'll see all of this stuff they are being so secretive about, so it isn't even that serious. I understand they have plans laid out ahead of time and revealing stuff early can sometimes negatively affect those plans, but fans were getting pretty agitated over the lack of localization info on this game even though the game isn't even out in Japan yet.
With how upset fans are right now over Type-0 and BDFF silence, this was definitely something pleasant that people could be anticipated about and anticipation is never bad.
It's also the sound director and whoever else was in the control room's fault as well for not stopping Jesse (and I think he was there with somebody.) They were staring right at him as he took the pictures and video.
Jesse is notorious for blabbing, though. He probably just got a reprimand, was told to not do it again, and remove the proof. If anything it should be a running gag now considering how this is the third game he's leaked via twitter.
"Oh, that Jesse! What'll we do with him? *mock sigh* *exaggerated shrug*"