See the signature? Thats everything I have to say, except for two things. :B KairixSelphie, and KairixNamine. There's some mad fluff to be written.
There's really no arguing to be done over opinion. :/ It's pointless- someone will always burst in and be 'omg no ur wronge!!1!1" Nothing anyone says can change that everyone is going to have an individual opinion.
Besides, didn't Nomura say he was leaving everything up to interpretation? Let the fans think what they want based on what they happen to pick up on? There's a reason that nobody is officially together.
There's really no arguing to be done over opinion. :/ It's pointless- someone will always burst in and be 'omg no ur wronge!!1!1" Nothing anyone says can change that everyone is going to have an individual opinion.
Besides, didn't Nomura say he was leaving everything up to interpretation? Let the fans think what they want based on what they happen to pick up on? There's a reason that nobody is officially together.