I think SquareEnix/Disney can and will (If they haven't already) deal with all of these issues and more. They're professionals who know how to please the fans and keep the haters at bay. They'll be fine. And the worlds are looking great, too. 
I honestly wouldn't mind that! Someone create an instrumental overworld theme using this song for Prankster's Paradise now!Anyone else want an instrumental version of this as the Pinocchio world's main theme?
Another Pinocchio masterpiece! Man, Jump Festa needs to come sooner because I need to hear the overworld themes for The City of Bells and Prankster's Paradise! You have no idea how much I've been listening to Disney songs while waiting for this game in the past few months!You know the theme for Pranksters Paradise will be an instrumental version of "An Actor's Life for Me".
And I'm all for it.
Which is what I believe Nomura discussed when he visited America.I'm sure any religious issues that may appear have been anticipated and dealt with by SE and Disney during the planning and scripting stages.
exsqueeze me?Personally I think we need more NPC's, the 3DS is like a mini Wii, the Wii which is more powerful than the PS2 and PSP should be able to allow for the space to add more NPC's. So a 3DS which basically has the same power should be able to do the same.
The Wii and have games with good graphics, however I wouldn't go so far to say it's better than the PS2. The PS2 is able to process higher quality games with better graphics without those load times you'd expect on high graphic games.
The Wii is the weakest console out of the PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360. And that's saying something because I loathe the 360.
I'm not much of a fan of Nintendo's console design policies, but you're wrong.
PS2 was actually the weakest console of its generation in a lot of ways. It just had a whole bunch of really talented developers who pushed it to its limits, which meant it had really good-looking games. Gamecube was unquestionably more powerful than it, though, which was demonstrated by stuff like Resident Evil 4.
The Wii is a Gamecube overclocked by half in both CPU and GPU, which puts it above anything from last gen, Xbox included. It's still far closer to last-gen than current-gen, of course, but that extra clock-speed gives it an advantage in a lot of areas, including the amount of polygons they can use on screen. (Note that the PS2 had an absurdly high theoretical poly ceiling, but never actually reached it at any point in its life) If Squenix ever bothered to make a full-budget FF game on it, they'd probably be able to make XII with X's character models or something.
...the problem is, of course, that 3DS is not a portable Wii. It's barely a portable Gamecube, particularly in terms of displayed polygons, and what it does have is halved due to the need to render each frame twice for the 3D. KH3D is far closer to BbS than KH2 in terms of stuff-on-screen because of that, and even KH2 didn't have many NPCs.
Then again, Type-0 does this, even on PSP:
Which really does make me wonder what's stopping the KH team from doing the same. =/ (On the other hand, I'm quickly becoming convinced Type-0 was made using crystal magic)