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So you want a fight eh? -Challenge to Rem-

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New member
Mar 2, 2007
In Caterpiller LAAAAAAAND!
Alright, so after some long chats in the chat room we decided to have a battle so Rem this is a challenge to you.

Normal KHI rules apply, non-continum

Our setting is a abbandoned, ruined city on edge of the omniverse. Very dark, foreboding and whatnot.

I'll be using Count Video if you don't mind.

Name: Tristram Green

Title: Count Video(Most people know him by that and call him that)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Homeworld: Earth/The GOD System

Species: Immortal/Machine

Appearance: here

Personality: Count Video is an eccentric man with a thirst for knowledge that surpasses anything. He is dedicated to learn everything and anything about the omniverse and strives to be a master of science and magic. He does love to show off though and is very reserved, not getting along well at all with other people. He can be crude and humorless but underneath that is the genius lying in wait.

Special Abilities:

Binary Magic: Through his dedication to magic and some of the more insane areas of quantum physics, Count Video unlocked the Code for the omniverse. By using magic and the most advanced science man and gods will ever know, Video can, after coming in contact with, break down anything into its Code and them rewrite it completely changing it and how it works. Such as redirecting energies of magic attacks back onto the caster or changing solid objects into liquid. The magic is not strong enough however to change beings of great power because of their own power resisting the change.

Rewrite Magic: Even after Video had broken the Code he still searched for more knowledge and so he made a deal with a Transient Being, a physical incarnation of a abstract concept or ideal, known as the Engineer. For costs unimaginable he let the Egineer use Necrotechnology on him and implant sorcerous circuitry within him. Now Video is able to bring up energy screens which let him watch and meddle with alternate timelines. Using his magic Video can pull up various alternate timelines on his screens and copy the Code of different objects or beings onto his system. He can then rewrite reality and paste the Code of the object/being onto our timeline. He can then use the object/being to his advantage.

How it works:
Alright just really think of this as summoning things. Video takes an alternate timeline and copy and pastes someone or something into our reality. It could be a monster or some sort of weapon. He cannot change them in any way nor can he change people. He cannot see all of Time. He can see alternate timelines of what could be if we had made different choices and sometimes he might be able to see possible futures but he can only see the big picture and not the little stuff and can never pull anything out of the possible futures.

Clones: Due to his merger with the GOD System, Video has gained the ability to transfer his "mind" for a better lack of a word, into one of five other robotic Count Video bodies that are stationed in the core of the GOD System. Video's mind can only be in one body at a time and if all five are destroyed he must go back to the GOD System for a mew one to be built. A particular process which takes several weeks.


Blaster Gun: Standard blaster gun. Fires short to long range blasts of energy to damage the opponent.

The GOD System: Video can call down fire from the GOD System via a trans-dimensional hole or he can call the machine itself. Both of which can result in entire multiverses being destroyed.

Biography: Tristram Green was born to a poor family in London and lived a rather hard life. He was brilliant even as a child and earned many honors. As he got older though he wanted more and went abroad to learn all he could about the universe.

Little did he know that he would just come back to London.

After learning all he could and some he couldn't, Tristram came back to London and went to a place he had only dreamed about. A place called the nightside. This place was in London but yet not. It seemed to be a separate dimension and there were Beings of Power, Powers themselves and Dominations. One such power saw Tristram's thirst for knowledge and brought the man before him. For you see, Tristram had cracked the Code of the Omniverse and the Transient Being, The Engineer, wanted it so in exchange for how to learn the code. Tristram got everything he wanted, power and the ability to do magic beyond belief. After gaining his rewrite magic Tristram, now Count Video, learned of the whole existence of the omniverse and set out to explore and learn all he could of it.

So, after setting off to explore the omniverse, Video began to remove himself further and further from all realities. If he could accomplish this he could view all of the omniverse in its entirety and thus learn more about it. So he kept removing himself father and father from all realities until one day he came upon it, The GOD System. It was a machine with a system of vast power and influence. A device that was on the very level of that of manifests and the Gods themselves. This machine's sole existence was to record everything and anything of the omniverse. It existed outside of all realities and it was the silent observer in all things that happened. And it had noticed Tristram Green.

The machine noted him from the moment Video had entered its space. It contacted him and offered a deal. The machine needed an avatar in the omniverse to guide its movements and Video who had great power and the same goal as it fit perfectly. The deal was that if Video would merge with it, the machine would make him its avatar and give Video all of it's power and knowledge. Then Video would seek out knowledge from all of the omniverse and actively seek out battle to gain even more first-hand knowledge of the Beings of Power in the Omniverse.

So Video accepted and merged with the machine gaining all of its knowledge and power. Now, even if he is killed here he will still exist as long as the untouchable GOD System exists.

So now Video mostly explores the omniverse and watches the screens he conjures up to see everything. He is like a junkie on drugs flipping through possible realities and futures like channels in a television. It is where he got his title Count Video, for his power and his habit. Still, he is not one to mess with and is very powerful.

Theme Song: Fear - Disturbed

So yeah, maybe if everything goes well I'll actually get to finish a fight and maybe you'll even get me to bring out the GOD System. This is gonna be good.

Attack! Attack!

Darkest Hour
Apr 29, 2006
Seventh Void
Uh, this was going to take place after I'm done battling js and AoD, but I have a feeling it won't take long. So, uh, yeah, afterwards, this thing happens.

Attack! Attack!

Darkest Hour
Apr 29, 2006
Seventh Void
Uh, Armageddon reporting for duty sir.

Name: Armageddon

Age: Each of these divine beings came into existence, roughly 7,434 years ago.

Gender: Though, hard to tell, it is believed the being is a female.


Armageddon has quite pale skin, but to make up for her lack of color she has long, red, flowing hair. She wears a long blue robe, and carries a bow on her back. Yes, this being has a body, but like the others she has no mind, organs,etc. Her body is just a shell. The one thing that seperates her from the others is that she has blood, which is only controlled by her, a personal bond. Basically she is a pretty shell filled with blood. She has seven wings spread from her back, which are impossible to seperate from her shell. Sort of like Apocalypse and his flame.


Armageddon may regenerate at will, as long as there is one piece of DNA, or molecule, or just one piece of her in any form remaining, she can regenerate back to her original, full form.

Eternal Healing~

Her body, or 'shell' is constantly healing, allowing a constant use of power and disabling fatigue or permanent openings in the flesh. This meaning, wounds will close almost as soon as they are opened.

Holy Energy~

Holy Energy is kind of like an element. It can be manipulated and controlled physically and mentally through thought. It can be hardened and such, along with an assortment of other things. Anything that Holy Energy comes into contact with, is instantly, and completely destroyed down to the last cell.


Angel Shards~
Armageddon uses a bow as a weapon, and uses special kinds of arrows made completely of Holy Energy. The bow itself is made of Holy Energy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - -
Armageddon is resistant, and invincible to Holy Energy. Meaning Holy Energy does not effect her in any way, and cannot destroy or harm her.



Charachter Theme Song: Angels Cry - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

May have to edit to clear stuff up or add depth.

Also, I'm not lazy, the Bio is long and relates to something I'm working on.
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