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Shugy Bear rp Club

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Beyblade World Champ
Aug 8, 2004
Between Fantasy and Udder Madness
Boredom got the best of teh shuginator. This is kind of like and rp. I've noticed that there are alot of people joining forces and creating joined rp's so I thought(for once I think!) "Hey why not create a business of something of the sort. Where people can make trade ideas and combine ideas and make good ideas and stuff like that. So yeah, it's kind of like................... I don't know what the word is but yeah! So please come in, my door is always open for business.

Note: You don't have to tell your ideas you can just ask them to sign up and give them a name or something. You create your own character you control the whole time your here and treat that character with respect and what not.

Yes I know it sounds stupid, but this was out of boredom.

Blackest Night

High Priest of Sloanism
Apr 15, 2004
Depends upon the day and if there is free pizza.
Here are past rp ideas of mine. If you want to use them, ask me and make sure to give credit to me:

Blood Dawn: Story: The U.N has been experimenting on ways to lengthen the human life span. Their research has led them to vampires, creatures thought previously to be pure myth. They managed to capture 2 vampires. hey experimented on them, pushing them past their limits, injecting serum after serum into them to keep them under control. The two vampires broke free and slaughtered anyone connected with the project. They vowed revenge upon the countries of the world for putting them through so much strain. The plan to bring about the Blood Dawn. The Vampyr Librarius (vampire equivalent of scriptures) speakes of the Blood Dawn. It is when the skies will turn blood red in color and the vampire hordes will be freed from hell. It is the downfall of humanity. The Sun will be blotted out, letting vampires roam the earth eternally. The ritual to bring about the Blood Dawn must be done on the Equinox, the moment when every planet is aligned.

The Masquerade:
Since the dawn of time, supernatural creatures have been hiding themselves from mankind. Vampires have been concealing themselves in plain sight, pretending to be just like the rest of the crowd.

However, the years have taken it's toll on some Vampires and they are trying to throw off the charade and show the world what they truly are. Should this ever happen, chaos would ensue and thousands upon thousands of human lives would be lost.

The group of Rogue Vampyrs are lead by the one and only Count Vlad Dracula, the oldest and most powerful vampire to ever exist. He wishes to exterminate mankind and welcome his followers (whom he calls his children) to inherit the world.

It is up to you to make sure this never happens. Do so, and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Stop Dracula, and keep the Undead in the shadows, while the living walk in the light.

Welcome to the Masquerade.

The Paragon:
World Domination, everyone wants. Wether it be a burning desire or a buried want, all creatures want supreme power. For hundreds upon thousands of years, creatures have fought to the death over a single, solitary item. The Paragon. With this artifact, the holder's race shall inherit the Earth, and that sole being shall rule it all.

The eldest of 6 races have decided that this object is far too powerful to exist any longer. It must be destroyed. The seventh race, the Gorgons, opposed this idea and will do anything to protect The Paragon, by destroying those sent to obliterate it. Their Queen even seeks to obtain the item, grating herself total power of the world, and the enslavement of all that oppose. Each race controls a different element. No element is stronger than each other, as the world requires balance to exist.

Sadly, the human race remains oblivious to anything, their minds unable to grasp the concept of magick.

Of Vice and Virtue. Pandora's Legacy(my new personal favorite):
Milennia ago, the gods created a woman. Her name was Pandora and she was both blessed and cursed with incredible curiosity. She was also given a box and told to never open it. Pandora was created to be the utmost good in the universe.

However, the universe cannot exist without balance. When Pandora was created, it sought to find a way to counteract this supreme good witha supreme evil. Thus, Diasthys was born. She was created in the image of Pandora, and given a box as well.

As most people know, Pandora's box was filled with the Vices, evils that would later plague mankind. To counteract this as well, Diasthys' box contained the Virtues, spirits that would maintain the balance when both Pandora and Diasthys were gone. For years, the Vices and Virtues waged a covert war against eaach other, always managing to stay concealed from humanity behind a veil of secrecy. They've taken on human forms, and walked amongst mortals, silently fighting a war that has gone on for centuries.

This war was never meant to end, for each side will remain equal, as it is meant on the Grand Design. However, every rule has a loophole, and it has been found.

Should Pandora's and Diasthys' boxes ever be united, the side responsible will gain dominion over all existence, and the power to wipe out whatever they choose.

THere are several more but I wont bore you with them.

Chaotic Dreams

Returning Once Again...
Aug 5, 2005
Not completely my idea, but my mate won't mind. (Perfect Zero)...

Dark Vs. Light Judges

In the very distance future, scientists have found a way merge the seven elements into the human body; Fire, Lightning, Ice, Earth, Metal, Water and Wind. But, during some of the tests, something went wrong. Two new elements were merged with the test subjects... Darkness and Light. Thus, Light and Dark Judges were created. Each with the one of the original elements, and one the side of Dark or Light, these Judges began to dominate all opponents. Several of the labs that created these super-beings have been destroyed, but some still are around... hidden from the world. They still have the machines and the serums to create these super-beings, but refuse to because of the trouble already caused…. Unless the circumstances are right. They no longer hold the subjects after advancements have been made, and let them choose their own path… Thus, Neutral Judges can be born. The battlefield is set… the opponents are ready. Who will win?


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
wow this is actually not a bad idea shugy,

The High Life

As a 12 year old boy, Yoh always training with his sword. he always wanted to be the one who would save the world from evil. but such things never came nowadays, there were only diplomats, not evil lords anymore. upon joining the army in 2010, he was top of his class in accuracy.he shiped out for the growing war in russia in 2011, not knowing where he would be heading. almost as soon as he dropped into russia with his platoon, they were attacked. everyone but Yoh was killed in that attack, he was left to die in the cold, bleeding from his side. he was found several hours later by a platoon of special forces men, who helped him to a near by aid station. there he recovered always remembering his attackers face. as the allies slowly pushed the line forward on the communist, he met up with several others who had also lost there platoon like him. they were men from all over the world who had joined there countries military and lost all of there friends in the war. they were all after the sam goal as Yoh, take down the communist leading this terror, and get revenge for their friends.


Beyblade World Champ
Aug 8, 2004
Between Fantasy and Udder Madness
I've been making ff rps for awhile but I think this ff rp might be my last.

FF X-5:The True Face Of Anima

Have you ever wondred... why Anima is chained up. Well I know the story, sometime after the spira's strongest tournament, I decided to quit fighting and go look up ancient stuff. While exploring the ruins of Zanarkand, I came across a sphere, it contained many things i'd never seen before, but one thing intrigued me, A view of Anima. He was actually a human at once until, he was also one of the prime ministers for a place called Gaol, and moved to Zanarkand. He was in a trial for doing various crimes and whiped everyone out. It was chaotic, after I watched the sphere the ground began to shake and crumble, and then the sphere disappeared and engulfed itself in flames, then the real Anima was in its place.

Yep I put alot of thought into this one.


.The Rebirth of GFX.
Jan 8, 2005
Don't trust ya'
I had a idea sort of.

" S-Y-K-E-S"

Terraforming......an ancient art said to have once been used by the demons of old lore to cripple and decay the planet. An art that was grimly looked on as a 'devil's technique. It was said to have ben banished away long ago from society, so that further generations could not unlock it's potential of death and destruction. But.... there's more behind that power than just chaos and mischief. It's the year 2076. The once forbidden art has been unlocked within a new generation....and with a new twist. Now forming hectic beings called "S-Y-K-E-S" terraforming provides a new way to settle minor disagreements. But for sixteen year old, Iex Masuki, it's just another way to have fun. He'll soon learn though, that there's much to his gift than just a way to cut school.

If anyone wants to expand on this, just let me know in this thread or a pm. s-k-y-e-s are what the user tranforms into when he/she uses Terraforming. A good example is to think of a human sized Gundam or Mech. Not just that though, it can be anything really. No animals though. It's formed from the users thoughts and energies and then manfiests itself in the chosen form.


New member
Jul 21, 2005
I have an Idea

Katrina/Rita Roleplay

Two to two and a half weeks ago, the devestating Hurricane Katrina hit. Hundreds of thousands of people died. You are one of them that survived. Now, you tell your story to all of us, how you barely surrvived.

Your story makes the news. But, before you can attempt to leave, Rita came. Now you must ride her out.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
might join shugy i dont know, as for you master tapion, i like where your i dea is headed, you got the right mindset, i think i will join if you ever make that an rp, it's like my memorial rp, Septemeber 11th: remebering those who died, which is still open to anyone who wants to join.

Mischief Maker

The Devilish Angel
Sep 2, 2005
Halloween Town..with Lock Shock and Barrel...decid
Utari Mitsukais

There is a spitulal world,with two teritories,home to angels and demons.The angels and demons have been at war for years.Now they are half human(where the "Utari" comes in).Each group has a queen and king.The demons have to captive angel pricesses,Samantha,14,and Sara,9.Samantha, and the demon prince have fallen in love,in secret,while her parents try to find the perfect match for her,the prince's parents are doing the same.Together,they must end the war,while keeping their angel and demon half a secret from the mortals.


Beyblade World Champ
Aug 8, 2004
Between Fantasy and Udder Madness
Nice ending to Liberi Fatali with_you_always. Oh yeah i've got another idea.

Celestial Fight School(sequal to fight school:New Generation Fighters)

No one could beat Shadow, beat the greatest Nebula 51 soldiers in his favorite fighting stage and save the world except Zomb, Jo and Salidify. Zomb got married to Hannah who finally came back to him, After awhile he opened his own fight school for upcoming fighters. Some months after he opened it there have been threats all around the globe and new evil everywhere. Zomb had retired from fighting but now he has come back, one of his students is the reincarnation of Shadow and came to the school to kill Zomb and his two friends. The reincarnation shut down the school, trapping him Zomb, Jo and Salidify in it for a little game of hide and seek.


An Invincible Rp Legend
Jul 15, 2005
with you
nightfire, i wasn't really into the first to ideas. but im not into the hole vampire thing though so other people might like them. the other two on the other hand, i really liked. i thought they were going in the right direction. they were all pretty good, but i got this whole thing about i think vampire stories have been overdone, so you might want to listen to somone elses oppinion on those first two.
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