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So about Riku....

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Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
He already came back in dream drop distance

I don't care if you bring an illusionary/dream version of him that does nothing and says nothing and it's there just to open a spot about CoM in the Journal, but when it seems he could be relevant to the main plot to this extent my concern starts to show.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2008
I'm just wondering how his Keyblade broke, because that doesn't happen often. You get the impression that it's a magical weapon that should be damn near invincible, so something weird had to have happened that warranted it breaking.

But then again, the only times a Keyblade broke was when Ven got tossed off a cliff after being frozen by Master Xehanort and it got nicked by a ledge on the way down (but this was in the Secret Ending in KH2 Final Mix+), and I guess Data Sora, if we're counting that (although I think that one might've been a fake, not too sure, since it's been a while).


New member
Mar 31, 2007
I come from the web...
I'm just wondering how his Keyblade broke, because that doesn't happen often. You get the impression that it's a magical weapon that should be damn near invincible, so something weird had to have happened that warranted it breaking.

But then again, the only times a Keyblade broke was when Ven got tossed off a cliff after being frozen by Master Xehanort and it got nicked by a ledge on the way down (but this was in the Secret Ending in KH2 Final Mix+), and I guess Data Sora, if we're counting that (although I think that one might've been a fake, not too sure, since it's been a while).

My theory on how it broke is with a battle against someone from the organization or he used his keyblade to defend mickey from some super secret special awesome attack...
Unfortunatly that was only in the secret ending :( its not like he uses it after that anyways.
And you are correct data Sora's leyblade was a fake :) . That being said I do believe that Malificent does indeed posess a level of power to be able to break a keyblade.


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
I don't care if you bring an illusionary/dream version of him that does nothing and says nothing and it's there just to open a spot about CoM in the Journal, but when it seems he could be relevant to the main plot to this extent my concern starts to show.

was it a dream? it was so unclear. But everybody seems to be making a comeback so why not


May 22, 2014
What I’m concerned about is Will Riku be able to smell the scent of Repliku as Good as he can smell Organization XIII?


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Riku's keychain on RtD symbolizes his bond with the Darkness inside him (as does the Key itself) and even has the symbol for Darkness on it.

Maybe that's exactly the point of it.
"Way to the Dawn" and that Keychain symbolize a certain period in Riku's life just like the Soul Eater originally did before he even got the "expansion" to "Way to the Dawn".
But Riku may have finished that journey by now and is symbolizing "Dawn", no more just the way to it, hence why he neither needs that particular Keyblade nor the Keychain anymore.

In DDD Riku certainly firmly states his allegiance to the light and rejects Ansem's offer to use the Darkness in order to save Sora:
DDD said:
Ansem: That...is your answer?

Riku: Yes. I know the way. Consume the darkness, return it to light.

Ansem: You can try.

(Ansem folds his arms and summons his dark Guardian. After a high tension
fight, Ansem descends to the ground, which is lined with dark tendrils)

Riku: Ansem! You're part of my heart now. Part of the light!

Riku declares his heart as "part of the light", aka he went down the "Way to the Dawn" and now reached his destination, so technically speaking that Keyblade and Keychain no longer represent what he truly is.

It is not impossible that a Keyblade Wielder can eventually gain a different main Keyblade as we've already seen with the Kingdom Key which was originally meant for Riku, so him "hopping" to yet another different one (or forge an entirely new one from his own heart) is not too farfetched as "Way to the Dawn" might have been an interim solution all along.

Repliku was a super compelling/tragic character and I enjoyed him a lot. I don't super grasp any of the time travel stuff (maybe I've stopped paying attention/become a bad fan?), but if everybody else who wasn't supposed to exist is getting 'saved' (Xion, Namine, Roxas, Aqua, Ventus, Terra) it would be pretty sad to leave poor Repliku out.

Since when are Aqua, Terra and Ventus not supposed to exist?
They may be in the overall group of people needing to be saved but they're not spawns of someone else like Naminé or Roxas nor artificially created beings like Repliku and Xion.

I'm just wondering how his Keyblade broke, because that doesn't happen often. You get the impression that it's a magical weapon that should be damn near invincible, so something weird had to have happened that warranted it breaking.

But then again, the only times a Keyblade broke was when Ven got tossed off a cliff after being frozen by Master Xehanort and it got nicked by a ledge on the way down (but this was in the Secret Ending in KH2 Final Mix+), and I guess Data Sora, if we're counting that (although I think that one might've been a fake, not too sure, since it's been a while).

If I recall correctly we had the case of a true Keyblade breaking in canon only once and that was after Ventus' final fight in BBS when his Wayward Wind shattered after destroying the proto-X-blade and damaging his heart (his Keyblade shattering during the Secret Ending of KH 2 Final Mix when Xehanort froze him isn't canon because in the actual battle happening in BBS his Keyblade doesn't break), yet Riku doesn't look or acts like his heart got damaged in that scene.

Xehanort once spoke of Keyblades being united with the hearts of their masters so there is theoretically the possibility that if a certain Keyblade is no longer bound to its masters heart it becomes possible to break it without any negative consequences to the heart itself.

Or we have an instance here of the prospect that has been often theorized by different folks here that in preparation for the next saga there exists a special weapon or ability that can break/destroy true Keyblades with Riku and Mickey running into a being capable of using this power in the RoD while searching for Aqua.

My theory on how it broke is with a battle against someone from the organization or he used his keyblade to defend mickey from some super secret special awesome attack...
Unfortunatly that was only in the secret ending :( its not like he uses it after that anyways.
And you are correct data Sora's leyblade was a fake :) . That being said I do believe that Malificent does indeed posess a level of power to be able to break a keyblade.

It doesn't even need to be someone from the Organisation, which I honestly would find to be also rather boring not to mention counter-productive to Xehanort's plans.
He wants more Keyblade Wielders around not less.

The possibility that Maleficent may be involved is higher than one might think on first glance, as when one goes down the line "Way to the Dawn" was originally created/forged using the Soul Eater-sword as a base and that same sword was granted to Riku by Maleficent in the first Kingdom Hearts.
Also possible is that it was Luxu, some of the Dandelions or even one of the Foretellers as we don't know who else is roaming around in the RoD.


How and why exactly Riku managed to acquire "Way to the Dawn" was also never really elaborated upon so there might be more to it still.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
I'm more curious as to how Riku can develop as a character. Maybe we'll see a different aspect of being a Keyblade Master.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Maybe that's exactly the point of it.
"Way to the Dawn" and that Keychain symbolize a certain period in Riku's life just like the Soul Eater originally did before he even got the "expansion" to "Way to the Dawn".
But Riku may have finished that journey by now and is symbolizing "Dawn", no more just the way to it, hence why he neither needs that particular Keyblade nor the Keychain anymore.

In DDD Riku certainly firmly states his allegiance to the light and rejects Ansem's offer to use the Darkness in order to save Sora:

Riku declares his heart as "part of the light", aka he went down the "Way to the Dawn" and now reached his destination, so technically speaking that Keyblade and Keychain no longer represent what he truly is.

It is not impossible that a Keyblade Wielder can eventually gain a different main Keyblade as we've already seen with the Kingdom Key which was originally meant for Riku, so him "hopping" to yet another different one (or forge an entirely new one from his own heart) is not too farfetched as "Way to the Dawn" might have been an interim solution all along.

Full agreement, that's also what I was thinking.
I understand people seeing him losing RtD as losing a part of himself (the part that made Riku "Riku" in their eyes), but to me it would be a nice finishing touch on his redemption arc.
Part of Riku's lesson in KH II and DDD was to let go of the past, and when he says Darkness still has a hold over him he materializes Soul Eater.
If well made and meaningful, I support his decision of leaving the whole thing here, keychain included.

His "other me" might be a metaphor for aqua because she trapped in darkness

And now all I can picture is Aqua saying "And now, Riku! It's time for the final union!"


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2008
If I recall correctly we had the case of a true Keyblade breaking in canon only once and that was after Ventus' final fight in BBS when his Wayward Wind shattered after destroying the proto-X-blade and damaging his heart (his Keyblade shattering during the Secret Ending of KH 2 Final Mix when Xehanort froze him isn't canon because in the actual battle happening in BBS his Keyblade doesn't break), yet Riku doesn't look or acts like his heart got damaged in that scene.

Xehanort once spoke of Keyblades being united with the hearts of their masters so there is theoretically the possibility that if a certain Keyblade is no longer bound to its masters heart it becomes possible to break it without any negative consequences to the heart itself.

Or we have an instance here of the prospect that has been often theorized by different folks here that in preparation for the next saga there exists a special weapon or ability that can break/destroy true Keyblades with Riku and Mickey running into a being capable of using this power in the RoD while searching for Aqua.

I completely forgot about the Wayward Wind scene, that's true. I didn't consider that.

It would make sense. If something isn't bound to you, and it takes damage, it wouldn't make any sort of sense if it still hurts you in any way. It seems like once you're a Keyblade wielder, if you come across a Keyblade that was recently used by somebody but the master in question is incapacitated in some form (or I suppose relinquishes ownership of that particular Keyblade), you'd be able to use said Keyblade. Eraqus was killed, and Aqua currently has ownership over his Keyblade. So maybe unless a Keyblade has a heart it's connected to, that Keyblade eventually becomes nonfunctional, like the ones in the Keyblade Graveyard - devoid of life. At least, that's essentially what Xehanort seems to be saying in that quote.

I think an antithesis for a Keyblade would be a pretty cool concept. Because from KH1, King Triton told us that Keyblades have the potential to bring ruin and shatter peace. I still to this day wonder how he knows that (or even moreso, how much he knows), but it wouldn't be a stretch to think that precautions and certain measures were taken to keep the Keyblade in check. Whether that's an ability or another special weapon type in itself, I'd say it's possible. Whatever happened in the RoD, something weird went down, because we're essentially taking a near-indestructible seemingly sentient incredibly powerful magical weapon, and breaking it. That can't be normal.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Full agreement, that's also what I was thinking.
I understand people seeing him losing RtD as losing a part of himself (the part that made Riku "Riku" in their eyes), but to me it would be a nice finishing touch on his redemption arc.
Part of Riku's lesson in KH II and DDD was to let go of the past, and when he says Darkness still has a hold over him he materializes Soul Eater.
If well made and meaningful, I support his decision of leaving the whole thing here, keychain included.
Correct, we certainly think alike in this topic.
For me it's less Riku "losing" a part of himself but more like his personal weapon now taking a shape that fits the destination of the journey his heart has made.
In KH 2 in one of the speech bubble statements Riku says this to Sora:
Not bad, Sora. You've grown stronger. You don't need my weapon, Soul Eater, or the power of the dark yet.

Note this being in TWTNW when he already has Way to the Dawn but that's not the main reason I brought this up.
Riku sees Soul Eater (and by extension WttD) as "his weapon" but also as a symbol of his divided allegiances/between-status, something that doesn't apply anymore after the last stretch of his own redemption journey in DDD.
The moment he can confidently say to Ansem the Wise "I'm Riku" he's firmly back there in alignment where he was as a child when both Terra and Aqua were drawn to Destiny Islands by his light.

Even the admittedly cringy worded assessment made by Kairi in 0.2. where she notices he has changed reflects this too.

I dunno why some people cling so stubbornly to the state of being Riku was in by the end of KH 2 when he has definitely moved past that state and is now not only a Keyblade Master but also fully completed his redemption arc, being now someone worthy to be called a "Guardian of Light".

And now all I can picture is Aqua saying "And now, Riku! It's time for the final union!"

Yea, and then a Dark Corridor opens with Master Xehanort stepping out and shouting "Quit stealing my lines, Blueberry-bitch!" towards Aqua.
One awkward moment later she and Riku immediately proceed to shotlock his ass back to Nortville while Mickey forgets this incident happened like 5 minutes later.

I completely forgot about the Wayward Wind scene, that's true. I didn't consider that.

It would make sense. If something isn't bound to you, and it takes damage, it wouldn't make any sort of sense if it still hurts you in any way. It seems like once you're a Keyblade wielder, if you come across a Keyblade that was recently used by somebody but the master in question is incapacitated in some form (or I suppose relinquishes ownership of that particular Keyblade), you'd be able to use said Keyblade. Eraqus was killed, and Aqua currently has ownership over his Keyblade. So maybe unless a Keyblade has a heart it's connected to, that Keyblade eventually becomes nonfunctional, like the ones in the Keyblade Graveyard - devoid of life. At least, that's essentially what Xehanort seems to be saying in that quote.

I think an antithesis for a Keyblade would be a pretty cool concept. Because from KH1, King Triton told us that Keyblades have the potential to bring ruin and shatter peace. I still to this day wonder how he knows that (or even moreso, how much he knows), but it wouldn't be a stretch to think that precautions and certain measures were taken to keep the Keyblade in check. Whether that's an ability or another special weapon type in itself, I'd say it's possible. Whatever happened in the RoD, something weird went down, because we're essentially taking a near-indestructible seemingly sentient incredibly powerful magical weapon, and breaking it. That can't be normal.

It's easy to miss because the Keyblade splinters into thousands of tiny light sparkles and most people are focused on Ventus' facial expression in that scene.
It's also different from what is shown in the Trailer with Way to the Dawn as this one is "only" missing a third of the tip (including the teeth).

It would at least explain how the Keyblade can get lasting damage without harming its designated owner as well.
The blades in the Keyblade Graveyard are explicitly stated to be "dead" and have no keychain anymore, but Way to the Dawn still has its keychain so the situation isn't exactly the same.
It is also possible that Riku was somehow negatively affected by WttD getting damaged but by the time that scene we see in the trailer happens he has already recuperated fully, most likely with Mickey's help who might have been able to help this time around directly.

That concept has been theorized more than once already so yea it is a pretty intriguing case, especially since besides King Triton Yen Sid in DDD states too that the Keyblade was in its very first original incarnations a weapon designed to "conquer the light" aka an "evil" purpose and that it was only after the Keyblade War that a group of surviving wielders decided to use it for good purposes instead.
Agreed, and it is so typical for Nomura to throw yet another mystery to the pile of already existing ones, lol.

I had the same thought, lol. The Fenrir look alike isn't terrible, but KKD seemed to make a lot more sense from a narrative standpoint.

Well, if we go by thematic sense I'd say another Keyblade that would fit Riku to a T as a replacement for WttD would be the Divewing from DDD:
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