Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
" DiZ sent Riku to speak with Naminé, but a new foe blocked his way:the Riku Replica, who now sought to justify his existence by finding out which of the two Riku's was the strongest. After eliminating the replica in a fierce battle, Riku learned from Naminé that what remained of the "real" Ansem lived in the bowels of his heart"
yeah, I'm trying to beat Axel, but I know that the last trace of the Riku Replica you see is right before you fight the real Marluxia(not counting Riku's story), so i think he snuck out then with Vexen's replicas
Okay so why did you do this?! on Wikiepide? dont get me wrong i like it becouse i found something useful but WIkepidea? oh well we cant always have useful sorces .. but hey nice job it might be nice to see Vexion in 3D plus his voice xD
I've seen a picture of Laxeus, Zexion, and Vexen all together in the basment of Castle Oblivion, but on to the point, basicaly, Vexen is still alive, techinicaly
1.The manga sucks!(In my opinon)
2.Thatis so not needed in CoM yo
3.Vexen is just stupid since he was the first one to die in they game and first to die by Axel chakarms -_-