I know this isn't what you're saying, but I'm gonna say this anyway so people can read it -- Nomura isn't the one setting the prices on these things. There's a whole department that spends hours looking at pie charts and bar graphs that make those kinds of choices. I see people putting blame on Nomura for that, so I just want to say this now as a general statement (again, not to you specifically).
That being said though, if people here don't like people being skeptical about the price of MoM... Wait until we actually get a release date lmao. I'll still buy it, but it's still gotta justify a $60 price tag. We really don't know anything about the game, so I imagine once we get a bunch of news for MoM, we'll have a better idea of what's actually in the game.
Also, on another note, quick question. Where are people getting the idea that the Switch can't run Unreal Engine graphics on KH3's level? Because I'm seeing people also wanting a Kingdom Hearts collection on the Switch and if that's the case, then you can pretty much kiss a collection goodbye. You can't put most of the games on there and then NOT include one of the most important ones. In that case, you're better off sticking to PlayStation or Xbox. Surely the developers can tweak it to where it would run better on the Switch's hardware (if it needs that) and if that's the case, who's to say they won't do the same for Melody of Memory? I'm not saying we're literally gonna get a KH0.2/BBS Secret Episode type of scenario in MoM, but maybe we shouldn't write this game off as a 100% rhythm game just yet.