the loose moose
Honestly, here's what I think you should do. Just hang out with her like you normally do.
The next time you two are sleeping together in the grass, try to rub your forehead against hers. If that works and she doesn't try to shrug you off, then try the same thing again, except with your noses instead of your foreheads.
If she accepts, and doesn't shrug you off, then you have one final test to give her. Do the same thing you've been doing, but this time, try it with your lips. Now this stage can be the most difficult, because at this stage, she wont shrug you off, even if she refuses. Dont ask me why, but she wont. However, if she accepts, then she'll start to open her mouth. She can open it wide, or open it slightly, it doesn't matter. If she refuses, her mouth will stay shut. Dont try to force it if her mouth stays closed, because things will get worse, and she may shrug you off. If she accepts, then open your mouth as well and the rest will work itself out.
Trust me, I first used that trick on my first kiss when I was 14. I've tried it on almost every girl who I've had in the same situation since then, it's great for gaining assurance and adhering to the rules of subtlety.
Also, I'm sorry I didn't really answer you too well earlier. When I see stories like this, it just reminds me of when I was in high school. It reminds me of all those great times.
youre like a vidoe game startegy guide
"dont kiss her untill youre a level 47 ladykiller!!"