This is something we found on Gamefaqs and FF-Reunion and is from Famitsu, but take it with a grain of salt since new scans have not yet surfaced from Famitsu. It also has new information from the trailer, which is quite spoiler-ish, so be warned. We will have our translator Lissar look on FF-Reunion to give us proper confirmation.
So, there you go. Maybe.
This is something we found on Gamefaqs and FF-Reunion and is from Famitsu, but take it with a grain of salt since new scans have not yet surfaced from Famitsu. It also has new information from the trailer, which is quite spoiler-ish, so be warned. We will have our translator Lissar look on FF-Reunion to give us proper confirmation.
Source: 2ch info? (spoilers!) - Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Message Board for PSP - GameFAQsSpoiler Show
(Broken up a bit more than what's in 2chan.)
- In a place of "shinentai (thought-body)", Terra is asking Master Xehanort: "Did you call me?"
- Terra is following Master Xehanort.
- The two people, acting as the pursuer and the pursued, are like pupil and master.
- What are Terra's real intentions.
- The King's outfit is somewhat armored.
- The star fragment is an important item needed to visit each world.
- Vanitas' mask appears to be a little transparent when he's facing Ven.
- Aqua's Shot Lock attack is "Bubble Blast".
- The command style can go up to two stages.
- The place where Lea and Isa exist is "Radiant Garden".
- There is no facial scar on Isa and no dash-like marks under Lea's eyes.
- The Aqus vs. Terra scene, that appeared in the CM, is for training.
- The name of "Saix" when he was complete, is "isa".
(Tgirl: So, the KH Mobile thing is what then? What is "Sia"? The 2ch people almost got accustomed to calling him that.)
Additional info from another poster, who is saying that their info is from Disney FAN:
- One page article.
- Shows Aqua speaking to the seven dwarves in front of Snow White's coffin.
- Terra is defending Cinderella and is about to fight (inside the castle?).
- Ven is asking the three fairies on why Princess Aurora is still sleeping.
- A screenshot of Peter Pan and Stitch.
(Tgirl: :/ I'll probably still go and look at this. See if there is any new screenshots... Doesn't seem like it though.)
So, there you go. Maybe.
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