Memorize the 1 times tables >:
Next, do the 2 times tables.
Then 3, then 4, then 5... all they way to 10.
You have now memorized the times tables up to 10. It's easier than you think since a lot of numbers overlap. After getting the 1 and 2 times tables, you've just killed 20 numbers off. That's 80 to go. Once you memorize the 3 times tables, you're now down to 70. Each times tables is the equivalent to 10, assuming you only need to memorize the times tables up to 10 and with a limit of 10 numbers for each.
>: Math, it's a good thing.
If you think this is boring, wait until LOL CALCULUS. Derivatives is <333
Googling around, I think the standard tables go up to 12. But even so, the only tricky one would be 12. If you have difficulty memorizing it, break it down into two numbers.
EX: You want to find 12 x 8. Well, out of 12, we can get 10 and 2. 10 x 8 = 80. 2 x 8 = 16. 80 + 16 =96. Therefore! 12 x 8 = 96.
Psh, derivatives. Integration is where it's at.