I just rented this movie and i have to say it is extremly funny, is anyone else interested in seeing it?
My roommate bought it and made me watch it. uggghhh, it was extremely stupid. i dont mind stupid movies, but this wasn't even funny. it was just one lame potty joke after another. "oh my god! that lightning cloud looks like a butt!" "oh my god! the opening into the alien tripod looks like a butt!" i just couldn't stand it. the movie was not funny at all, whatsoever.
Just because you're into potty humor doesn't mean that I suck. At least I gave reasons to back up my opinion. All you said was that it was funny, and insulted me. I gave reasons why it was lame.Stop typing...your reasons for not liking It suck. just as yourself.
Though this movie was hella funny I,ve only seen It in theaters I'm gonna buy It soon.
Just because you're into potty humor doesn't mean that I suck. At least I gave reasons to back up my opinion. All you said was that it was funny, and insulted me. I gave reasons why it was lame.
This movie is entirely cliched and unclever. There's absolutely no point in paying money to rent or buy it, because you can just as easily find all the same jokes on Nickelodeon.
My reasons aren't good enough? Good enough for what? Do you mean that they're not good enough to impress you? Whoever said I was trying to impress you?Uhhh alright.. tell me then smart ass why Is it that kinda comedy Is always on the top of the charts on every single channel.And Nickelodeon? No.. I doubt they have jokes like clouds similar to booty cracks ,and pretty much making fun of scary movies, It's something I like to call a parody.
Huge stereotyping, e.g., the dumb blonde, the hardboiled detective
Mocking other films or scenes from serious movies
Violence with no consequence for characters' actions
Obvious meanings to characters' actions
Anyways If you wanna think like that It's cool.
I respect your oppinon and all but you reasons aren't just good enough.